I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 230 Tachyon Light Spear (5 updates)

In fact, Luo Xiu still 'overestimated' the technological level of the Cygnus Omnic Civilization. Although the number of warships in the Zeroing Fleet seemed to be very large, the technology library probably also contained many technologies that the cruising fleet did not have.

But after all, it is an omnic civilization and has no development and creation capabilities. Even if it can integrate and upgrade the technologies in its technology library, it cannot escape the bottleneck of the existing technology library.

Perhaps it was because of seeing this that the people in the Solar System United Civilization Operations Command were very excited. They finally saw hope.

"First ask about the purpose and technological level of this fleet, and then ask about the internal situation of the Cygnus cantilever. Only by knowing ourselves and our enemies can we win every battle." Luo Xiu said to Xue He and Qiong.

Xue He is the developer of the proton project. He knows the characteristics of the proton better than anyone else, while Qiong knows the Harks on the other side's fleet better. Only the cooperation of the two can ensure that there will be no problems.

Being able to contact the other party does not mean that the other party will really cooperate with you. If the other party sees your true and false, then he is likely to be on the side that wins in the end.

In a war, only the victor has allies.

It has been half a month since I contacted the Huck clan.

But what makes Luo Xiu and others a little disappointed is that although the Hackers are on top of the Cygnus civilization's fleet, he doesn't know much more about this fleet than they do.

And although they are a vassal race, their authority is much smaller than before when they were cruising fleets.

Now all fleets are almost directly controlled by the Cygnus Omnic Civilization. They are only the intelligent races accompanying the ships, responsible for the maintenance of the ships and contact with other intelligent races.

Therefore, they have no access to the existing technology library of the Cygnus omnic civilization, and they have no idea about the technology used by these new fleets.

I only know that they call each other the 'Zero Fleet'.

"Return to Zero Fleet? Does the Cygnus Omnic Civilization want to clear out all intelligent civilizations within the two cantilevers this time?"

‘Zero’ means nothing in Blue Star Technology. It is not difficult to guess what the Cygnus omnic civilization is thinking.

But Qiong had different ideas from Cao Guolin.

"Don't forget that the Cygnus civilization is an omnic civilization. It is just a set of programs. Since it has thoughts, it is just an omnic. Perhaps this zero represents a negation of the previous form of cruising fleets, and wants to establish a A new order.”

Obviously Qiong's explanation is more acceptable to everyone.

"Since this Cygnus omnic civilization dares to return to the Cygnus cantilever despite the attack of the unknown civilization, it means that it may have grasped the real reason why the other party attacked it. Now as long as it bypasses that reason, it may not We were hit again by that unknown civilization." Xue He also said from the side.

"Yes, in fact, from the perspective of 'fear of death', the considerations of intelligent civilization and omnic civilization should be the same, otherwise the Cygnus omnic civilization would not use data clones to escape that devastating blow. "

Luo Xiu nodded after listening to the two people's thoughts.

But even if the possible ideas of the Cygnus omnic civilization are speculated, the conflicts between them are still impossible to reconcile.

According to the vague expression of the Speaker of the Hack clan, this Cygnus omnic civilization has only two ways to deal with other civilizations, surrender or destruction.

If you surrender, you will be like the Harks, becoming slaves on board the Zero Fleet, and then go to various galaxies to plunder resources and technology. If you resist, the result will be like the Nolan civilization.

Therefore, the battle between the United Solar System Civilization and the Cygnus Omnic Civilization is inevitable after all.

"Control the system and generate a final strategy file library for me to record the methods that may be used to deal with the omnic civilization."

Luo Xiu said to the control system.

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief, the file library has been generated."

"Will system viruses be effective against omnic civilization? Contact Owen and ask him to prepare 10,000 system backup robots for me. I want to conduct experiments."

Luo Xiu said again.

Since the war with the Cygnus omnic civilization is inevitable, Luo Xiu can only find a way to defeat the opponent.

To put it bluntly, the Cygnus omnic civilization is just a bunch of thoughtful data.

On Blue Star, such data is a more advanced model than computer viruses.

So Luo Xiu naturally thought of using the same method to deal with computer viruses to deal with the Cygnus omnic civilization.

But he also knew that the final result might not be that simple, so he was doing this alone and did not tell anyone else.

At the same time as the experiment, how to find the identity of the Cygnus omnic civilization has become another top priority.

In the underground world of Blue Star, a bounty with a very high bonus suddenly became popular.

That is a game to create a ‘virus’.

It can be said that the final winner of this competition may even receive a bonus for a synthetic ascension surgery.

This made countless technical geeks who couldn't enter scientific research institutes go crazy.

Although developing computer viruses is already illegal in this era, no one can refuse the temptation of such a high bonus.

But no one knows who promoted this competition.

Even Gou Wen has often complained to Luo Xiu recently that more and more Blue Star people have begun to develop viruses, and some people have even launched attacks on the scientific research department's network to test their viruses.

And as more and more such incidents occur, the impact will become greater and greater.

But the game was never cancelled.

However, after the first year of selection, no one has been able to achieve the top three spots.

This competition does not simply rank all contestants based on their performance and then select the final winner.

Instead, there are strict requirements for the top three computer viruses.

One of them is the ability to paralyze the mechanical ascension's data backup clone.

In this era, the overall proportion of mechanical ascendants has reached ten percent of the total population of Blue Star, and they have become legal citizens of Blue Star.

You will often encounter mechanical ascendants on the street. Although their appearance is the same as that of normal Blue Star people, their eyes are dark blue.

Unexpectedly, the most important computer virus developed in this virus competition was actually used to target mechanical ascendants, which also caused an uproar on Blue Star.

Of course, Luo Xiu did not expect that a virus targeting machines could completely eliminate an omnic civilization that had existed for tens of thousands of years, so he was still thinking of other means.

However, since the other side still relies on warships as the main body of the battle, how to confront the other side's warships is the key point of this war.

Luo Xiu has sent the ghost fleet to the edge of the Orion cantilever to destroy the star gate there. Of course, he also has the intention of guarding against the opponent's fleet.

It’s just that he still doesn’t know which one will be stronger, the ghost fleet or the fleet of the Cygnus omnic civilization.

Judging from their current understanding of the fleet of the Cygnus omnic civilization, the opponent's warships are obviously faster than the ghost warships.

However, the materials of the battleship may only be an upgraded version of the civilized ship. For the ghost battleship, it may still be like tofu.

However, these are all inferred information based on the description of the Haq family, and they do not know the more specific situation.

But I believe that these two fleets will encounter each other soon, and then we will know which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

According to the Harks, their combat mode is to be as overwhelming as an army of locusts, and they will also use a smaller version of the 'neutron killing' weapon and a more powerful energy weapon.

The weapon that destroyed the Nolan clan was that kind of energy weapon, and one blow directly turned Nolan Prime into ruins.

"One blow." Luo Xiu frowned as he considered the word.

Judging from his experience in the cruising fleet, he has never seen such a powerful weapon.

"Is it an upgraded version of 'Folding'?"

Luo Xiu suddenly thought of the space weapon ‘Fold’ that was brought to a galaxy in deep space by another ghost fleet.

But judging from the news coming back so far, it will take about half a year for them to reach their destination.

After he contacted the mechanical Ascended Guards on that fleet again, he breathed a sigh of relief when he found nothing unusual.

At present, it seems that this 'folding' may not be the real reason why the unknown civilization destroyed the base camp of the cruising fleet.

However, out of caution, Luo Xiu still dared not bring it back.

This thing is a space weapon, and space weapons have a certain probability of triggering black holes or even wormholes and dimensional gates.

No matter what the situation is, it will be a terrible disaster for the current United Civilization of the Solar System.

"Lord Commander-in-Chief, we got the destruction map of the other party's super weapon, look at it."

Xue He's virtual image appeared next to Luo Xiu, presenting a scene in front of the two of them with an impatient tone.

It was a picture of a huge white light penetrating a planet's main star, and this huge light was emitted by a relatively small and almost invisible battleship.

"This is this?" Luo Xiu asked, looking at this picture in surprise.

"This is a picture that the Hacker Speaker found in the battleship's database. This should be the super weapon of the Zeroing Fleet. Judging from the picture, this weapon is indeed more powerful than the neutron killing force. Much more.”

Xue He said cautiously.

Luo Xiu nodded.

Neutron sterilization is just an extremely fine high-energy particle beam that appears to be indestructible because it can generate extremely high temperatures.

Although the super weapon in this picture looks like an energy weapon, the look of the picture is completely different.

"Does this weapon have a name?" Luo Xiu asked.

"It seems to be called 'Tachyon Light Spear'."

Xue He thought for a while and said a few words.

The Speaker of the Haak Tribe still doesn't know how Xue He and the others managed to avoid the machines on the battleship and maintain contact with him, let alone that his every move is actually being monitored by the United Civilization of the Solar System.

However, he did start to make small moves frequently to obtain more information.

Although these mechanical bodies are the data clones of the Cygnus omnic civilization, they obviously do not take these hackers on the battleship seriously.

Although most of the time they still restrict their movements, occasionally the Speaker of the Hark tribe will still find opportunities.

"Tachyon light spear? Tachyons? Microscopic particles? I have never heard of such microscopic particles."

Luo Xiu thought for a moment and said.

"Me too. I have investigated all relevant information in the core database of Cygnus Technology, but I have not found any data related to this super weapon. It is more like a weapon developed by independent technology."

Xue He said.

Luo Xiu nodded: "If this tachyon is really a lower-level structure of current microscopic particles, then it is very likely to cause a devastating blow to the ghost battleship. In any case, we have to take this The battleships stay, pass the order, and send all the ghost battleships here."

Luo Xiu pointed to the location on the star map at the edge of the cantilever of Orion. This is where the advance team of the Cygnus omnic civilization is about to arrive, and it is also where the last star gate was destroyed.

"General Commander, do you want to think about it again? Although more than 20,000 ghost battleships have been produced so far, they are already at their limit. If we contact other civilizations in Orion at this time, we will also need them to prove it. Our strength."

Xue He said cautiously.

Luo Xiu shook his head and said: "For other civilizations within the Orion cantilever, the civilized ships and Qinhuang-class battleships are enough. The Cygnus omnic civilization is our biggest threat."

"Yes, I understand."

Xue He no longer hesitated and went down to carry out the order.

Three months later, Proton 7, which was exploring in another direction within the Orion cantilever, sent back information. They discovered a place where high-energy particle reactions gathered in a galaxy called Ursa Minor. It is likely that there is a civilization.

The high-energy particle reaction means that the other party has made some progress in micro-particle carving technology, which makes Luo Xiu and others happy and worried after receiving the news.

Fortunately, the opponent's technology is very advanced, and it is likely to give them a great help in the battle against the Cygnus omnic civilization.

What's worrying is that because of the other party's advanced technology, it's hard to tell whether they are joining forces with Harbin to lure wolves into the house.

So Luo Xiu gave an order to Proton 7, which was to observe it from a distance first to see if the other party had mastered the technology of detecting microscopic particles.

After two weeks of testing, Proton 7 came to a conclusion.

The other party's micro-particle technology and their technology are going in two directions, and there is no sign that they have launched micro-particle detectors yet.

What if Proton 7 started a mission of deep exploration into this galaxy?

Soon, a picture of a vast galaxy more than ten times larger than the solar system appeared in front of Luo Xiu and others through simulation.

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