I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 270 Can we get a star field?

After Luo Xiu's order was issued, the entire combined fleet also immediately stopped attacking the Zeroing Fleet, and then retreated a certain distance.

At this time, Cao Guolin hurriedly found Luo Xiu and asked, "Commander, are you okay?"

For the current combined fleet, Luo Xiu's safety is very important. Once something happens to him, the entire fleet will immediately fall apart.

Cao Guolin could even predict that those who succumbed to the Blue Star civilization, such as the civilization that joined after the cruise fleet was defeated, and the civilization in the Centauri, would no longer be willing to remain silent.

Without Luo Xiu's combined fleet, there is a possibility of falling apart in an instant.

Fortunately, this situation did not occur. Luo Xiu woke up smoothly and reached an armistice agreement with the Zeroing Fleet.


Luo Xiu glanced at the crowd around him, let out a sigh of relief, and then said: "It's nothing, I just experienced a long dream."

The crowd around him didn't quite understand what Luo Xiu meant. After all, they didn't know what kind of experience Luo Xiu had experienced.

On the contrary, Dasara, who came from the cruising fleet and had been under the command of the Cygnus omnic civilization, was sitting on the sidelines thoughtfully.

In Dasara's memory, the Cygnus omnic civilization was very powerful in its use of the virtual world, and the original Ascended Ones lived in the virtual world.

Luo Xiu's current situation is very much like he just came out of the virtual world.

But of course Dasara would not speak out her thoughts directly at this time. After all, Luo Xiu herself didn't say anything. It seemed inappropriate for her to speak out directly.

"Monitor the opponent's movements and make sure they really leave the Orion spiral arm."

Luo Xiu didn't know at this time that Dasara had directly guessed his previous encounter. After he returned to normal, he directly said to Cao Guolin on the side.

In Luo Xiu's opinion, although the Cygnus omnic civilization agreed to leave, he was not entirely sure whether the other party would actually implement it.

Therefore, when the opponent's Zeroing Fleet moves towards Cygnus, he must also allow himself to see the opponent's movements.

"Okay, Commander, I will make arrangements right away."

After Cao Guolin glanced at Dasara next to him, he nodded slightly, turned and left.

At this time, on the interstellar battlefield, due to the sudden truce, most ships were still in combat positions, so from a distance, the entire combined fleet's troops seemed a bit scattered.

At the edge of the fleets of both sides, the fragments of the ships that had been hit and destroyed were also scattered in the starry sky, waiting for their own fleets to be cleaned up.

For both sides, most fleets are actually unmanned. Especially the Zero Fleet, each of its ships is basically controlled by Zero itself and does not have any life.

Therefore, the Zeroing Fleet does not have any emotional research at all. The other party only needs to clean the parts of its own ship, and then remanufacture it.

Compared to the Zeroing Fleet, the internal atmosphere of Luo Xiu's combined fleet was a little heavier.

Although most of the ships have been unmanned, there are living people on board each squadron's flagship.

Whether they are from the United Earth or Centauri, they are now their teammates.

"Fortunately, we won."

The members of the combined fleet breathed a sigh of relief as they monitored the Zeroing Fleet that was gradually moving away on the screen.

When the Zeroing Fleet attacked before, it was fierce. Even though several major civilizations joined forces on their side, they still felt it was very dangerous to face an omnic civilization that had no mood swings and could sacrifice anything.

But now that the Zeroing Fleet has left, the entire combined fleet has become the most powerful force in the entire Orion Spiral Arm.

If the Zeroing Fleet really returns to Cygnus completely and directly cuts off the connection point between the two sides, then the entire combined fleet will usher in a rare period of peaceful development.

At that time, the war may have completely moved away from the Orion spiral arm.

"Ten reconnaissance ships have followed. I wonder if the other side will destroy them directly?" After Cao Guolin arranged for the ships responsible for monitoring the evacuation of the Guiling fleet, he opened the communication and reported to Luo Xiuhui.

"Not if it's really going to leave."

"If it doesn't want to leave, then the scout ship won't be the only one following it."

Although Luo Xiu did not discuss with Zero about following and leaving, with Zero's computing power, it would not be stupid enough to directly attack a reconnaissance ship that would not pose any threat to its Return to Zero fleet.

"By the way, pay attention to whether it sends out a signal or releases any ships."

What Luo Xiu was really worried about was not whether the Zeroing Fleet would return to Cygnus. What he was worried about was whether Zero would set up a secret chess game in Orion.

For example, other ships have been deployed in Orion before, or some ships were hidden in the Orion spiral arm on the way back.

Such behavior makes it very difficult for Luo Xiu to prevent it. After all, no one knows how many fleets an omnic civilization can create.

Although the opponent's ships will not be stronger than his own by then, the harassment from various places will also make Luo Xiu very annoyed.

"Especially near the star gates that are still in operation, we must intensify our efforts to search and not miss even a single ship." Luo Xiu said to Cao Guolin on the other side of the communicator.

"Okay, Commander."

Following Cao Guolin's answer, the communication was cut off.

At this time, Dasara who was next to him came over and said to Luo Xiu: "Your Excellency, Commander, the Cygnus omnic civilization is no longer a threat to us."

"I wonder if our civilization, which used to have cruising fleets, can obtain a star field so that"

Before Dasara finished speaking, Luo Xiu suddenly turned to look at her, "Do you want to get the Star Territory?"

Although Luo Xiu's expression did not change at all, Dasara seemed to see Luo Xiu's dissatisfaction, "We. We want to obtain a place that can be used for research so that we can conduct various experiments."

"We don't have any other ideas at all."

Although Dasara is already part of the United Fleet, she is still a member of the Kasakuk civilization. As an original ascendant, he feels that he is qualified to lead the remaining civilization of the entire cruising fleet.

Now that the threat of the Zeroing Fleet is gone, it is of course time to start rapid development.

"Your Excellency, based on the development speed of the United Civilization, we will definitely exceed the development speed of Cygnus."

"Although the connection between the two spiral arms will be interrupted by then, we can enter Cygnus in other ways. At that time, neither the Zero nor the Zeroing Fleet will be a threat to us."

"And the large number of cruising fleet civilizations are your most loyal subordinates, and they can bring you more powerful and advanced technology."

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