That's a shame. This isn't refreshing at all.

You defeated Gilbert.

The one who was hunting down the Barca Mercenaries who led Peria's army and lured them out.

Until recently, the Peria Army, who was the leader of the mercenary regiment and was pleased to have defeated me, the Secretary of Defense and Defender of the Orient, has now turned and calmed down.

There was a hole in her body that looked like a thorn in her body, and she couldn't do anything when she saw the man who had sucked blood out of it.

But I didn't feel any better when I saw Gilbert.

It was true that the super valuable and precious equipment called the magic bag had been destroyed, and the way to defeat it was the same.

I won, but I didn't feel like I was fighting.

After all, it's not a tactic to fight with weapons or use your head, it's not fun to just defeat them unilaterally.

Gather around, Norns.

Because the surroundings are quiet, my voice often passes.

After a word, I could tell that tension was running from the Peria army around me.

These red cavalrymen are gathering with me because they don't care about the Peria army at all.

I touched these Norns, which were the driving force behind Gilbert's defeat, with my hands and took them into my body.

"... hmm. Well, I don't know."

Retrieving blood from Norns who were acting independently as cavalry replenishes the blood lost by Counter-Shield .

But this isn't enough.

Blood gathered when defeated by attacks from five surrounding countries had been lost quite a bit.

In this battle with Gilbert, blood blew out from the demon sword and armor, and it also had something to do with sending Norn into the [Rassen's Prison Flame Cauldron].

At that time, too, the Norns dived into the super-hot ground and vaporized quite a lot of blood.

That's why I want more blood.

I was hungry for blood.

“Tell the Barca Mercenaries. Destroy the Peria army. Whoever is here, let them go and take their blood."

I couldn't help but beat Gilbert.

That's why we're flying the mercenaries.

I put magic power on my voice to [intimidate] in all directions, and I knew my will.

I told my allies and my enemies what I was going to do.

Destroy all Peria's troops here.

Just like Gilbert, he proclaimed a future in which he would be squeezed to death by a drop of blood like a rag.

This completely disrupted the morale of Peria's troops.

The Knights in the HQ, including those present here, leave Gilbert's body behind and try to escape.

I tried to fight back, but I could see the mist of blood, and I thought I couldn't handle it.

I start by trying to escape into the city inside the walls.

But it's not that easy to escape.

Because just before Gilbert and I fought, the Valkyrie surrounded the Honjin area with walls.

Soldiers from Peria's main army came in to escape so they wouldn't suck blood from the gap between the wall and the wall.

That's where we put our onslaught.

It was easy to attack because I was turning my back to escape.

I was expanding the results of the battle.

Still, some escaped through the gap in the wall.

The soldiers of the Peria army outside the enclosure were stunned by the appearance.

Just now, when Gilbert proudly declared that he had defeated me, he heard painful screams and screams, and then he was sentenced to death.

I don't know what it is, but I think I understand that it is not a good thing.

And even the knights, who seemed to be actually powerful people in this field, were desperate to escape.

Five thousand Pelian troops were thus completely disordered.

Understanding that we have lost, each of us escapes.

"Send a message to the Purge army." Use Wall Construction to keep the escapees at bay. The Valkyrie will help him with that too. "

For now, watch out for the Purge army before they escape.

It was dangerous for Peria's soldiers to come running like an avalanche.

I used a magic communicator to tell them to use Wall Construction well so that the Purge Army would not be damaged.

With my mercenaries on the loose, it will be passed on to those who command the Purge forces.

We'll also need the Valkyrie to help us with that.

Apparently, our instructions have worked.

Well, it looks like the Purge Army is pretty well controlled.

There were not many thousands, but it seemed that there was not much damage.

And as soon as I give you my orders, I'll build a wall to stop the fleeing Peria army.

It stopped the Peria soldiers from trying to escape.

That's where we're going to launch more pursuits.

I am a demon sword, and the Barca Mercenary Group sucks blood out of my palms as they defeat their enemies.

Each time, it gradually increases in strength.

It was said that if there was dust, it would be a mountain.

Although it's more efficient to defeat a knight and suck blood, sucking blood from every soldier in the area is also getting stronger step by step.

Let the blood here feed the Barca Mercenaries without wasting a drop.

Thus, we attacked the defeated Peria army and sucked its blood away.

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