Defeat the dragon? Are you insane, Alphonse?

"Is it that dangerous, Ian?" To defeat a dragon? "

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I confronted something called a dragon directly." I'm just listening to you. Tanathos fought an immortal called the Bone Dragon. "

Yeah. Right. Brother Arth and Brother Kyle, and Tanathos fought the undead dragons, I guess.

"That's right. I heard that Tanathos' Ruki Dragon Club was made from that material." It was a fine weapon. We Atmos warriors are not very interested in weapons, except for that one. Everyone was attracted to that Ruyi dragon stick. "

Just before we left, I spoke to Ian.

When I took the Prince of Brillia to the Holy Mountain and told Ian that I would see to it that the White Dragon was eliminated, I was immediately returned like that.

I don't think it's sane to fight a dragon.

The reason for this was that Ian was told by Tanathos about the fight against the Immortal Bone Dragon.

"Only a dragon without flesh and bones." Compared to the original dragon, it is believed that its power is reduced. But even so, Tanatos couldn't win with his strength. I've heard that even without the trait of being immortal, you were a strong enemy. "

"No, that's right." In other words, even Ian and Tanatos can't beat a white dragon with immortalized flesh. "

"First of all, I'm sure it's true." In the first place, I don't think humans are the right opponents to fight. At the very least, Alphonse won't be able to defeat that monster that came out of Atmos. "

A monster in the land of Atmos.

That would be a very large earthen ground.

While moving through the soil, it appears as if it jumps out from under the ground.

It looked like a worm-shaped monster that didn't resemble a dragon.

Originally, it was a monster with a large body, but that's why a super-sized individual appeared and was in Atmos.

Thanks to it, it was difficult even to get close to the town of Atmos.

Of course, if I can't defeat that mega-soil, I may not be able to defeat the dragon.

"But if you say that, Ben will do the same." I hadn't heard that the Brillian Mage had taken back the land of Atmos, and that monster must have been left behind. Shit, I feel like just knocking it down is enough, though. "

Even if the size of the soil is too small, it feels perfect as a feat to defeat monsters.

But it looks like a big worm.

Many people may feel uncomfortable taking that remains home with them, even if they are surprised.

In that case, the monster fur that can be activated in Mt. Daisuke might be more highly regarded.

However, if you believe Ian's words that the dragon is so dangerous, then Brother Arthur who defeated it multiple times is amazing.

Not only the Undead Bone Dragon, but also the Sky Dragon.

In that sense, I had to be able to defeat the dragon.

"Well, Ben's the one who's going to fight this time." If I'm in danger, I'll run. "

He's a good guy. He looks strong indeed.

Does Ian know how strong Ben is?

"No, I can't tell you how much power I have." But most people who can hide their power are strong. He's probably one of those people, too. "

"Well, you're not going to be weak." Anyway, what about Ian? Are you coming with me? "

"Of course. I can't wait here to hear such an interesting story." I'm coming, Alphonse. "

"After all, you're losing your mind, Ian." Don't complain if you die. "

It was a sudden trip to the mausoleum, but by narrowing down the number of people accompanying me, I was ready to go.

Benjamin, the main protagonist, and the people who followed him to take care of him from the Brillian Empire.

And me, Ian, and the Vulcan mercenaries.

All the mercenaries accompanying you this time are from variants, so it won't be too hard to go into the mountains.

Incidentally, the food is packed in magic bags and is abundant enough to survive in distress.

After all, this bag is a must when you're going away.

By the way, Ben has a magic bag, too.

"Oh, this is it. It's a treasure that my beloved sister Charlotte brought to the royal family." Excellent work. Of course, it can also function as a magic bag, but even if it's not, it's just made by master craftsman Gran. That's enough value for a bag. "

“Does Ben know Glenn?”

"Originally, my father, the Mage King, liked Grand's work." Because of that, I used to look at the work. I never imagined that he, who thought he was dead, was creating such a thing in the country beyond the mound. I wonder if you're doing well. "

"I think you're doing well. Besides, you're all set. Now, shall we go? To the peak where the white dragon lives."

We're all set.

Magic Bags and Ice Absorbing Stones.

Thanks to this, you can enter the mountain peaks in the middle of winter.

I rode the Valkyrie and took Ben to the mausoleum.

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