A ball of light floating in the sky.

A weak spirit with little attack.

Maybe because I crushed the ice absorbing stone with magic power and absorbed it, I succeeded in using the weakest ice spirits.

These people may not have the ability to fight on their own, like a wolf type, but that doesn't mean they can't do anything.

Because just having a glowing Ice Spirit absorbs and absorbs the cold that surrounds you, even if there is no ice absorbing stone.

Besides, you can also manipulate the surrounding snow by passing the magic power to the ice elves.

The snow on the ground was like an ice spear.

But that wasn't enough.

So I decided to get power from something else.

"Lambda, give me that."

"Is this it, Master Alphonse?" Yes, please. "

"Thank you."

Lambda came here with us from the town of Biden.

Receive what the lambda has in her hand.

It was something Benjamin was supposed to lose to the White Dragon, and I already owned it.

The core of a demonic weapon.

I received it from Lambda with a magic circle painted on a large spirit stone that I had acquired in Atmos.

The spirit stone was also infused with magical power.

Normally, a magic circle would be drawn, and it would become a rock giant in response to magic.

However, the magic energy inside ravaged the Spirit Stone.

Then, the power of the Spirit Stone in it is absorbed in the same way as the Ice Absorbing Stone.

Is this the Earth Essence?

The spirit that would have been in the spirit stone by the overwhelmingly dense magic power was finely crushed and taken into his body, and it was manifested.

Looking at the spirits, the ice spirit was a little bluish, but it became a light earthy or brownish light ball.

I wonder if it's the Earth Spirit.

With this, you might be able to freely transform the ground and build a massive fortress in a day like Brother Arthur did.

But this isn't enough.

One more thing, this time I took out something from my magic bag that seemed to contain spirits.

What is that, Master Alphonse?

"I see, I've never seen Lambda before." Well, if you look at it, you'll see. "

What I took out was a flame ore.

Lassen's prison cauldron in the Land of the Orients.

An ore unavailable anywhere else, brought by the Norn from deep beneath the cracks of the earth where superheated temperatures emanate.

This flame ore is used to make the Nine-tailed Sword, which can react to magic and create a flame sword.

Alternatively, furnaces made from flame ore can produce much higher temperatures than normal.

I poured my magic power into such a flame ore and absorbed the power into my body from within.

Is this the Fire Spirit?

Looks like it worked.

There must have been a spirit in this flame ore as well.

The weakest spirit taken from the flame ore.

A slightly reddish ball of light, unlike the Ice and Earth Essence, is now mine.

You have successfully acquired fire, or fire spirit, which is the Spirit of Fire.

Could it be that I could use the spirits of three attributes?

"Lambda, you got me, too."

"Well, this is it." Please be careful, it's heavy. "

“It's okay, I'm more powerful than Lambda.”

"Ah, I see. Master Alphonse is a child, but he is very powerful." Yes, please. "

And now that I have such a tri-class spirit, I have received a King Demon Guard from Lambda.

It was a monster that Benjamin had taken from the labyrinth of Brillia.

And Benjamin, while he served him, let the spirit be taken in by his body.

At that time, there were two attributes: soil and ice.

Then, the royal demonic armor soldier who acquired the power of those two spirits controlled the demonic weapon and fought against the white dragon instead of Benjamin as an artificial higher spirit.

Right now, the king's demon outfit was losing its strength.

It was originally classified as a monster, but it didn't move like it was dead.

Maybe magic power replenishment is constantly being used in the magic labyrinth in an environment filled with magic power by the labyrinth core.

Maybe it was taken out of the labyrinth, so they lost their magic power and were unable to move independently.

However, Benjamin was working until just now, so it shouldn't have stopped working completely.

I was actually fighting a white dragon with a demonic weapon made of soil and ice, so it wasn't damaged.

When I sent my magic power to such a demonic weapon, it moved like my body reacted.

However, it sends more magic power inside before it's fully activated.

Like when I turned it into ice absorbing stone, spirit stone, and flame ore, my magic power was ravaging the royal demon army, chewing and sucking blood.

I feel more resistance than I did when I was talking about stones.

I wonder if it was because it was a demon called a demonic soldier.

Even though it didn't move until just now, this guy may also have an ego.

However, I understood as I tried to use my magic power to hold down the resistance.

Either way, as shown thoroughly, the difference in power was shown, and the comparison of magic power was carried out in the body of the royal demon outfit to make them pledge allegiance.

"Yes, it's a success."

I was the one who won the battle.

He was a royal demonic guardsman who was trembling and resisting, but his body finally stopped convulsing.

So, next, get up in a buckle and bow your head to me while kneeling on one knee.

An armor monster made of a special metal called scarlet scarlet gold.

I sent spirits with three attributes floating in the sky around me to this royal demonic outfit that swore loyalty to me.

As a result, the king class demonic guards once again gained the power of spirits.

Thus, having gained power from Benjamin's blood, I succeeded in using a high-ranking spirited demonic outfit with three classes of power.

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