A lot of them.

The Peria army opened the gate and came out of the city.

It was a majestic move to say that Makoto appeared, but I saw the number approaching if I didn't miss this plane, and I crushed it unexpectedly.

Even if it feels like a glance, I think there are about 5,000 of them.

This number is obviously too many.

Perhaps you've gathered enough of the maximum number of Pelias you can gather today.

The Orient is limited to the number of troops that can be mobilized, so the Peria country that lost the city of Purge is similar.

That can't be convenient to be here.

Definitely a plan in advance.

"It's him! Aim for that red horse!!"

I heard such a voice from Peria's army.

Looks like they're after me.

Well, that's true.

I'm here as the leader of the Barca Mercenary Corps, but from the other side, I'm the Defense Minister and Defender of the Orient.

There's an opponent in the neighborhood who can take over the military.

If I defeated the opponent, it would be a very big battle.

Besides, I am perceived as a defender.

We used a lot of bulwark tactics to defend the Orient and build up tactical victories.

As a result, the opportunity to be on the front line is relatively diminished and it is difficult to aim directly.

Moreover, the main borders of the Orient country are already hardened by the walls, and they don't go out much to outpost them.

So if you were going to target me, you'd have to break through a fortified border and launch an attack on either the capital of the Orient or the new city of Barca.

But I suppose that's the plan we prepared to pull me out of.

A neighbouring country that has been hostile has been given permission to build a Barca Church, albeit with mercenaries.

The Barca Church was targeted, and I can't ignore it.

You can attack a church in your own country whenever you want, if you don't come to help.

It must have been a very powerful church, and there must have been an idea that silver would be available.

And if you come to the rescue, you attack from behind.

You don't have to be in there with me, but you'll know right away.

After all, I'm the only one in the Barca Mercenary Corps who can use that [Meteor].

Seeing that flashy bow attack, I was able to confirm that I was here directly.

As for Peria, the operation was a great success.

First Officer Elvis charged in with the mercenaries to help the attacked Barca Church.

I released Meteor to cover it.

As a result, the Peria army, which was attacking the church, has also suffered considerable damage, but it is not a problem.

For there is not a trained soldier, but a people incited.

It is not painful or itchy even if I lose some of it.

Instead, I've lost my health using Meteor for cover.

If we attack it with 5,000 troops, we can definitely conquer it.

Come out, Black Dead Butterfly.

Elvis took the mercenaries and stormed, but there's no one left around me.

But even with the mercenaries we've trained so far, we wouldn't be able to beat them if they attacked us with a difference of more than ten times the number of troops.

Peria's army is approaching.

There's nothing we can do about it just for those of us here.

So I decided to buy some time.

My body was tired, but I still had enough magic power.

I activated Black Dead Butterfly to maximize my magic power.

A sorcery once used by Guyd Purge, a male in the city of Purges who served the Perian Empire.

I pulled the black-and-white butterflies out of my palms one after the other and let them fly around me.

Originally, this Black Death Butterfly's power would be attached to the opponent's body and force them to bleed.

But I used it for a different purpose around me.

I used the Black Dead Butterfly as a blindfold.

A large number of Black Dead Butterflies were created around the Valkyrie that I and I ride, which made the space less visible.

From Peria's point of view, it may seem like a large black sphere or a cocoon was created.

"Next time, Norn, you're up."

Among those Black Death Butterflies, I had another one appear.

It was Norn.

It wasn't a demon sword.

I used the red and black magic stones I had received from Sebastian, who returned from Count Vandenburg in the Land of Brillia, to send out fresh blood soldiers.

Moreover, the bloodthirsty soldier was not just a red armor.


Bloodthirsty Norns spawned from several magic stones resembled the human form of red armor and the red Valkyrie.

The number is five.

The red-haired Valkyrie I ride wears red-colored Vulcan steel armor, and I make my own blood armor.

In other words, I have a red cavalry with me.

The six-jacketed red cavalry flew out from a group of black dead butterflies, which were pitch-black cocoons, in a different direction.

Peria's army, who was pushing towards me, was surprised by the sight.

The Vulcan mercenaries had a white Valkyrie as their cavalry, and the Valkyries wore white armor.

Unlike other cavalrymen, I was the only one on the red Valkyrie.

That's why, if you thought that the black butterfly had suddenly enveloped the Red Cavalry when it was about to charge into its landmarks, you'd be puzzled because it had increased to six and ran in different directions.

But not the Barca Mercenaries.

I listened to my words of dispersion and followed them faithfully.

As expected, Elvis was thoroughly trained.

Each squad and platoon has a commander, but if they don't say anything, they'll split into six groups and follow the Red Cavalry.

Now you don't know where I'm looking from what I look like.

As a result, I was attacked from behind by an army of 5,000, and I was forced to confront the mercenaries I had kept for myself in six more divisions.

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