The "Sleepless House" that emerged in the Land of the Orients.

The impact it had on this country was unexpectedly great.

It has a lot to do with people's lives.

Until now, even in this country, other small countries, or even the great power of Brillia, it was normal for people to sleep at night.

Simply because it is so dark at night, activity is sometimes restricted.

Still, if we wanted to do something, we needed to turn on the lights and secure the light.

However, they are not cheap at all.

In a large house, even at night, even if the lights could be turned on, they would be extinguished at midnight.

However, it was the [Lighting] of life magic that could greatly change it.

Just by casting a spell, a ball of light emerged from the palm of my hand.

It makes it possible to light up the room and read books, and there is no fear of a fire because it is not a fire.

Furthermore, because it is a life magic that can be handled by anyone, it has a low amount of magic power consumption, so the darkness of the night is no longer scary.

Therefore, as magic spread in the east, more people became active at night.

But that's what life has always been like.

People get up in the morning when it gets bright, and sleep at night when it gets dark.

That is the law of nature, and even if some light is obtained, it is the same law.

Everyone thought so.

It's called common sense, isn't it?

However, it was changed by the emergence of the "Sleepless Hall", which is Ai's workplace.

If you use Lighting to turn on the lights, it has been proven that you can work in the morning, day and night.

The first person to see it would have felt mad.

Who even said that such an act against the order of nature would eventually lead to ruin?

Unfortunately, however, the psychopaths working at Aye's workplace were out of their minds.

Originally, I used Meditation for a certain amount of time before going to bed at night, and I used Arthur's magic all the time while I was awake.

By chanting [meditation] and working with the eye while reducing fatigue, and sleeping with [meditation], it seems that you can continue to work even at the minimum rest.

I'm sure you've verified with yourselves how much rest time we can take.

By the way, did Grannie, who was originally from the Orient country in Vulcania, say that he had been doing that for a long time?

Many people in this country may not hesitate to do what they want to do.

No matter what, the people who assisted Ai in his work continued to work in such a work environment without breaking his body.

What happens then?

They didn't stop at cutting off time to sleep.

What should I do to keep up with Ai's work speed?

It was time for meals to be thought of as something other than sleeping.

Shorten the time to eat.

It was a sight that I saw when I went to the "Sleepless Hall" several times, but they worked while throwing food into their mouths, as if they could secure the nutrition they needed to live.

However, she was still unhappy.

It doesn't take long to cook with [Ignition].

Well, even making it was troublesome.

So, all I had to do was reheat the food I had prepared in front of me with a box-shaped magic tool and eat it.

When that happens, we'll need to get you out of here.

I want to pick it up in the morning, day and night regardless of the time.

I thought so and ordered it from the restaurant.

I was wondering if you could deliver it at midnight.

Such an insane order has been refused.

I hate to work in the middle of the night, but I'm sure it's dangerous to go out late at night.

But they didn't give up on it.

Then we set up the environment to make it easier for the restaurant to do its job.

To improve security in the city, I prepared a bill for the installation of street lights using Lighting , submitted it to the parliament, and passed it.

From the restaurant to the "Sleepless House", you can now move around without fear of the darkness.

In this way, environmental improvement in the city was gradually carried out in order to improve the efficiency of work.

It's not just about cooking.

More than people coming from other countries to see Ai, they need to be careful about their appearance, as they work beside Ai.

In other words, it was necessary to pay attention to the clothes to be worn and the care of the hair.

I tried to get people from all walks of life to come to me without paying attention to their time.

Of course there were those who refused the request, but some of them accepted it.

After all, I promised to make the appropriate payment because I was going to call them outside of normal hours.

It seems that the clothing store that came late at night gave them tailored clothes and made a makeshift sewing.

In this way, people working at night began to emerge in the capital of the Orient country.

That would be an interesting thing, and someone came up to imitate it.

He thought that working at night, when others were not working, was an opportunity to earn money at a special rate.

Somehow, it began to spill over to work that was not directly related to the "Sleepless Hall".

More and more merchants are opening late at night.

Then, even if I didn't work, the common people who had more time to get up at night began to appear.

Starting from the efficiency of time, the flow of which was not led by anyone, the Orient country gradually transformed into a city where the light and movement of people were uninterrupted even at midnight.

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