I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 182 ‘Eternal Life’

For Luo Xiu now, the technology of jump ring is a more important equipment than the antimatter annihilation bomb.

After all, the antimatter annihilation bomb can only defend against the opponent's attack, but the jump ring allows Luo Xiu to have the strategic maneuverability brought about by long-distance movement.

As long as they can leave the solar system at any time, no matter whether it is the cruising fleet or the Cygnus civilization, they should not think about destroying the starship humans and blue star humans in the solar system with one blow.

"Continue to explore the limits of the jump ring." For this jump ring, Luo Xiu's expectations are not just a jump distance of a few light years or dozens of light years. "When it really can't be improved anymore, just outside the asteroid belt." Lots of construction.”

"We need a stable jump channel to avoid possible blows."

Although they have repelled cruising fleets several times and are now confronting the opponent's main fleet of 20,000 ships on Alpha Centauri, all this is unstable. When the opponent discovers the true situation in the solar system, the situation will change. It will be reversed immediately.

"Okay, Commander, I will urge the construction of the jump ring."

Xue He is of course still very focused on the most important research project he is currently working on. After all, this surpasses the star gate jump technology that the Lunar Research Base has previously studied.

When the jump ring appeared, Cao Guolin's star gate jump technology came to a standstill.

With technology like the jump ring that does not require the construction of equipment at the location to be jumped, the star gate method of jump seems a bit too backward.

Every time a star gate is constructed, the cruising fleet needs to sail for a long time before it can build a star gate at the location to be jumped.

It is precisely because of the constraints of stargate jump technology that the cruising fleet has developed over a long period of time, and now its sphere of influence is only within the Cygnus spiral arm and part of the Orion spiral arm.

However, although Cao Guolin's star gate jump technology was stopped, Te did not lose the research project.

At this time, Cao Guolin had a very important project within the lunar research base, which was 'eternal life'.

For all Blue Star humans, 'immortality' is a topic that is worth discussing and always makes people regretful and fearful.

Because from the beginning of human wisdom, most Blue Star humans know that immortality is almost impossible to achieve.

But even so, there is no shortage of people in every generation of Blue Star humans who pursue 'immortality'.

Luo Xiu's research on 'immortality' this time is the closest to this heavy topic for Blue Star humans.

In Cao Guolin’s project, the path to ‘eternal life’ is not limited to the mechanical ascension of the cruising fleet.

Since Luo Xiu has not yet obtained the ascension information from the captured mechanical ascensioner of the cruising fleet, mechanical ascension is only an issue, and most of the research data still needs to be completed by Cao Guolin himself.

In addition to mechanical ascension, the team led by Cao Guolin also planned another method of "immortality", which is to modify cells.

In the Blue Star human body, cells are actually able to divide infinitely. In other words, Blue Star humans themselves are capable of immortality.

Based on this, Cao Guolin's team will definitely be able to complete research on immortality by transforming Blue Star humans themselves.

This topic is of course more concerned by Luo Xiu than mechanical ascension. After all, no one wants to be transformed into a machine and become a pile of data unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Tell Cao Guolin that the latest batch of researchers will all be assigned to his project."

"The research progress of the 'Immortality' project is a bit slow now."

When Xue He's virtual image was about to leave, Luo Xiu suddenly stopped the chief scientist of the starship humans and gave instructions.

"Okay, I will tell Cao Guolin." Xue He nodded slightly, responded, and then disappeared from Luo Xiu's room.

In fact, for Xue He himself, he certainly hopes that the subject of 'immortality' can be realized as soon as possible.

After all, he is already over eighty now. If it weren't for the medical technology brought by Luo Xiu, Xue He might have left his scientific research position long ago and been lying on the hospital bed.

If the 'immortality' project can really succeed, then Xue He no longer needs to worry about whether he can completely build the jump ring in his limited life.

The reason why Xue He had such an idea recently was mainly because of the departure of Luo Faqi, his teammate on Blue Star who once set off from Blue Star with him to communicate with Luo Xiu on Mars.

At that time, the two of them were very different in age, and they both went to Mars to see the 'unknown civilization' in a state of anxiety and excitement.

But due to Luo Xiu's rapid rise at that time, the three of them and another bear astronaut were only halfway there when they were directly captured by Luo Xiu.

This experience made Xue He and Luo Faqi become close friends after they returned to Blue Star. After that, even if Xue He was selected to go to the moon, the two often communicated in the illusory world "Dream".

However, things are always unpredictable. Three months ago, Luo Faqi passed away unexpectedly.

When his friend left, Xue He realized that he didn't have much time. Over eighty years old, he has reached the end of his life.

It was precisely because of Xue He's thoughts that when he left Luo Xiu's location and returned to the lunar research base, Xue He immediately went to look for Cao Guolin.

While various research projects were still being planned within the solar system, in Alpha Centauri, in order to obtain some practical technologies from Luo Xiu's fleet, a large amount of research data on the Proxima Centauri b civilization was continuously sent to Luo Xiu. Hugh's hands.

As a civilization discovered by Blue Star for the first time, Luo Xiu also attaches great importance to their technology tree.

Only through constant impact and collision can civilization last long and technology burst out with vitality.

Among the technologies transmitted to Luo Xiu by the Proxima Centauri b civilization, the 'strong interaction force' materials and the transformation of microscopic particles are all designs that make Luo Xiu and scientists in the entire solar system shine.

Especially the 'strong interaction force' material, if it can really be developed and mass-produced, then there is no need to worry about the material problem of the transition ring.

At this time, on Proxima Centauri b, the members of the Proxima Centauri b civilization who had been observing the number of Luo Xiu's ships were becoming increasingly uneasy.

Although they had made deals with Luo Xiu's fleet before, this did not mean that the other party would not do something drastic.

"Their number of ships continues to increase, and it seems that they are trying to make the jump to match the number of other ships." In Proxima b, a member of the Proxima b civilization seemed a little anxious.

In the comparison of forces among the three parties, Proxima b civilization is of course the weakest. There is no doubt about this.

But even so, the members of Proxima b civilization don't seem to want to sit still and wait for death. The previous large-scale transactions with Luo Xiu were in order to quickly improve the technology of this civilization.

But it is obvious that Proxima b civilization has found the wrong person. If we only talk about the technology of Blue Star Civilization, its transactions with the solar system will definitely suffer.

"Who do you think will win now?" The chairman of the Proxima b civilization was standing in an observatory, looking at Luo Xiu and the ships of the cruising fleet from the observation screen.

The researcher who was asked by the speaker had been observing the ships of both sides, so after the speaker of the Proxima b civilization asked, he directly replied: "I still think those 20,000 ships can win."

The reason why this researcher said this is mainly because the warships in the cruising fleet are larger, and their hull size is also superior to the civilized ships in the solar system.

In fact, not only this researcher, but also the Speaker had the same idea. After all, the gap between the two sides does not need to be compared in depth at all. You only need to glance at it and you can basically get the answer.

"But it's even weirder that they haven't attacked yet." Members of the Proxima b civilization thought that if the party with the advantage has not attacked for a long time, isn't it just waiting for the other party to become stronger?

Of course, the two civilizations in Alpha Centauri are now fighting among gods. Members of the Proxima b civilization can only watch from a distance even if they are on the mainland.

What the members of the Proxima b civilization didn't know was that the original purpose of Luo Xu's solar system fleet was to contain the opponent on Alpha Centauri, while the cruising fleet on the other side had to be forced to do so due to changes in the Cygnus spiral arm. Focus all your attention on the Cygnus spiral arm.

"The destruction of star gates is still intensifying, but judging from the current destruction of star gates, the star gates with spiral arms located at the core of the galaxy have basically been preserved."

"What was destroyed was all in the direction of the Cygnus spiral arm toward the outer spiral arm."

"From this point of view, the opponent should be the Cygnus spiral arm entering from the outer spiral arm."

In the main fleet, the mechanical ascenders of the cruising fleet were still playing with the model of the Cygnus spiral arm and discussing in a low voice.

"Have you noticed that there are two ways to destroy the Star Gate." There was a trace of anxiety in Ferma's words. The changes in the Cygnus spiral arm were of great concern to this ascendant.

Especially those star gates that have been destroyed and are being destroyed, Ferma has always been paying attention.

But from these destroyed star gates, Ferma discovered some differences.

"Two ways?" Another ascended person has basically never carefully observed the data of the destruction of his own star gate, so he doesn't know what the difference is when the star gate in the Cygnus spiral arm is destroyed.

"Yes, both."

Ferma nodded first, then took two steps forward, walked around the model in front of him, pointed at one of the straight lines composed of star gates and said: "When this group of star gates was destroyed, there were two The Stargate once sent signals out."

"Although these signals are very confusing and you can't tell what they are written on, they are very strange compared to other star gates."

Hearing Fermat's explanation, his assistant didn't understand it too well. "If there are only two of them, could it be just a coincidence?"

Fermat's assistant still prefers to believe that the Star Gate was destroyed by the same force. Wouldn't it be too strange if two or even three forces were in the Cygnus spiral arm?

In the past, all the cruising fleets came into contact with were primitive civilizations. It was simply a fantasy for them to fight against the cruising fleets.

But now, there is something wrong no matter how you think about the emergence of two or three civilizations that are above the technological level of cruising fleets at the same time.

"Coincidence? No, not a coincidence."

"Look at this."

Just as Fimal finished speaking, the time when each star gate was destroyed suddenly appeared on the model in front of them.

"The star gates outside this line were destroyed at too uniform a time."

"Here, here, and here, the time interval between the three star gates being destroyed was less than five minutes."

"Five minutes, three star gates. Even if the opponent has new jump technology, it can't jump two or three times in such a short period of time, right?"

After Ferma's introduction, his assistant seemed to have figured out something, and a red light flashed in the machine's eyes. "You mean, its other star gates were not destroyed by unknown civilizations?"

"Could it be."

The ascended person looked at Ferma in horror, as if he couldn't believe his own judgment.

"Did the base camp destroy it itself?"

Fermat did not answer his assistant's question immediately. Instead, he stared at the star gate that he thought was the real invasion route, thinking hard about something.

After a long pause, Xue He continued: "It is impossible for the base camp to automatically clean up the star gate. The authority of the star gate is in the hands of the Cygnus civilization. Without the authority of the Cygnus civilization, it is impossible for the base camp to destroy the star gate on its own."

"And what's the point of the base camp destroying the star gate? If my previous calculation is correct, the destroyed star gate is not even on the opponent's march route."

Speaking of this, as a member who can be promoted to a mechanical ascendant, Ferma's assistant certainly understood the other party's thoughts.

"What do you mean?" Although the mechanical ascendant thought of it, he did not dare to say the other party's name directly.

"Yes, it's the one you think of." Fermat nodded.

The main reason why the two were playing charades at this time was that the name they were discussing could not be easily spoken on the bridge.

Because what the two men were talking about was the real manipulator behind the cruising fleet, the powerful civilization that enslaved more than twenty civilizations, the Cygnus Civilization.

"But why is this? Why do they destroy the star gates? The destruction of these star gates has no effect at all."

Fermat's assistant was very puzzled by the speculated behavior of the Cygnus civilization. Wouldn't destroying his own star gate cause trouble for himself?

Ferma Yaoyaotou, no reply. Although he has earlier qualifications than the other ascended person, he has not come into contact with the representative of the Cygnus civilization in the base camp, ‘Number One’.

It is precisely because of the lack of intelligence that both Fermat and his assistants are somewhat confused as to why the Cygnus civilization would conduct such an operation.

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