I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 185 Microscopic Particle Machinery

The situation in the Cygnus spiral arm is now very strange. Although Luo Xiu wanted to ask about the main fleet, due to the military situation on his side in Alpha Centaur, Luo Xiu finally gave up asking about the Cygnus spiral arm. The inside of the arm.

After all, if you are not careful and the main fleet turns around and confronts you again, it will be a loss that outweighs the gain.

‘What happened on the Cygnus side that made the main fleet choose to leave on its own initiative? ’

In the solar system, Luo Xiu was still a little confused as he looked at the main fleet that was cleaning the battlefield just now.

However, after Ferma led the main fleet to collect the wreckage of the four thousand lost battleships and the warship, their energy was still unable to support long-distance space navigation.

After many twists and turns, the main fleet is now very short of supplies. There are now more than 10,000 warships, and the daily consumption is extremely huge.

What's more important is that the ships in Ferma's hands are battleships, not transport ships and colonial ships. These ships are built with war as the primary goal internally, and the ships themselves do not have the possibility of long-term standby.

It is precisely for this reason that the main fleet, under the control of Ferma, once again sent a signal to Luo Xiu.

At this time, Luo Xiu, who was waiting for the main fleet to leave in the solar system and was preparing to make in-depth contact with the civilization in Alpha Centauri, also received a prompt from the control system, "Your Excellency, Commander, the main fleet has sent another message."

"Huh?" After hearing the prompt from the control system, Luo Xiu frowned slightly and said, "Let it go."

Under Luo Xiu's instruction, the control system directly placed the signal transmitted by Ferma into the space in front of Luo Xiu.

Through this sudden virtual image, Luo Xiu finally understood Fermat's current situation.

"Insufficient material and energy?" Luo Xiu had never thought that the main fleet would encounter a shortage of material and energy before.

In the past, when Luo Xiu was still cruising the fleet, the fleet would have extra supplies every time it went out. The purpose was to prevent the outgoing fleet from causing any trouble.

In other words, each fleet outing is arranged only after specific calculations by the Cygnus civilization.

Under this rule, due to the strength of the cruising fleet, the Cygnus civilization's 10,000-year expansion of the cruising fleet by remote control has never gone wrong.

Each time, the fleet can return to the base camp of the cruising fleet after the extra energy is consumed.

But this time, their opponent is not the original primitive civilization, but a civilization that possesses antimatter annihilation bombs and most of its technologies are very close to the cruising fleet.

And it is precisely because of the reduction in the gap that the cruising fleet is facing such an enemy for the first time, so it is understandable that things outside of this situation occur.

But for Luo Xiu, if the other party wants to replenish material and energy, it must get close to the stars or planets in Alpha Centauri.

This kind of action is very uncertain for the entire situation. If the main fleet changes its mind temporarily, it will definitely not be a good thing for the civilization in the solar system represented by Luo Xiu.

However, if Luo Xiu does not let the main fleet be replenished, the opponent's more than 10,000 warships will not be able to leave. The previous confrontation will resume in Alpha Centauri. The three civilizations may be in this not-so-big star. There was a stalemate within the department for a long time.

"Let Alpha Centauri evacuate Proxima Centauri c, and our ships enter the orbit of Proxima Centauri c."

"Inform the opponent's main fleet that they can enter Proxima Centauri C for material replenishment."

Luo Xiu, the planet with the Proxima Centauri b civilization, would certainly not let the other party get close to it. After all, this civilization was also very important to Luo Xiu.

This is a race that can survive in three stars, and in this living environment, the other party can actually enter the era of technological explosion. They have developed materials such as 'strong interaction' and microscopic They have very unique insights into particle research technology.

Such a civilization would definitely be a very good help to the starship humans and blue star humans in the solar system.

It was precisely because of this consideration that Luo Xiu asked the other party to evacuate Proxima Centauri c one step ahead to prevent a sudden war from affecting Proxima Centauri b civilization.

Of course, if the main fleet is providing false news this time, and its purpose is to contact Luo Xiu's warships and attack them, then the Proxima b civilization is still in the same star system no matter how well it hides.

"Don't stop the construction of the jump ring. The detected weapons carrying antimatter annihilation weapons will continue to send reinforcements to Alpha Centauri."

"At this last moment, we cannot let down any of our vigilance."

Luo Xiu was still very wary of the other party entering the interior of Alpha Centauri this time.

However, only after this contact is over, Luo Xiu can judge whether the sudden contact from the other party is true.

If after contacting Proxima Centauri c, the main fleet really turned around and left Alpha Centauri, then the star map transmitted by the other party is likely to be true, and the situation in the Cygnus spiral arm has definitely changed.

But if the opponent launches an attack on Luo Xiu's battleship after approaching Proxima Centauri C, then the entire solar system will have to mobilize again, with the defense of the solar system and the manufacture of battleships as the first prerequisite.

And while Luo Xiu was making many preparations with the civilizations in the solar system, the civilization that had just been named by Luo Xiu to evacuate Proxima Centauri C was a little confused.

"What's wrong with them?" Although the Proxima b civilization faithfully completed the instructions given by Luo Xiu, and all personnel still on Proxima C have been evacuated to the transport ship, the top leaders of the Proxima b civilization are still very worried. Puzzled.

"The fleet at the edge suddenly erupted with a huge light source. There seemed to be some conflict within them."

"Could it be that the internal reconciliation with the civilization of the solar system has been completed?"

On Proxima b, a group of members of the Proxima b civilization were very curious about the movements of the main fleet. The previous confrontation between the two major civilizations in Alpha Centauri was still extremely fierce, which can be seen from the increasing number of ships on the solar system civilization side.

The internal battle of the main fleet just now may be the key to changing the confrontation.

At this time, the Proxima b civilization is the weakest among the three parties and has the lowest level of information control. All the information they obtain is basically based on guesswork.

"No matter what they do, we just need to do our own thing." The speaker of the parliament of Proxima b civilization glanced at the main fleet that was moving into Alpha Centauri and whispered.

Although the Proxima b civilization was in its own star system at this time, facing those two powerful civilizations, they, who were originally the masters, could only be spectators.

What will happen in Alpha Centauri? All decisions are in the hands of the other party, not in the hands of Proxima Centauri b civilization.

After the speaker set the tone, the entire Proxima Centauri b civilization members could only watch helplessly as the more than 10,000 ships of the main fleet passed by the edge of a star and headed towards Proxima Centauri c.

During this process, Luo Xiu was still making the warship jump to Alpha Centauri.

When the main fleet arrived at Proxima Centauri C, Luo Xiu had the same number of warships in Alpha Centauri as his opponent.

However, in terms of ship quality, the ships of the main fleet are better than those of Luo Xiu's warships in terms of tonnage and material quality.

But neither the main fleet nor the Proxima b civilization knew that there were several extremely small particles hidden in Luo Xiu's fleet. They were flying out of Luo Xiu's anti-matter weapon fleet and quickly heading towards the main fleet. And go.

These particles are the lightest and smallest machines produced by Luo Xiu after using the Proxima b civilization to carve microscopic particles.

Because these engraved particles were so small, they even passed directly through the main fleet's detection area and blended into the center of the main fleet's ships.

On the surface of Proxima Centauri C, there are still a larger number of microscopic particles waiting for the main fleet's material mining equipment.

"Your Excellency Commander, the first batch of 'particles' have attached themselves to the opponent's ship."

When the particles floating in the starry sky successfully attached to the main fleet's ships, the control system immediately reported to Luo Xiu.

"Very good." Of course Luo Xiu was very satisfied with the successful invasion of microscopic particles.

When this technology was obtained from the Proxima b civilization, Luo Xiu began to conduct further research in the solar system.

As the source of this technology, the Proxima b civilization is also assisting Luo Xiu in sculpting microscopic particles.

The Proxima Centauri b civilization, which was already in the age of the explosion of science and technology, had a collision of ideas with scientists in the solar system. The research on the sculpture of microscopic particles was like mercury pouring out of control.

In just the time that the main fleet approached Proxima Centauri c from the edge of Alpha Centauri, a large number of engraved microscopic particles had been produced, and all corners of Proxima Centauri c were secretly detected.

These microscopic particles will inadvertently attach to the opponent's ships to complete the tracking and monitoring of the main fleet.

Because the microscopic particles were too small, the cruising fleet, which had never conducted such technological research, had no way of preventing it. These particles easily came into contact with the main fleet.

"It seems that they are really here to excavate materials. Our fleet can retreat a little distance and temporarily give up Proxima Centauri C to the other party."

After the microscopic particle machinery manufactured by Luo Xiu was deployed, the mining equipment of the main fleet had also landed on the surface of Proxima Centauri C and was beginning to excavate the planet.

This is a project that Ferma and the new generation members of the Kasakuk civilization have never thought about. When they were cruising the fleet, these members had no chance to come into contact with matter at all.

At this time, they did not know that the ship they were on was already equipped with many particle machines under Luo Xiu's banner, and these machines had already invaded the interior of the ship when they opened the hatch to launch mining equipment into the planet. .

However, after these microscopic particles entered the ship, they did not immediately attack or destroy the main fleet. They only quietly attached to the internal surface of the ship without making any movement.

The entire mining project of the main fleet lasted for three days. After replenishing the raw materials for the nuclear fusion engine, more than 10,000 huge warships began to recycle the mining equipment and left Proxima Centauri C, preparing to sail to the boundless star sea.

On the other side, the anti-matter weapons fleet, whose number of ships has been increasing, just watched the opponent's departure, neither tracking nor sending any signals.

On the surface, the two sides seem to be extremely harmonious. But in the shadows, no action on either side is too small.

After Luo Xiu dispatched a large number of microscopic particle machines to the main fleet, a slightly larger microship, no more than the size of a human fist and made of the latest strong interaction materials, was hung behind the main fleet. , follow the opponent's progress.

Compared with microscopic particles, this micro-ship, which is already the size of a small meteorite, was detected by the main fleet as soon as it appeared.

Since the anti-matter weapons fleet has exceeded the main fleet in number at this time, Fermat, who has assumed that the opponent's ships are more powerful than his own, will certainly not provoke the opponent in Alpha Centauri.

In Fermat's decision-making, if the opponent's small ship has been following him, his main fleet will immediately capture the opponent's ship before entering the super-accelerated sailing state.

But Fermat would not do such a stupid thing when he had not left the opponent's sphere of influence and was still within the opponent's attack range.

Of course, although he didn't do anything on the surface, Fermat still did some things on Proxima C.

Three days of mining gave Ferma many opportunities to deploy. At this time, on Proxima Centauri C, Fermat installed a mechanical device deep in the formation. Although this device has no attack capabilities, it can transmit signals to Ferma for a long time to detect the development of Proxima Centauri C.

In addition to installing equipment on Planet Proxima C, Ferma also asked his own ships to scan Luo Xiu's ships carrying anti-matter weapons while mining.

Judging from the scanning results, the materials of the opponent's ship cannot be compared with those of the main fleet. But inside the ship, the anti-matter weapons still gave Ferma enough shock.

'Every ship has anti-matter weapons'

‘If they explode together, perhaps the antimatter annihilation energy zone originally formed at the edge of the solar system will reappear in the Alpha Centauri star. ’

With such thoughts, Fermat did not take any other actions when leaving, but gradually moved away from Alpha Centauri with all the mining equipment and materials.

‘Analysis of scanned anti-matter weapons. ’

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