I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 177 Mechanical Ascension

From the perspective of Proxima b civilization, there is nothing wrong with their choice.

After all, there are 20,000 cruising fleet ships in Alpha Centauri, and Luo Xiu only has three ships.

Even if the civilization behind those three ships has the ability to make jumps, distant water cannot resolve nearby fire. Instead of expecting the strength of that civilization, it is better to communicate with a fleet of 20,000 ships.

"You're right."

The council of Proxima b quickly reached a consensus, which was to directly contact the civilization with 20,000 ships in space.

Worried about the safety of their own civilization, Proxima Centauri b civilization made a decision very quickly this time. Just a few minutes later, a signal was shot from the satellite of Proxima Centauri b and headed straight for the direction of the main fleet.

A glance at Blue Star's previous Voyager signal contained a lot of information about the Proxima b civilization. After introducing themselves, the willingness of the Proxima b civilization to cooperate with the other party finally appeared. .

But what Proxima b didn't expect was that after they sent out this signal, they did not receive any reply from the cruising fleet.

It's not that Fermat is not interested in this civilization, but that he is surprised why the other party sends this signal.

According to Fermat's own conjecture, this civilization should have been observing the Proxima Centauri b civilization in Alpha Centauri.

But now the signal from the other party directly indicates a civilization, that is, the Proxima b civilization has probably not had contact with the civilization in the solar system.

‘Why is this happening? ’

‘Have they not shown themselves before this civilization? ’

‘In other words, this primitive civilization does not know the existence of the other party? ’

At this time, Fermat was racking his brains to think about the other party's ideas, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't seem to figure out what the civilization in the solar system wanted to do.

But even so, Fermat didn't think this was an opportunity, because for the civilization in the solar system, the civilization in Alpha Centauri was too weak.

Even if this primitive civilization is willing to go all out, it is impossible to have a shred of strength that can resist the civilization in the solar system.

"There is no need to respond to them, wait for the signal from the base camp." At this time, Ferma and his assistants had no time to care about a civilization that had just left its home planet.

And while Ferma was waiting for news about the cruising fleet base camp that had changed, Luo Xiu in the lunar research base in the solar system was also having a headache about the cruising fleet in Alpha Centauri.

"The other party didn't continue to pursue?"

Luo Xiu, who could see the movements of the cruising fleet ships from the model, was thinking about what the other party's purpose was when his experimental ship was still intact and could continue to maintain contact with the lunar research base.

According to conventional practice, even if Luo Xiu himself controls the cruising fleet ship, he will definitely continue to pursue it in order to give his opponent a shock.

But since the other party did not do this, it means that something else must have happened, thus interrupting the other party's actions.

'what is it then? ’

Luo Xiu frowned slightly. At this time, he still couldn't imagine why the other party ended the capture of the test ship.

But no matter what, the current test ships are gradually getting out of each other's control. As long as they keep moving forward, these three ships will soon be able to return to the solar system. "

"Let the test ship release the detection device to monitor the movements of the cruising fleet."

"Prepare ships loaded with antimatter annihilation bombs to jump to Alpha Centauri at any time."

There are still some old-fashioned battleships remaining in the solar system. Although these can still be built in terms of quality, there is some gap between them and Zhou Wen-class battleships, but if they are only equipped with anti-matter annihilation bombs, they are still more than enough.

"Accelerate the research plan for the lunar base, and the personnel selected at Blue Star will also be sent to the moon one after another."

There is still some gap between Luo Xiu and the cruising fleet in terms of overall technology. To make up for these gaps, in addition to being able to conduct material experiments compared to the cruising fleet, he must also increase the number of scientific researchers significantly.

However, the bodies of the first batch of Blue Star members who entered the lunar research base were already a little overwhelmed.

For example, Cao Guolin and others are already around a hundred years old. If it weren't for the medical technology that Luo Xiu brought to them, it would have been impossible for them to live to this age.

But no matter how advanced Luo Xiu's medical technology is, he can't change the already formed Blue Star human body.

These members of the other party only started to optimize their genes after they reached adulthood. For organs that have long been solidified, these medical technologies can only maintain them, but cannot continue to extend their lives.

But this group of people is very important to Luo Xiu. They now have some of the technological data that Luo Xiu needs most, and they also have ideas for various technological research and development.

In order to prevent these people from dying, Luo Xiu's 'mechanical ascension' plan was finally put on the agenda in the lunar base.

Although he did not get help from Dasara, the mechanical ascender in the cruising fleet, Luo Xiu was able to obtain some useful information by analyzing its mechanical body that had not been destroyed.

"Your Excellency, Commander, we intercepted a signal sent from Proxima b to the cruising fleet."

Just when Luo Xiu was thinking about which animal to use first for the ascension test, the control system of the lunar research base brought him some not-so-good news.

"Proxima b?" Luo Xiu certainly knew very little about this newly discovered civilization.

However, the other party actually dared to take the initiative to contact the two civilizations when they were confronting each other in the star system. It can still be seen that this civilization is still very courageous.

"What signal?" Luo Xiu closed his eyes and entered the virtual world 'Dream' directly through the exoskeleton armor.

As soon as he entered the 'Dream', Luo Xiu appeared directly in the star system Alpha Centauri, and the planet he stepped on was the Proxima b that the control system just mentioned.

"The Proxima Centauri b civilization has sent a request for cooperation to the cruising fleet and wants to help them hunt down our test ship."

As soon as the control system finished speaking the signal sent by the other party, Luo Xiu smiled slightly and reached out to grab Proxima Centauri C, which was only the size of a basketball. "It is indeed a primitive civilization."

"The two ships have jumped near Proxima Centauri C. We need to make this primitive civilization clearly aware of its position."

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