
Until then, the white dragon had been sleeping in the dwelling place of the white dragon.

The white dragon awoke.

Until then, the eyes that were closed glowed.

However, after that, I opened my mouth wide and showed a few sharp fangs, and the voice came out was very carefree.

They were looking at Benjamin and the royal demonic guards standing by him.

However, it feels like there is no murderous intent or enemies.

Perhaps you're only aware of the presence of the white dragon.

It may seem like humans don't care that much when a small creature enters their sight.

However, a white dragon appeared that could not be ignored.

It was a demonic weapon.

Benjamin used the same magic bag as the king's demonic armor and took out the spirit stone with his hands again.

The spirit stone must have been extracted in the city of Atmos.

And there was a magic circle in there that was specially drawn by Brillia, which greatly changed its shape.

Three meters tall rock giants showed up.

Is that booby trap useful?

"It's a demonic weapon." I don't know. Maybe you're going to use it as a shield. "

We're watching from a distance.

Looking at Benjamin's magic weapon, a rock giant, Norn said something like that.

Of course, it's big, but it doesn't move so fast.

If I were to fight the dragons, I might be a bit embarrassed.

But that doesn't mean it's useless.

What do you mean, that demonic weapon has become a driving force in defeating the Atmos fighters and taking over the land of Atmos?

I've heard that the size is inferior to the giant Atmos warriors, but the ability to repair them is a nuisance.

A giant made of rocks that can be repaired by a rock that falls nearby, even if the rock is broken by a blow, thanks to the magic circle painted on the Spirit Stone.

To do this, you must destroy the core Spirit Stone or defeat the user who is sending magic power to the Spirit Stone.

It would be a very powerful shield in that sense.

After all, the royal family has a demonic weapon.

Benjamin had already deployed more than a dozen demonic weaponry.

That's all I can do if I want to destroy a few small nations in a small group of countries.


And the white dragon who saw it woke up.

As expected, a rock giant of eight meters in length and three meters in height may not be ignored.

It would be surprising if you were as tall as you were, if you thought it was an insect.

They're attacking us.

Then, the white dragon immediately attacked.

I switched my judgment to deal with the opponent in front of me from a state of awake that seemed to yawn until then.

I stood firmly on my four legs while lying down and exhaled while supporting my body.

She opened her big mouth full of sharp fangs and exhaled a white glowing breath from it.

"Come on. This is how cold it gets."

The glowing breath caused the ambient temperature to drop sharply.

This is impossible.

Due to the large amount of ice absorbing stones in the residence of the white dragon, it was hardly cold even in a heavy snowstorm.

Besides, I have a small, ice-absorbing stone at hand.

Therefore, even though it can't feel cold in this place, I feel the sudden change in temperature all over my body.

That was probably why the breath of the white dragon was so cold.

"... he's dead, isn't he?"

And if we feel so cold here, maybe Benjamin, who is closer to the White Dragon, is frozen.

That's how I put it.

I wonder if Ian feels the same way.

He stares at the edge of his pale sight with a serious face.

“No, I'm alive.”

But it was Aye who denied it.

Originally, Ai, who manipulates the power of the gods and small magic weapons, had a different way of obtaining information from the surrounding humans.

Even in a world that turned white with the breath of a white dragon, I could see it without any problems.

And Ai was right.

My sight was quickly restored, and Benjamin stood there.

It doesn't freeze, it's very normal.

However, the situation around Benjamin was changing.

"Oh, what is it?" Are you the Ice Giant? "

"... a magic weapon shouldn't have that kind of function." In other words, maybe that's the ability of a royal demon outfit with two kinds of spirits in it. "

Rock giants stood in front of Benjamin to catch the breath of the white dragon.

The demonic weapon was changing.

It was frozen by the breath of the white dragon.

There is thick ice on the rock.

But it wasn't just frozen.

Because the demonic weapon was still in motion.

Could it be a giant wrapped in ice armor over a rocky body?

Or maybe it's just the Ice Giant.

With the addition of ice thickness, the demonic weapon was moving normally, no matter how big it was.

Obviously, it wasn't just a demonic weapon.

This was probably the power of the royal demon army that had the spirit absorbed.

Could such a thing have been made possible by using the spirits of the two attributes?

So maybe that ice body also has auto-repair.

An icy body that can heal no matter how much it is damaged by the white dragon's attack.

I guess this was Benjamin's power to fight powerful monsters on this mound.

Maybe we can win this.

When I saw the Rock and Ice Giant, I changed my mind.

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