"You're tired, Elvis. It's terrible, but are you okay?"

"Thank you, Master Alphonse." Nothing like this, I'm fine. ”

"No, I'll use Healing for now." It looks like Elvis himself was using Healing , but it probably hasn't healed properly. "

He came to Elvis, who was fighting against the Glugalia Bow Cavalry, and together we were able to defeat many of the cavalry.

After deciding that this would be fine for the time being, I spoke to Elvis again.

Elvis still had many arrows in his body.

The arrows stabbed over and over again, and Elvis' body was worn out as he pulled it out or continued the fight using Heal .

The Berserkers might have been able to inspire allies around them, but I didn't think I could leave them alone.

I will touch Elvis' body and activate the [Recovery] so that there are no strange sequelae left.

I used magic, and Elvis' body was rid of every scratch.

I felt like I had returned to a good state after seeing the movement of my body that had gone a little crazy.

Even so, the armor filled with holes was a reminder of the aftermath of the fierce battle, but it was flat on its own.

"Master Alphonse is more important than me. Are you alright? I could not cover myself because the Archers were blocking me, and I could see a tremendous noise and I was falling down..."

"It's okay. Well, I can't say that I have no problem with my clothes, my armor, and my magic bag." It's a huge loss. "

"A magic bag? I'm sorry." I haven't noticed until now, but you certainly don't have a bag on your waist all the time. Is it broken? "

"Yeah. There was a strong guy in Peria too." It's the worst compatibility with me. It was blown up, and then it was broken. "

"Then please use this Elvis bag." Everything I have is for the benefit of Lord Alphonse. I want you to use it. "

"Are you sure? The magic bag is precious." Since I can't go back to the Sky Kingdom, I might never get it again. "

“That's fine, use it.”

The magic bag I lost.

And Elvis insists on giving him his share to make up for it.

Is it okay?

Although my capacity is large, it was a magic bag that felt very solid and rigid without any particular workmanship on the surface of the bag's leather.

But Elvis' is different.

On the surface, the artisans of the sky kingdom painted a pattern with their designs, and even the insignia of the Barca family.

It was a dish that was given directly to me by Brother Arth.

He says he'll give it to me.

I thought about what to do, but I decided to accept the offer.

Elvis is telling me this, so I thought it would be nice to refuse.

However, I decided not to take the magic bag with me to battle in the future.

It would be too much of a waste if it broke.

Is that okay? Magic bags that can transport massive amounts of food, weapons, etc., are useful. "

“Fine. It's probably better to have a strategy that relies on things we can't prepare ourselves. So, I think I'll use Elvis' magic bag for research."

For research, is that it?

"Yes, the magic bag is made of Valkyrie leather and transfer stones." I made it by [synthesizing] it. But maybe there's another way to make it, right? Even without the transfer stone and [Synthesis], I thought I could make a large bag in the magic circle. I think I'll use it for that research. "

“I see. I think that's a good idea.”

I don't know if I can do that in the magic circle, but I can do a lot of things with magic, and it's not impossible.

I don't know if the research will work at all, but for the time being I decided to do so with the magic bag.

"So, that's it for the bags, it's about the Peliatan and the Glugalian countries."

"Yes, both have committed unforgivable sins." They deserve justice. ”

"Yeah. That's right. But I've already hurt a lot about Peria. With 5,000 soldiers down and sucking blood, the nation should be quite strong. So I'll leave the rest of Peria to Karen. And I'm going to focus on Glugaria."

Karen? Is that Karen?

"Ah. Guido Purge, who was using the [Black Dead Butterfly], was once one of the biggest towns in Peria." So Karen, who is related to the Purge family, will still be a man of some influence in this country. That's why I'm thinking of leaving this country to Karen and her husband, Kiku. "

I used to fight the Purge City and defeat the [Black Dead Butterfly].

By that time, Guido was an elderly old man, and the real ruler of the city was Guido's grandson, Graham Purge.

When Guido and Graham and the rest of the Purge family were defeated one after the other, only one survived as a Purge girl named Karen.

I thought that Karen might be of some use, so I brought her back to New Vulca.

Karen was to marry Kiku, but until then, she was still taking Ai classes in New Barca.

In addition to all the knowledge, you must have been taught about governance.

This was also intended to send Karen in when the Purge City rebelled against us, but this time we decided to use it in Peria instead of the Purge City.

I've been studying Kiku, and if anyone wants to study together, I'll take them to Peria.

In short, we will let the pro-Balkan forces rule the same way we do in the city of Purge.

And I'm going to turn my back on the grief and concentrate my efforts on the Glugalian nation.

I contacted Kiku in New Barca with a magic comms device to settle the Archery Nation that I have fought so many times, and immediately decided to bring Karen to Peria with me.

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