"I need you to guide me. Let's go."

When I say that, the Red Knight rides on the Valkyrie and drifts over the snow.

This red knight is not a fresh-blooded Norn soldier.

It was another terminal with a red metal armor that depicted the Auto-Adjust magic circle on a small magic weapon built with Spirit Stones.

As Elizabeth told me, one of the things Benjamin came all the way to me for was to explore our information.

Therefore, I could not allow Ai, the chairman of the Orient Council, to accompany me to a place where only Ai knew the white dragon that lived on the mausoleum.

Eye, a lavish-looking woman, would normally act together in an unusual scene.

So, as a guide, I was led as a soldier in red armor.

By the way, the Fresh Blood Soldier Norn, created using the Magic Labyrinth's Magic Stone, was also acting together.

Each of them spreads out a few of them around to keep them alert, but the Norns are more interested and jumpy.

I think that in a sense, despite wearing the same red armor, each of the contents can be made to look like someone else.

"Ah, Master Alphonse. Are you sure you want to go through this blizzard?" You're going to die, this is it. Can't you wait a few more days? "

"No, it doesn't matter if it's a snowstorm ahead or not, because it's extremely cold." I mean, if you say that much, you don't have to follow me, Lambda. "

"Ugh. I'd be embarrassed to hear that." "I'm the one who said I wanted to keep up..." Ok, I won't complain anymore, so let me give it to you. ”

"Are you sure? Even if I say I want to go home on the way, I can't go back?" And since there are monsters out there, I don't even know if I'm dead. "

Ugh. It's okay.

As soon as I left Biden, Lambda said this next to me.

I suddenly said that I was going to follow him, so I decided to take him with me, but I chose to be careful because it was a blizzard.

That is an ordinary opinion in itself.

It was a madness to go through a blizzard so hard that I couldn't see it in front of me on a snowy mountain.

But we kept moving without any pain.

One of the things that made that possible was that I had ice absorbing stones.

It's not big enough to be a statue, so it only works in the nearby area, but it still sucks out the cold.

Therefore, the snow from the blizzard hits the body with the wind, but I don't feel any wonder or cold.

However, if you look at the lambda that lives around here, your body will tremble just by seeing the snowstorm.

Perhaps it was a sensation stained by the body, and even within the range of effect of the icestone, I was rubbing my arm against the palm of my hand while spanning the back of the Valkyrie.

Incidentally, the Valkyrie is not the only one who can move through the snowstorms.

The Valkyrie, or Valkyrie, is resistant to both cold and heat.

Even without the ice absorbing stone, I thought I could withstand the peak's environment.

The Valkyries were moving with their armored eyes at the head of their riding.

We walked through the blizzard on our own.

"Here we go, Alphonse."

However, there are still two major elements in this mausoleum: the Ice Absorbing Stone and the Valkyrie.

It was in that monsters appeared.

As I was moving through the blizzard, I heard Norn's voice.

And the next moment, a block of ice flies in front of you.

"Hey! What's that?!"

"It's an ice bear." It was a monster that unleashed icy magic from its mouth. Even if you get close, your sharp claws will tear you apart, so be careful, Lambda. "

"Ah, that's the way we're going from our town. Do you live there?" Hee, should I move in? "

I'll shield that ice chunk back.

It's a shield that I started using recently, but I didn't just play the ice chunk with my strength.

I used sorcery.

It was a magic spell that I decided to call the [Counter-Shield], which I had taken away with my blood.

It was the worst magic for me, but it didn't look so good for this Ice Bear.

The Counter-Shield activates when the target hits, but the ranged ice mass cannot damage the target.

Instead, I didn't need the strength to play the ice mass that was supposed to be heavy because it had the effect of reacting to magic power.

Can it be used as a defensive technique against ranged attacks that cannot be countered?

I tried to deal with the monsters while verifying the effects of the magic I had.

"That's right. I'm used to dealing with monsters too." It's a good trick, isn't it? "

I prevented the Ice Bear from attacking, so Norn, Eye, and the other mercenaries quickly approached and took care of it.

Seeing that, Benjamin exclaimed with admiration.

We exposed the monsters until we reached the White Dragon.

Although I told them that, it was normal for them to be surprised like Lambda if a monster actually appeared and attacked me.

But without even being surprised, he seemed to be observing how we fought.

There's plenty of room.

The prince, who had a completely different reaction than Lambda, was taken around in the blizzard.

After traveling through the snow and the wind for a few days, we finally reached a point where an ice-absorbing stone could be found.

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