The Red Cavalry and their eighty rabbits.

Six groups dared to charge into Peria's army from different directions.

A Valkyrie-style cavalryman uses his horse-mounted assault spear to punch a hole in Peria's army, where a powerful horse-ear mercenary enters and moves forward.

The momentum of the mercenary forces trying to break through is unstoppable.

Apparently, the quality of each soldier outperforms us considerably.

It's not just about rigorous training every day.

The standard of living in New Barca, where you can eat full meals, is far beyond any other small country, including Peria.

Eat a good meal, rest your body using Meditation , and train.

In addition to that, the magic effect of [I'll give you] might be great.

There are many people who can use Meditation in other countries, but there are no people who can use Meditation that I have developed in other countries.

By gaining magic power efficiently from meals, there is a difference between physical function and magic power.

And of course, it would also have the effect of [seeing and practicing].

Just by wielding a weapon and assaulting it, all of them were master sword and shield masters.

Vulcanized armor, shielded and defended, the Peria soldiers couldn't stop the attacking mercenaries.

However, arrows are fired into it.

Hale, we're under attack from the Glugalia Archers.

Accurate and powerful projectiles are constantly targeting us.

But it was, on the contrary, an attack that was too precise.

I know where the Glugalia Archers are.

Because we were there just now.

So, when aiming at the red cavalry from there, it moves in a straight line, always adjusting to the presence of Peria's troops.

Attack the Peria army, breaking through to the center, always taking the best position to avoid hitting the arrows flying from behind.

We can't fight the Archers now.

Then let's take advantage of it.

Even if they were aiming precisely, most of the arrows hit the Peria soldiers without hitting the cavalry, thanks to Peria's troops who were about to break in along the way.

Thanks to this, Peria's arrows flew closer and the Glugalia's Archers couldn't help but tear their consciousness apart.

After all, this is the opponent that attacked the other Perrier army that attacked the Barca Church.

I can't help but think that I'm not a good opponent to ignore.

Thus, while utilizing the attacks of the Glugaria Archers as support fire, they gradually broke into the Peria army.

But no matter how small the work, there was a limit.

Even if we attack an army that wants to count to five thousand with a small cadre of dozens of people, it will not succeed.

Because having a wall of people in front of you will cause the momentum to fall.

If you stop, you'll be surrounded and crushed.

If I try to fight alone, I'll know which of the six divided squads has me.

That's why if the location is to be identified, it is required to match the result of the battle.

From here on out, we will have to defeat those in command of these 5,000 armies.

Even if you can't, you won't be able to leave if you don't confuse them for a while.

"It's no use. Don't lick the Peria country." Unlike the Orient country, we have famous families. ”

Gradually, but surely, we were slowing down.

Seeing that, the man in command of our target shouted so.

Certainly, there are aristocrats in Peria who have connected blood from generation to generation, no matter how small the country.

In fact, the [Black Death Butterfly] was in Peria.

The Barca Mercenaries are no match for the average soldier there.

But it was undeniable that even those mercenaries would be disqualified compared to those from historic homes.

Although I couldn't lose with my sword skills, my magic power was different.

It also leads to physical strength, and it is a defeat.

Even if you win with technology, if you lose, it will be difficult to win.

From the center of Peria's army, the knights, divided into six parts, came to intercept us.

A knight can defeat many mercenaries on his own.

Then our legs stopped.

A small unit that is stuck inside Peria's army.

While trying to break through the movement of each scattered team, I decided that I should do my best even if I found out where I was.

When I used Meteor , my fatigue recovered a little.

I used blood armor to move around here.

He covered his body with a blood armor the size of an adult male, and the Norn moved it, not my will.

As a result, I was able to rest a little and my health was regained.

The moment I thought about trying to break through to the enemy's main area with the momentum to use up my health again, the scene moved.

"... are you here?"

The Barca Mercenaries who attacked the Church from behind, attacking Peria's troops.

The main Peria army that attacked that Barca mercenary group from behind.

Then, from behind, another army emerged.

Their attack on Peria's main army, which had focused their attention on me, caused an upset in the surroundings.

It was an army that grew cat ears using Chan-chan .

Neither the Barca Mercenaries, nor the Peria, nor the Grugalia, of course.

Originally, the troops of the Purge City, who were supposed to join us on the way and resupply supplies, appeared here and began attacking Peria's forces.

"Charge, soldiers, now is the time."

Attacks with an absolute advantage behind the enemy.

Peria's troops, who thought so, were attacked in the first place, disrupting their movements.


We'll make a decision here.

Instructions were sent to the split units, and the Flame of Compassion lit the flames in their bodies with magic power.

As a result, physical function was further improved.

Mercenaries with all their magic power attacking knights who are blocking their way.

Seeing that, I kicked the Valkyrie in the stomach and accelerated again towards the center of Peria's army.

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