There are about 5,000 of them in the Peria army.

I was finally able to get to the center of it.

Each of the six 80 or so mercenary units meets in front of the Peria faction even though they are somewhat reduced in number.

The Purge Army, which started its assault from further behind the Perrier Corps that followed us, appears to be continuing its battle.

However, there are a few thousand of them, and since there are not many strong people, you can't expect to come here with a feeling of pushing or pulling.

What happened to the Glugalia soldiers who attacked us with their bows when they entered Peria's army? Elvis was attacking you.

Elvis was attacking Peria's bait army, but he's also one of the commanders with the magic comms.

Now that we know what we're doing, we know what Hale and the others are after.

That's why you're turning back and dealing with it.

Originally, the Peria army was supposed to attract Elvis back, but we can't do that.

Because there are mercenaries coming out of the Barca Church.

With the high walls surrounding the site and the small number of mercenaries that had been hiding in it, Peria's army was partially captured.

That's why we can't turn back and stop Elvis heading for the Glugalia.

That's why we're in a very mixed situation here, but what I have to do is much clearer.

Knocking down the Peria faction in front of me would break their equilibrium all at once.

To do that, we have only a short showdown.

Deals a decisive blow to turn the situation around before the opponent recovers from confusion.

We needed to defeat their Commander-in-Chief at all costs.

"Valkyrie, please."


I jumped out of the Valkyrie I was riding in when I was about the size of a little giant.

In response, the Valkyrie rang to reply.

A Valkyrie wrapped in the same red armor as me ran away from me.

Peria's soldiers are wary of what it means, and they don't move.

The Valkyrie did her job because the other party's response was so delayed.

The wall.

Unlike humans, Valkyrie has four legs on the ground.

I named the Valkyrie, and unlike the Valkyrie, I didn't cut the horns.

In other words, magic can be used.

A Valkyrie that uses Wall Construction magic to grow walls on the ground while running many times.

Blood armor is wrapped around me like a muscle, so it runs faster than usual.

As I went around the Peria army, I grew the number of walls one after another.

"Seize the knights around you." I'll slap the opponent in the head. "

It was a battlefield.

Don't let any more distractions get in your way.

The Valkyrie has arranged for us to focus only on the Commander-in-Chief in the mainland.

Then I will order the mercenaries who have reached this point.

I gave orders mercilessly to mercenaries who would have been wounded and drained of their health by the time they got here.

No matter how hard you try, you'll have to listen to my orders.

In the first place, no one thinks that they can get into the middle of this enemy space and flee with all due respect.

There is no way to survive but to win here.

Therefore, the mercenaries were energized in their eyes and galvanized their fighting spirit.

The red cavalry bursts into the horsemen, followed by the mercenaries as they set off to defend the Commander-in-Chief.

I made my way to the Commander-in-Chief.

Instead of riding on the Valkyrie, I ran with my legs and swung down my magic sword.


I won't let you.

My attack swung down from the upper section with a flash of excitement.

The man tries to prevent it with his shield.

By the looks of it, it's just a shield that doesn't have any singularity.

It's made of metal, but it's not big enough to cover the whole body, but it feels like a shield to use when fighting with a sword, and it can be handled with one hand.

If it's just an iron shield that's not Vulcan steel, a magic sword with magic power will tear it apart.

That's what I thought.

But I didn't like it just before the sword hit me.

I don't know what it is.

However, I may have been able to react quickly because I was training to handle the flow of magic power.

Sends magic power to the muscles of each part of the body to increase physical abilities for use in attacks.

Furthermore, the magic power was also being infused into the demon sword for the purpose of attack.

However, I wanted to be able to sense the movement of the opponent in detail and improve my vision so that I could attack with optimal movement.

With the flow of magic power, it can be said that it is a habit to strengthen your eyes with magic power even before an attack that can be done unconsciously.

That must have led to this reaction.

What I felt just before the demon sword attack was that the opponent also activated their magic power.

I don't know what position this man holds in Peria, but as I said before, he was born into a historic family.

However, it seems that he did not take command of the army with his hooves on.

He wasn't just a man with a lot of magic power.

Unlike the rest of them, I guess they were also well trained in the treatment of magic power.

Since birth, he has not been able to follow his surroundings by relying solely on his own self, but he has also made unrelenting efforts.

So instead of using my magic power only to strengthen my body, I poured it into my shield and tried to prevent our attack.

It could be sorcery.

Here, in the east, there is no aristocratic family with magic unlike the Fontana United Kingdom.

But instead, there was a sorcerer.

It was also like the [Meteor] user, the [Black Death Butterfly] user, or [Divination] like Theon.

A mysterious spell that an individual performs with their forged magic.

A secret trump card that is not activated by uttering words like magic, but only by manipulating magic power.

He had it, too.

That's why they attacked the Barca Church and took action to destroy me.

My magic sword attack was able to change its motion with a quick reaction, but I couldn't stop it completely.

I stopped using all my strength to cut off every shield, and shifted my sword's trajectory so that it could move to the next move.

But when I saw it, the opponent stepped in.

I pushed my shield against the deviated demon sword.

As a result, the shield exploded and I felt like it.

No, it's not.

It wasn't the shield that exploded, it was the demon sword that touched the shield.

The explosion caused me to fly backwards by the impact of blowing up the front of my body.

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