"What a lack of character you have in building a building like this. I doubt your sanity."

"I don't know what to say. Are you going to cheat on what I made?"

"Hmm. Did you make something you don't know about any horse bones like yourself? Then I can also nod that this is happening."

"Well, what does that mean? I will not allow you to insult Lord Ars, who built this castle with me."

"That's it. This castle was built not by you, but by the lord of this Balkan Knight Reign, Arus. The castle says that in such a state, the sensitivity of Ars is questionable."

I guided Leon around the castle and came back while he was watching.

So I heard you arguing out loud.

Two people who don't usually hear much talk face to face and talk to each other.

I wonder who that is, the girl with the tone of voice.

"Clarisse, what are you doing? Excuse me in front of Mr. Ars."

"Ah, Mr. Ars, Mr. Leon. I'm sorry."

"Nice to meet you, Clarisse. I'm Ars. So, it looks like he was arguing with the grand over there, but what's the matter?

"Yes, I'm afraid I have something to say to Ars. Are you sure?

"What do you want to say to me? I don't know."

"I suggest you change the condiments in this castle. As it stands, Arus will be ashamed of the nobles."

"Change the condiments? When I built the castle, Gran made a lot of extra things and put them there. Why do I need to change them?

"That's not true. Everyone has the power of an awkward man. All of them will be wonderful."

"It's sweet. If you look at one item at a time, you can admit that you made it without letting go. But none of them are too strong. If you seem to be placing such items in Atila Kochira, Ars can't help but think that he's bluffing to make you look big."

"... oh, I see. In short, does it feel like something that has grown up is creating a hobby for money?"

"That's Ars. The maker didn't understand this at all, so I was in trouble. That's right. We should put the condiments in more harmony with the castle."

"Yes, I disagree. This castle was created by the selfish and Lord Ars. It doesn't make sense to be suddenly told by something that just happened."

"Gran, stop. Speaking of which, Clarisse, who the hell are you?

"I'm late. My name is Clarisse and I serve Lillina. Did Leon and I meet to prepare for Liliana's marriage? I'll see you later."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ars. Clarisse was acting on his own whilst seeing the beauty of this castle."

Apparently, this young woman named Clarisse is the one who does things around Lillina.

I wonder if the Graham family continued to serve even after the loss of their knighthood.

It seems that he came here this time to see the castle and start giving opinions.

It was a bit abrupt, but I don't think he's a bad person.

Still, doesn't it look like you don't have that much sense?

Fuck, I just sorted out the pieces Gran made one after the other, left them there, and left them here.

So, if they say that they haven't shown any sense of total balance by looking at the castle as a whole, there's no doubt about it.

But there's something I can't help it with.

This castle was built to push out stained glass like never before.

It is no mistake to think that Gran's work, which understood the concept of the castle, would be suitable as a condiment to match it.

"No, Mr. Ars. There are plenty of condiments that add to the charm of this castle just because Ars doesn't know it. Arus-sama, please let me choose the condiments."

"To you?

"Yes, I will try to create a space to marry Arus and Liina and make life the best after that."

She's a pretty pushy girl.

But that might be good.

Thanks, Gran and I have a passion for making things necessary and new, but it tends to be biased toward things like practicality and functional beauty.

It may be said that simple aesthetic eyes, color schemes, positioning, and the sense of choosing small items are not very high.

If that's the case, maybe Clarisse can handle it.

There was talk of leaving the work to the Grahams, starting with Leon, and I decided to have them become the number one.

In this way, the castle that Grant and I built was graded for beauty by Professor Clarice.

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