I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 236 Neutron star structure? (3 updates)

The Cygnus civilization just doesn't have creative ideas, but it is definitely not without ideas, and in terms of action, it is more decisive than most intelligent creatures. After the idea proposed by the Hackers was captured by it, several ships returned Production of this material has already begun on the Zero Battleship.

If you want to capture this kind of material, which is very easy to explain and is extremely fast, using an ordinary net is obviously not feasible. Otherwise, it will only be penetrated like paper, and it will not be able to stop it at all.

So the Cygnus omnic civilization directly used all the materials used to build battleships and star gates to make these nets, and it also thought of other ways.

At this time, there are less than 300 zeroing warships on the battlefield. It only takes half a day to annihilate them all.

Even if the crew of the ghost battleship are all mechanical ascenders, they no longer have much emotion, but at this moment, they still feel gratification and glory. This is a mark of the past left on them, which cannot be completely erased. .

The battle has been going on for almost a day, and they know that the commander-in-chief of the United Solar System Civilization is watching this scene.

"For the sake of Your Majesty the Commander-in-Chief, kill the enemy."

One of the mechanical ascenders spread this slogan to his companions, and then rammed into the nearest Zero Zero battleship.

Just like cutting through tofu with a sharp knife, the armor of the seemingly powerful Zero Zero battleship was pierced without any blocking effect at all, followed by the power room and ammunition room, and then the entire battleship was interrupted by the explosion of its own ammunition. Count.

The ghost battleship's hull only shook slightly a few times before returning to normal.

In this kind of high-intensity battle, ordinary Blue Star people would not be able to persist at all, but although these mechanical ascenders were once Blue Star people, they now have a new identity, that is, the machines directly under Luo Xiu's command. The Legion of the Ascended.

Each of their combat instructions is issued directly by the control system, without having to consider coordination with teammates at all.

And because it is a mechanical body, it has data backup on the starship, and there is no fear of death at all.

Besides, since they boarded the ghost battleship, no battleship has ever been destroyed.

They are an invincible fleet.

It is this belief that inspires these people, so that they have no fear at all even when facing a giant battleship like the Zero Battleship.

Of course, their own emotions have been suppressed to the lowest level.

But this time, just when the ghost battleship was about to adjust its direction and continue to attack the zeroing battleship next to it, the sword was suddenly rushed out by a shock wave.

The ground-to-zero battleship retreated dozens of meters.

"Huh, tachyon light spear? Is this your most powerful weapon? Nothing more than that."

The mechanical ascendant crewman snorted coldly and planned to charge forward again.

What he didn't expect was that the attack of the tachyon light spear was just the beginning. Then all the surrounding zeroing battleships seemed to have locked onto it, and the tachyon light spear attacked it from all directions.

Although energy weapons such as tachyon light spears cannot penetrate the hull of the ghost battleship, the kinetic energy converted from its powerful energy greatly reduces the speed of the ghost battleship.

Just when the crew member of the Mechanical Ascended didn't know the meaning of the other party's useless efforts, all attacks suddenly stopped, and then a large black net in the sky enveloped it.

He immediately panicked and immediately understood the other party's purpose.

The antimatter thruster increased its power to its highest level in an instant, and the ghost battleship rushed out at a speed two hundred times higher than usual.

These big black nets were cut into pieces like paper.

"Hmph, you want to catch me like this? You really underestimate the capabilities of the ghost battleship."

Looking at the ghost battleship flying away in the picture, the Hackers looked as if they had eaten flies, and their faces were very ugly.

This is the plan they proposed. If the Cygnus civilization treats them as waste, the consequences can be imagined.

Just when these people were panicking, a smile suddenly appeared on Cygnus's blurred face.


It turns out that the Cygnus omnic civilization does not have only one target. It attacks more than a dozen ghost warships at the same time.

Although most of them escaped, one was intercepted and eventually surrounded.

Because the ghost battleship had already been entangled in the big net before it had time to accelerate.

The next step was like being stuck in a swamp, no matter how hard I struggled, it was of no avail.

Soon the ghost battleship was sent to the research room of a Zero War Armor.

However, as if they had received some order, the tens of thousands of ghost battleships outside began to speed up their attacks. They were no longer afraid of exposing their whereabouts, and launched a charge towards the zeroing battleship that had captured the ghost battleship like a suicide charge. .

Before the Cygnus civilization had time to rejoice, the Ground Zero battleship had been cut full of holes, but at the last moment it still launched the captured ghost battleship to the adjacent Ground Zero battleship.

So other civilizations in Orion saw a strange scene.

The terrifying fleets that originally attacked in an orderly manner were now frantically attacking one of the warships, and then another.

The speed of destruction is no longer as fast as before, and they don't know what happened to change the situation of the battle between the two sides.

The Cygnus civilization also has a headache.

It still underestimates the impact of this event.

It originally thought that catching such a small warship was the most difficult part, but now it discovered that even if it caught one of them, how to escape with it intact was the most critical issue.

In desperation, he could only let the remaining seventeen Hackers seize the time to study the zeroing battleship.

But it thinks too simply. In the face of an unknown technology, it is not something that can be reversed in a short while, not to mention that these Hackers already know the current dangerous situation. Do you feel like it? Going to research is still a problem.

However, under the pressure of Cygnus civilization, they could only come to the research room.

"You have three minutes. If you can't research it, you will be buried with this fleet."

Cygnus Civilization said indifferently.

Three minutes to research an unknown technology? These dozen Hackers all felt extremely bitter, which could no longer be described as forcing others to do something difficult.

They looked at each other and seemed to have accepted their fate. However, as scientific researchers, even if they died, they wanted to see what kind of material this battleship that could destroy the Zero Battleship was made of.

So they pointed their instruments at the hull of the Zeroing battleship.

Most of the Hackers didn't find anything. They could only feel that the material was extremely smooth, and even water droplets could not adhere to it. It was like a mirror. They could not make a mark with some hard objects.

Only one researcher discovered something that surprised him while observing with a quantum microscope.

The microscopic atomic structure of the battleship in front of me is actually arranged together without any gaps.

This cannot be traces of natural minerals at all, but it is very similar to the structure that can only be found in neutron stars.

But neutron stars are planets that even the Cygnus civilization cannot develop. Does this solar system civilization really master this level of technology?

For a moment, the Hacker stood frozen on the spot.

However, as a mechanical ascendant, the data in his brain was directly intercepted by the Cygnus omnic civilization.

"Neutron star structure? Has this solar system civilization already mastered the technology of mining neutron stars? This is impossible."

Even the Cygnus civilization, which has always been emotionless, finally showed a look of shock. This situation was beyond its understanding.

In its knowledge base, a neutron star is a planet with a very high density and a very strong gravity. Let alone humans, even robots made of the strongest materials will be crushed into iron sheets. At present, it is basically Unsolvable.

But the material of the opponent's battleship does have the structure of a neutron star, which also explains why the opponent does not build the battleship particularly large.

It's not that they don't want to, it's that they simply can't do it. The battleship is too big and its own gravity is enough to prevent any propeller from working.

But just clarifying this issue will not help the situation at hand. How does the other party exploit the resources of the neutron star?

In a rumbling explosion, the zeroing battleship was also scrapped, the captured ghost battleship escaped, and the Hackers were reduced to ashes.

The crew of the captured Zero Zero battleship transmitted the Hacker conversation back to the headquarters.

Luo Xiu had known about the capture of the ghost battleship for a long time, and he, like everyone else, was heartbroken.

If the swan civilization really masters the technology of strong interaction materials and antimatter thrusters, then this battle will not need to continue at all, and they will have no choice but to prepare to run away.

But when the Hacker's conversation came back, Luo Xiu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Because the time was too short, the Hackers did not research anything at all.

However, they pushed the research direction in another wrong direction.

Luo Xiu almost laughed out loud when he thought of this.

The scientific and technological development of intelligent civilization is always full of ups and downs and missteps. This is normal, but this is something that the Cygnus omnic civilization cannot understand.

So I’m afraid it will regard ‘neutron star development technology’ as a new topic, right?

Gou Wen on the side laughed so much that his stomach ached.

"Neutron star development technology? How did they come up with it? If such technology really exists, can't we just use neutron star materials as cannonballs?"

"But this does give us some peace of mind, right? Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief? You must have some ideas, right?"

Dasara asked looking at Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu didn't answer her words at all, but said to Gou Wen: "Okay, stop laughing now. I have one thing for you to do. The civilizations of other galaxies in Orion have almost eaten their fill. You Contact them and exaggerate the situation with them. If they don’t want to move and leave Orion, they must cooperate with us to fight against the Cygnus civilization.”

"Yes, I understand. Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, please leave this matter to me." Gou Wen patted his chest and went down.

Luo Xiu took a look at the situation on the screen. There were only more than a hundred Ground Zero battleships. Even if they wanted to run away now, there would be no time. The first battle with the Ground Zero fleet was over.

However, they cannot be considered a complete winner. After all, the three main stars of the United Civilization under the sun cannot be moved, and the number of the opponent's battleships is extremely exaggerated. It is unrealistic to fully expect the ghost battleships to destroy all the zeroing battleships. .

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, I..."

Dasara wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Luo Xiu.

"Qiong is here, you can go down first."

Cao Guolin and Speaker Proxima Centauri said nothing and left directly. Dasara glanced at Qiong with a complicated expression, but also followed them and left.

However, there was no unexpected look on Qiong's face.

"I don't know what the commander-in-chief wants me to do. The Kazakhs will never back down."

Qiong said.

Luo Xiu nodded, and then said: "How do you think I compare with Fermat?"

When Qiong heard Luo Xiu's words, there was a puzzled look in his eyes. He didn't know what Luo Xiu meant by saying that.

"Ferma is my former commander, and I respect him very much. He is very competent both from the perspective of the Kasaku people and from the perspective of the commander of the cruising fleet. It's just that he caused a lot of trouble." People who deserve to be messed with, some mistakes only need to be made once and they will never be undone.”

Qiong said calmly.

Luo Xiu nodded, then stood up and said: "Well said, some mistakes must not be made, and we are facing such a problem now, whether it is this battle with the Cygnus civilization or with other civilizations in the Orion In contact, as long as you make a small mistake, there is no room for recovery.”

"But hasn't this matter been handed over to Director Gou Wen?" Qiong looked at Luo Xiu's calm face and said with confusion.

"You don't understand what I mean. I'm just sighing. In fact, I want you to help me think about how to bring the Cygnus civilization to us. If we can't completely solve it, then we will always win this war. No."

Luo Xiu sighed and said.

"Bringing the Cygnus civilization body here? This, this is simply impossible, right?" Qiong said with difficulty.

As a complete mechanical body, how could the Cygnus omnic civilization go to the battlefield and put itself in danger?

"It's not completely impossible. It depends on whether we have what it urgently needs."

"What?" Qiong's pupils shrank, as if he thought of something.

"The core technology library of all civilizations in Orion." Luo Xiu said lightly.

This was the idea that Cao Guolin interrupted before.

For an omnic civilization that cannot develop and create technology on its own, what does the core technology library of all civilizations within the constellation cantilever mean to it? That is the result of hundreds of thousands of years.

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