"... it's so far away." This Valkyrie horse leg is going to take this long. "

"The peak is called the Great Snow Mountains in the way I was born." Mt. Daisuke, with its many mountains, is vast. It should take more time to get over here completely. ”

Well, if it wasn't for that, someone would have discovered the world beyond the mound.

I wonder if it's been another ten days since I got into Mt. Daisetsu and collected the Ice Absorbing Stone.

Go to the White Dragon.

That's why you didn't expect to spend that many days on the move.

And it came to pass, when Benjamin said that he was far off, that he saw others nodding.

Lambda, who was fine at first, was already exhausted.

After all, being attacked by monsters again and again while moving around the world on the white side was mentally challenging.

The number of mouths has also decreased considerably.

However, I think this is quite appropriate.

I rely on the Valkyrie to get me around, and Norn and Ai's small magic weapon will keep me alert when I go to bed at night.

However, Tanathos, Ian's hometown, and Gran from the Orient, have crossed this too harsh environment.

Even if they did not return to their homeland to tell the world ahead of the mausoleum, there are people who have crossed these mountains to the west in history.

I think I could have done such a thing.

How lucky can we be to break through this snow?

I can't help but think that you made it.

How much further to the White Dragon?

"Almost there, Master Alphonse." Can you see that mountain? There are countless iceblocks beyond that point. That's where the white dragon lives. "

"There it is. That means the next two or three days." It's almost time.

The leading small magic weapon told me so, and everyone's faces rose and looked forward.

I look at the mountain with my fingers.

Considering the travel speed so far, it's a little bit more.


The whole atmosphere that had been bustling up until then became very lively when I knew that I could reach my destination in just a few moments.

“What do you think? You must have been tired from traveling this far for so long. Would you like to eat a luxurious meal to refine in front of the residence of the white dragon?"

"That's a good idea. You'll also need to thank me for guiding you so far. I'll buy it. We also provide ingredients and alcohol from our bags, so please enjoy it with everyone."

"Thank you. Hey, you guys, it's from His Highness Benjamin." You have to thank me. "

When I said that, Lambda and the mercenaries began to thank me one after another.

I must have been very happy because there were so many simple meals so far.

Everyone thanked him out loud, and it seemed that he had summoned the monsters around him.

However, if you don't do it before the feast, you'll be defeated.

That day, the royal family ate a sumptuous meal made from ingredients that the royal family used in their mouths.

The day before, I ate and slept with everyone.

Then, the next morning after one night, we started moving again.

Until then, there was basically a heavy snowstorm.

It was always snowing, sight was getting worse, and the wind was blowing along the way.

That doesn't change even now.

But the cold was slowly settling down at a certain point.

"Probably entered the residence of the white dragon." There is a lot of ice absorbing stone, so whether it snows or the wind blows, I don't feel the cold at all. "

"Huh. Al's ice absorbing stone made the cold better before we got here, but it's totally different." It even feels like spring in the sun. ”

"That's all, there's ice absorbing stone ahead, right?" It may be an easy environment for dragons to live in. Anyway, would you go scouting, Norn? "

All right, we just need to find out where the dragon is, okay?

"Yes, you don't have to fight." Please come back as soon as you find me. "

Alright, let's go then.

There were already white dragons in front of my eyes and nose.

Because I know that, I decided to take a safety precaution.

Let the Norn go ahead and see how it goes.

Is the white dragon still here?

And the only thing left was the white dragon.

Scout for that with the bloodthirsty soldier Norn.

Norn, who asked for such an important job, came home safely after a while.

The nearest Norn will report what she has seen.

"There he is. He's a monster, isn't he?" Just one of them slept on a clear stone. "

"Are you asleep? It might be convenient for you. Alright, show me around, Norn. Mercenaries are waiting here. Me, Ian, and Ben. Isn't that great, Ben?"

"Of course, it's convenient to be asleep." We might be able to target the defenseless. "

"That's right, if you're asleep, just knock it down quickly."

It was strange to fight the dragon properly.

If the opponent is asleep, aim for it.

I don't think that choice is wrong.

If the opponent was a strong monster, it would be quite natural.

While thinking like that, there was a white dragon following Norn.

When I saw him, I forgot to breathe.

Not because the white dragon was strong.

Because it was beautiful, not like that.

A dragon lying on a rock that has grown from the ground.

The body was white as pure white, but the flesh seemed to have very supple muscles and full of life.

Also, magic power was quite different.

I could not compare the monsters I had encountered along the way so far, and my body was full of magic power.

The figure looked like a living jewel.

It has a crystal clear body, and its body length is over eight meters from the tip of the head to the tail, and it has a thin winged membrane on its back.

My gaze was clinging to the shape of a white dragon.

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