"Excuse me. Arus and Carlos came up to tell you what to say."

"What about Carlos?

"Yes, Carlos de Fontana orders Als von Barca. I want you to gather your soldiers immediately."

"I see. Please tell her that she will come to dinner soon. Still, is there something rebellious about it?

"No, most of the territory of Fontana was put together by Carlos last year. I think this convocation is something else."

"Something else? That means maybe...."

"Yes, what I heard is that there is movement in the eastern land. Probably because of that."

I see.

There have been a number of calls since I was under Carlos' command.

At that time, there were rebels in the Fontana family's territory, which Carlos ruled, so we went to suppress them.

I have participated in it many times, mainly in road and position construction.

However, it seems unlikely that this call will be like that.

There is movement in the land of the east, that is, the land ruled by a noble family separate from the Fontana family.

Then it will finally be a battle.

I don't like it very much, but I can't choose not to go.

I immediately instructed them to gather their troops and set out for Fontana.

"To the east... I'm sure we'll be fighting the Uluks again."

"Dad, has that ever happened again?

"Well, don't you remember because Ars was still small? When you were little, there was a big fight between the Fontana and the Ulk."

"Ah, I may remember somehow. Sure, I thought I wanted my own weapon. Didn't you make sandals after that for the money?

"Oh, it might have been. I miss it. I'm not going to make sandals anymore, but I'm sure it was around then that you gave me gold, gold and gold."

"What the hell, you're making a lot of money."

"No, I'm telling you now, I was surprised to see you at your age, who hasn't even given me a name yet, tell me about the money and start doing all sorts of things."

"I've already said such an old thing. Forgive me for living like this."

"There's nothing to forgive. I didn't think it was going to be like this back then, but life certainly got better. I can't thank you enough."

"That's not true. I'm the one thanking you, Dad. You're wiping my part-time brother's ass. But I see. Does that mean your father fought the Uluks?"

I see. Even so, I was a general soldier back then. I never fought a knight directly, but it was amazing looking at him from afar. "

"How amazing is the magic of House Ulk?"

"Ah, the Fontana and Ulk are not close because they are originally adjacent to each other in the East and West. I wonder if it's the right thing to do with a dog monkey. The Fontana family used the opposite magic of ice."

"The opposite of ice, the magic of fire. That's the magic of the House of Ulk, Dad."

"That's not true, Ars."

"Hmm? Leon? What do you mean, no? I heard that the Ulks use the magic of fire...."

"That's right. Certainly, some of the magic used by the Ulk family produces flames. But the real power lies elsewhere."

Somewhere else? It's not the magic of fire, but it's the magic of fire. "

"It is said that the magic used by the Urk family is a kind of [beast]. They turn into foxes."

"Instead of being turned into a fox, can you be turned into a fox?

"That's right. There are several noble houses that use beast magic, but one of them is the House of Ulk. The Knights of the House of Ulk, who have been veterinized by foxes, use the magic of oborobi. But it's also a hassle simply to beast."

"Perhaps, if you animalize it, your physical abilities will also improve?

"That's right, Ars. It is said that a knight who has been veterinized by a fox will be troublesome anyway. Please be careful."


But is magic possible?

I knew I could only use the magic of the earth, and the Fontana family had only ice magic, so I thought it was just that kind of system.

But do you actually have any magic to beast?

I should have studied that sort of thing a little bit more.

I may have been too enthusiastic about economic reform and urban development in the Knights of Barca.

"Hey, Leon. What does that beast look like? Are you going to look like a whole beast?

"That's not true, part-time. Being a fox is not a fox. I have heard that it only reveals the characteristics of a fox in the human body."

"Ah? Maybe, even if it's veterinized, the body is basically human?

"Yes, specifically fox tails on the head, fox ears and buttocks."

"Kitakore! Leon, I'm sure that's true. Chemistry. You can actually see the chemistry!

"Wow, don't shout suddenly, Ars. Isn't my Valkyrie surprised? That's right. When House Ulk's magic is activated, the beast ear appears on the person's head.... is that how you look so happy?

No, you're happy.

I didn't know that such fantasy existed in the world.

There's still a lot I don't know.

Even so, it's a chemistry.

I would like to see a fox ear on the head of a beautiful girl like Liliana, rather than the old people, if possible.

I was excited to just delusion in my head, even though I might have a fight ahead.

Asked Leon about the Uluk family so much, he headed to the city of Fontana, where Carlos was waiting.

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