I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 266 Turn around! virtual reality!

"What's wrong?"

Through the conversations of the characters around him, as well as the constant appearance of strange races, Luo Xiu's doubts about the world finally reached its peak.

This world shouldn't be like this...

When Luo Xiu was still cruising the fleet, it was not like he had never seen strange races, but since entering this galactic battlefield, these races no longer look like star races, but more like the legend of Blue Star.


"Absolutely not right!"

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu looked up and looked around. Countless cameras and countless races were observing him.

And these bright lights made Luo Xiu feel even more unreal.

Feeling that something was wrong more and more, Luo Xiu closed his eyes, feeling the light coming from all around, and listening to the shouts of his teammates and opponents near his body.

But in the face of these external situations, Luo Xiu was not affected at all. He still closed his eyes tightly and felt everything around him.

However, although Luo Xiu tried his best to peel off his senses, everything that happened outside still entered his brain as expected, and no one was left behind, whether it was pictures or sounds.

This situation further confirmed what Luo Xiu thought, that the place he was in was definitely not real.

‘Who is it? ’

‘Is it the omnic that cruises the fleet? Or an unknown civilization? ’

Luo Xiu recalled his past. In his memory, only this level of civilization could control his consciousness.

But when was it controlled?

Compared to who controlled him, Luo Xiu wanted to know when he was controlled.

This is extremely important to him, and it is the most important point in deciphering this illusory world.

‘Is it when you leave the cruising fleet? Are you just in a cruising fleet simulation world? ’

For a moment, Luo Xiu had some doubts about what kind of world he was in.

Maybe this was all a lie, and he had already been captured when he escaped from the cruising fleet from the starship humans.

‘No, it can’t be so early, and it’s impossible for omnics to simulate all the developments of the complete solar system. ’

Luo Xiu, who had just had an idea, instantly refuted his conclusion. After all, if this was really the case, why would the cruising fleet let him live?

Just to see your own thoughts?

‘That was when I was resisting the main fleet of the cruising fleet? ’

Luo Xiu, who closed his eyes, continued to recall, locking his thoughts on the several wars he fought with the cruising fleet.

Whether it is the first advance fleet, the subsequent super-accelerated fleet, the main fleet, or even the subsequent zeroing fleet, it is all possible.

‘Where is it? ’

Luo Xiu reviewed every battle he fought, but he could never find a breakthrough.


Luo Xiu, who couldn't find a breakthrough no matter what, could only let out a long sigh of relief, opened his eyes, and looked at Chris and others next to him again.

"who are you?"

Luo Xiu looked at Chris standing opposite him and asked in a calm tone.

"Me? I'm Chris." Chris, who was asked, looked at Luo Xiu with confusion, not knowing what the person in front of him was talking about.

"No, you're not."

Luo Xiu stared at Chris with burning eyes, and his tone suddenly became serious.

After saying that, Luo Xiu took a step forward, looked around, and continued: "Who are you? Do you want to control me?"

"If you want to control me, it means you haven't directly defeated the starship humans, and I haven't fallen into your hands yet."

"As long as the Starship humans and the Blue Star humans have not been completely defeated, it means that I still have a chance to get out of this illusory world of yours."

Faced with Luo Xiu's long words, Chris, Taishan and others were confused, "What's wrong? What are you talking about?"

"I can wait, but you shouldn't be able to wait."

Ignoring Chris and the others, Luo Xiu sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes again, and stopped talking.

After Luo Xiu's performance, the noisy sounds around him finally disappeared, replaced by an unusual silence.

"You are very smart."

When Luo Xiu could no longer feel any presence around him, an ethereal voice suddenly came from all directions at the same time, and poured into Luo Xiu's brain.

Hearing this voice, Luo Xiu knew that the rightful owner had finally arrived.

When Luo Xiu opened his eyes again, the colorful scene before his eyes had long since disappeared, and there was only darkness in his eyes.

At this time, Luo Xiu felt like he was in a dark abyss. He couldn't feel his position, couldn't smell any smell, and couldn't even feel the existence of his body.

But even so, Luo Xiu said very calmly: "You are also very smart."

"You successfully trapped me here and separated my consciousness from my body. If my guess is correct, you should be the Cygnus civilization."

"Or should I say, Zero?"

As soon as Luo Xiu finished speaking, the space in front of him suddenly lit up with a burst of white light, and a shadow also appeared in the white light.

"Let me tell you, you are very smart." Xuying walked forward slowly, continuing to talk as he walked, "Judging from the frequency of my appearance in your consciousness and the frequency of the cruising fleet, you seem to have The cruising fleet knows it very well. It's like walking out of the cruising fleet."

"But in the small spiral arm you are in, there have never been any escapees."

"Even in the spiral arm where I am, no one can escape from the cruising fleet."

The shadow's voice became louder and louder, and at the end, it even gave Luo Xiu a piercing feeling, "How did you learn about the existence of the cruising fleet?"

"Are you really from an advanced civilization? Or is there some other way?"

As for how Luo Xiu learned about the existence of the cruising fleet, as the ultimate omnic life form of the Cygnus civilization, Zero still wanted to know.

This is also very important to it. Because among the trillions of possibilities it calculated, one possibility was marked red, and it was also the most threatening existence to Zero.

However, as the person being asked, Luo Xiu was not prepared to answer the other party directly. Instead, he asked steadily on the spot: "It seems that I don't need to say this."

"The most important thing for you and me now is how to end this."

"You are willing to stop the virtual world to talk to me, but you are restricted in the external battle. You were restricted when dealing with starship humans, blue star humans, Centaur Alpha, and the Kasa Cook Civilization United Fleet. Obstacle."

"You want me to help you sort this out, don't you?"

Luo Xiu was unusually calm, because he knew that as long as the other party was still willing to talk to him, it meant that things were still turning around.

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