Al, are you the king?

"That's right." Is it possible to become a king? "

A word from Lambda in the town of Biden.

Become a king.

The words made me feel asexual.

So I asked Ai first, saying that the law of the kingdom of the Orient did not specify how to be king.

Well, the Orient is a country where people with first-class citizenship run for Congress and are elected to choose it.

Because it was a country that was founded without the existence of a king, there was no reason to deliberately put together a method for becoming a king as a legal system.

Then ignore the law and call yourself king.

If you want to make a name for yourself, you can, and maybe you can.

But will the world acknowledge the one who suddenly said, "I am the king?"

You wouldn't normally think about it and admit it.

A fool who suddenly uttered a world slur.

It will end just by being perceived like that.

When that happens, no matter how much power you have, your surroundings won't follow.

I don't care about the ratings around me, but I don't want to ignore them.

Well, if you think like that from around you, you won't be able to govern properly.

Anyway, if I wanted to be a king, I wanted to be recognized as a king at least by the Bryan Magic Kingdom.

In short, all I want is backing.

When I name a king, it would be good if I had enough evidence to convince my surroundings that I am a king.

Such a thing would make it easier to govern, and it would also make it easier to gather troops.

That's why I talked to Elizabeth as someone close to me who seemed to know her like that.

Elizabeth herself is not a royal family, but she is the daughter of an aristocratic family called the Count, who belongs to a great country called the Brillian Magic Kingdom.

It is a famous family with a long history, and even a talented girl who has achieved excellent results in the noble house.

I thought she might have that kind of information.

"That's right. If Al-kun calls himself king, it's a question of whether or not he can be approved properly, right?"

That's right. I think it would be better if it was recognized both internally and externally.

"Sure, then it would be better if Al-kun suddenly stopped calling himself the king." There are many reasons for this, but simply put, it can be assumed that it will not be recognized by countries. Small countries alone may or may not be able to hold them back, but big countries cannot. Empires and sects will not call you king, including Brillia. "

I think so.

“However, if you follow certain steps, you may be able to get approval.”

Is there a way?

“Yes, basically from the point of view of the big countries, the small countries do not recognize each one of them as a country. Rather, due to its small size, it is a small territory in each region rather than a country. But it's different when you think about small countries as a whole."

"What?? What do you mean?"

“There have been a number of times in history when large countries have tried to incorporate small groups of countries into their own countries. However, it has not yet been done. Because small countries that are usually fighting each other have come together to resist. In other words, from outside the country, small countries are only small aristocratic territories, but as a group of united small countries, they can also be seen as quite powerful countries."

"I see. A small country is one country." People living in small countries seem angry when they hear it. "

"Maybe so." However, it is recognized by such a large country. "

"Hmm. So, what does Liz mean after all?"

“Let's paraphrase it so it's easy to understand. If Al-kun wants to acquire the status of official king, I think it is the best way to think of a small group of countries as one country, and crowned king in that country. Al-kun, who is from the country beyond the peak, has a very difficult time proving his bloodline. Therefore, it would be the best form to be chosen as the king who brings us together from each small country."

I somehow understood what Elizabeth wanted to say.

Don't let me call you king on my own.

In addition, it seems that all small countries themselves are too weak from the viewpoint of large countries.

In fact, the Brillia Magic Kingdom only recognizes its opponents, who are named as kings in a small country, to the same extent as its own knights and nobles.

But it's different when you look at the entire group of small countries.

The flood is abundant, but the earth is fertile, and the food is abundant, and the water abundant.

If such a ruler of the Kowloon Plain appeared, he would have to be recognized as a king.

And in order to do that, I must be elected as the king who will rule us from a small country.

In short, if each country in the group of small countries chooses to be their own king, it has to be recognized as a great country.

"Hmm. But in this case, it's more like an empire." There are many kings in a small group of countries. If you want them to admit to being their representatives, you might as well stand above them as a king rather than an emperor. ”

"Emperor, I see. You mean the king who can rule the king." Very well, then. Let's move on to become emperors. "

I can't prove my bloodline, I have no grounds to call myself king.

In order for me to be king, I need to be chosen by the entire nation as one who stands above us.

Otherwise they will not be recognized as kings by others.

But when that happens, it will also bring together a small country where there are people who call themselves kings.

A king standing on top of a king, it is in a sense close to the existence of an emperor.

To be king, to be emperor.

I'm not sure, but I came to that conclusion in discussions with Elizabeth.

Well, let's give it a try.

This is how my future policy was decided.

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