"Hmph. Is this going to happen..."

After going to rescue the town of Biden, time passed.

Meanwhile, he faces several other towns, works as a mercenary, and then gives them a bracelet with a loan function.

All of them are smaller towns in the countryside than small groups of countries.

Nevertheless, the presence of people made it possible to buy and sell things, and I understood that.

This means that the rich will get even more money, right?

"I see. There may be a slight problem with the function of this bracelet." This may not lead to usury regulations. ”

"I agree, Christina." The fact that people with bracelets can borrow money means that they can borrow money from people who don't have it. I can't lend to those who don't have the balance, so I'll never be able to crawl up, this is... "

A phenomenon observed in a remote town that is a closed society in the winter.

It meant that the money gathered at the one who had the money.

I don't know yet because it's only a short period of time, but I can see such a trend.

Perhaps, over time, it will become more prominent.

In the town of Biden.

I handed out bracelets to the people of the city and asked them all to pay for the mercenaries.

The Church of Barca also offers its inhabitants the opportunity to acquire the entrance by purchasing magic stones.

What will happen if I do that?

The Barca Mercenaries are paid back in small monthly instalments.

As a result, the enemies of the magic stone that I sold were piled up as the balance.

And even in the town, mainly young people with flexible heads and curiosity, began to actually use the entrance.

On the contrary, the old people are not very aggressive and do not seem to shop at En.

Still, little by little, En was used up buying and selling in the town.

After using it once, I can understand the ease of use.

I use EN to buy food and drinks.

But it was a small town surrounded by snow.

You don't sell as much as you want.

After a while, the price of the product began to rise.

Especially, the amount of alcohol has become a little expensive.

If the price is too high for me to buy, I don't need to buy it.

Normally, I think so. Until now, I didn't have any money, so I didn't want to buy it.

But this time it was different.

If you don't have the money, you can borrow it.

Some of the young people who used to use bracelets thought so.

Is it bad that the price went up first because it was alcohol?

People who like alcohol like to drink every day.

Besides, there are some idiots who can come in as much as they want, and they want to drink whatever they throw up.

So the one who liked that kind of drink too much borrowed En and started drinking.

Even though it is expensive with a small amount, you can drink it if you borrow money.

Moreover, you only have to pay a certain amount of money back every month, and you can also earn money by selling magic stones.

So they borrowed it from someone they knew.

I wonder if it is not the Barca Church, but the people I know.

It may have been a feeling of borrowing a little from someone close to me rather than suddenly appearing in a confused religious organization.

However, it was set to be impossible to lend money without a balance.

More to the point, the amount of debt subtracted from the balance did not surge below zero, and only the amount with the financial power could be lent.

Even if you borrow money from someone you know, the people in the next house are the same as you.

He doesn't have enough money to borrow.

Then who do you want to borrow it from?

You're the one with the money in the city.

In the town of Biden, it was Lambda.

Apparently, Lambda was a relative of Biden, the mayor of the city, and had coins for merchants in the city.

It seems that he lent someone his share of the money that he had converted to En.

He was richer than other townspeople by the amount of his original fortune.

That's why Lambda lent a lot of money to a young crowd in town.

Then, they will pay me back every month.

You don't have to go to pick it up.

Because it is automatically transferred by the function of the bracelet.

In this way, Lambda is the person who lends the most money in the town of Biden.

And because of that, in the past few months, the Embers have gathered under Lambda without doing anything.

Could it be that Lambda knew this would happen?

Or did you notice it later while using the bracelet?

Whatever it is, Lambda's interest on the loan alone has led to significant future earnings coming in over the long term and on a regular basis.

Isn't this the same as usury?

Well, it's still a short time, but I think this could have a bigger impact in a city like the Orient, or in Count Vandenburg's realm.

It seems that if someone with money lends money, there is a chance that a great deal of money will be born.

“Need a limitation on functionality? At the very least, it might be a problem if anybody can lend me their entrance.”

"That's right. Do I have to allow the lender to do so?" Otherwise, it seems to be far from the maintenance of security as Mr. Ai said. "

"Permit system, maybe." The price of goods may also be a problem, and there are a lot of things to think about. "

Not yet.

Even if Lambda is able to make money, the original funds are limited.

Besides, the number of alcoholic beverages and hobbies is limited.

If we can figure out what to do now, we'll still have time.

Well, it's an experiment in a peripheral town for that purpose.

Based on the information obtained from social experiments on the impact of money lending, I, Christina, Eye, and others continued to discuss the function of the bracelet.

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