I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 159 The Ascended Person’s Protection Core

At this time, above the Blue Star and the Moon, the Blue Star humans in the Moon Research Base did not know that the war had suddenly started, and that a deadly weapon was coming towards their star field at high speed.

When the control system, under Luo Xiu's instructions, broadcast the war situation in front of the Blue Star personnel, these humans who were still singing and dancing in peace suddenly panicked.

However, panic cannot solve any problem. Faced with the high-speed "neutron killing", the Blue Star humans who are within the attack range of the neutron feather can only obey Luo Xiu's order, evacuate from the residential area, and take the Blue Star The ships built on the star orbit platform go to the temporary survival platform located outside the 'Neutron Killer', between the orbits of Mars and Blue Star.

Of course, this migration process will still take some time. After all, the survival platform where billions of Blue Star humans live is somewhat challenging to build.

But the good news is that although the neutron plumes previously blasted by the three civilized ships have basically reached the speed of light, it will still take a long time to reach the Blue Star.

This period of time is enough for Luo Xiu to build a temporary survival platform and enough transport ships to transport Blue Star humans.

And if the Kuiper Belt and the asteroid belt produce enough antimatter annihilation bombs to block the path of the neutron plume, then the migration of the Blue Star can of course be terminated directly.

"The relocation work is left to Cao Guolin and others at the Lunar Research Base."

The short-distance migration of Blue Star humans is not too important to Luo Xiu. After all, this is not a cruising fleet that has invaded the solar system, and Neutron Feather may also intercept it, so what Luo Xiu is focusing on now is not something that will actually happen in a year's time.

"Prepare a ship for me, I'm going to the battlefield."

"The ships at the edge of the Oort cloud immediately bypassed the antimatter annihilation zone and cleaned up the battlefield."

At this time, although Luo Xiu's space warship was no longer able to maneuver, it was sailing towards the vast starry sky at high speed. But the results it brought were brilliant.

The circuits of three civilized ships were destroyed by 'neutron annihilation', but because the neutron plume did not exist for a long time, the ship body did not cause much damage.

Although these results are not as valuable as a space battleship to Luo Xiu, they are extremely important for ship manufacturing and material research in the current solar system.

Especially those three civilized ships. Although their propellers, control centers and bridges were smashed head-on by the space warship, the weapon system for 'neutron killing' was not destroyed.

Although they no longer have energy output from the hull and cannot emit neutron plumes outwards, their overall structure has not been changed.

As long as it is controlled and enough energy is input, the 'neutron killing' can continue to be activated.

If Luo Xiu could crack its control system, then the triangular array's 'neutron killing' could become another weapon in Luo Xiu's hands in the wars he might encounter in the future.

If the cruising fleet postpones its attack because of this war, or stops attacking, Luo Xiu will be able to obtain a large amount of research on 'neutron killing' weapons and analysis of ship materials of the two fleets in the future.

Compared to the last time when the antimatter annihilation energy directly destroyed all the items in the advance fleet, what Luo Xiu obtained this time was much better.

It was precisely because of such a significant harvest that Luo Xiu prepared to personally take a ship to the battlefield outside the Oort Cloud.

"Okay, Commander, the ship is being prepared."

Different from the previous master brain, the control system of the lunar research base can be said to obey Luo Xiu's instructions. It will not interfere in any way with Luo Xiu's instructions, nor will it generate its own independent ideas.

Since Luo Xiu's location was right next to the star port, the preparations for the ship were also very quick. In less than a minute, a Shangtang-class battleship had arrived at the orbital platform where Luo Xiu was located.

And just when Luo Xiu was about to set off for the battlefield outside the Oort cloud, the ordinary warships that had just not joined the battlefield and had been watching the battle at the edge of the cloud had already received Luo Xiu's instructions and sailed out from the edge of the cloud, circling around. Passing through the expanding antimatter annihilation energy zone, heading towards the wreckage of the civilization ship, super-acceleration fleet, and reinforcement fleet.

The previous Xia Qi-class battleship launched the anti-matter annihilation bomb directly outside the cloud when the warship was preparing for action.

So at this time, the antimatter annihilation energy has actually expanded into the solar system in reverse, and is already eroding the material in the Oort cloud.

Fortunately, there was no superposition of space energy this time. Therefore, although there were many antimatter annihilation bombs this time and their energy areas had been formed, their expansion speed was far less rapid than that of the battle with the advance fleet.

‘It is crossing the antimatter annihilation energy zone. ’

Conventional warships were advancing rapidly on the edge of the antimatter annihilation zone, and the intelligence they collected was continuously transmitted to Luo Xiu, who had already entered the Shangtang-class warship.

Luo Xiu was already very familiar with the antimatter annihilation energy zone.

Over the years, Luo Xiu has conducted a lot of analysis on the energy zone near Neptune's orbit and the Kuiper Belt. Even Luo Xiu, a person who did not participate in the research, has memorized a lot of the data.

‘We are approaching the battlefield and scanning analysis is in progress. ’

After high-speed navigation, the nearby shipwrecks had also entered the observation position of these conventional warships.

‘The opponent’s conventional ships have no signs of life. ’

Luo Xiu's conventional warships took the lead in conducting life detection on these ships before they arrived. However, these battleships have undergone the baptism of 'neutron annihilation', and the members of Kasakuk among them are not able to put their own data streams into the protection core like Dasara, the ascendant who leads them.

The flesh-and-blood members of Kasakuk could only face the attack of 'neutron annihilation' and eventually perished in it.

'No signal found. ’

Luo Xiu's conventional warships continued to approach, and the pictures he could see became increasingly clear.

There were originally only more than 300 ships left. Due to the damage to the control system of these conventional warships, its propellers and control centers have stopped working. In the face of the previous 'neutron annihilation' strike, its initial power It has also been weakened and is now moving forward with inertia at an extremely low speed.

And this picture was clearly transmitted to Luo Xiu on the Shangtang-class battleship.

"Send robots to board the ship for inspection."

Although Luo Xiu was still a light-year away from the battlefield at this time, his instructions were accurately transmitted to the ships that had just arrived on the battlefield.

After receiving Luo Xiu's instructions, the hatches of conventional warships also opened one after another, and various engineering robots and reconnaissance robots flew out from the hatches, heading straight for the ships belonging to the cruising fleet that were already close at hand. go.

Since the ship circuits of the hyper-accelerated fleet and the reinforcement fleet have completely lost their function, the plan to open the hatch by hacking into the ship system cannot be implemented directly.

After a brief detailed scan, Luo Xiu let the ships ahead directly carry out the violent demolition plan.

'The hatch has been destroyed and internal detection is underway. ’

‘All circuits are damaged and the control center cannot be restarted. ’

'All intelligent life has been wiped out. ’

As each ship was opened by Luo Xiu, the situation inside was directly transmitted back to the inner solar system.

"'Neutron Kill'."

Luo Xiu looked at the empty space inside the ship through the signal sent back from the front, and talked about the super weapon that had just caused this situation.

However, if the civilization ship hadn't suddenly used 'neutron killing', the super-accelerated fleet and reinforcement fleet controlled by Dasara might have really escaped from the edge of the solar system.

For Luo Xiu, a fleet that has not gone far is of course extremely unstable for the solar system.

Only being completely destroyed like this is the most important thing to Luo Xiu.

"Ordinary warships no longer carry out detection and go directly to the opponent's flagship."

After dismantling the hatches of more than a dozen ships, Luo Xiu was not ready to continue destroying them. Although these ships are not yet controlled by Luo Xiu, they have become his own property by Luo Xiu's default.

If there is something at the edge of the solar system that no one controls, if it doesn’t belong to the humans on my starship, who does it belong to?

With this idea in mind, Luo Xiu also directly ordered the ship that was performing the detection mission to retrieve the ship-borne robot and go directly to the opponent's flagship.

‘Searching for the opponent’s flagship. ’

Although three hundred ships does not sound like a large number, in space, the area they cover will be very wide. They are like a fishing net, woven in this star field.

It will still take some time for warships like Luo Xiu to find out where the flagship is from these three hundred almost identical ships.

‘Scanned the opponent’s flagship. ’

‘Approaching. ’

‘The hatch is undergoing destruction. ’

Since the temporary commander of the super-accelerated fleet had installed a shield cracker on his flagship, Luo Xiu's warships directly locked onto the flagships of the two fleets after just a simple scan.

The area covered by three hundred ships is very large, but for ships with a percentage of light speed, this distance is nothing.

When more than a dozen conventional warships under Luo Xiu arrived at this ship with the most different form, the hatch had already been opened by the first warship.

‘The engineering robot has been dispatched and is scanning the hull. ’

Within the flagship, on the bridge which had been bustling with people before, all the members of Kasa Cook had already disappeared. There are no lights and no one here.

If the war hadn't just ended, no one would have believed that there was such an intelligent creature up there just ten minutes ago.

'The bridge is being cleaned. ’

Since it is the opponent's flagship, its bridge also receives the most special care. This flagship has experienced all the services that other ships have not experienced.

"Zi! Found the working machinery!"

When the reconnaissance robot that entered the bridge was conducting a comprehensive inspection of the interior of the bridge, a robot discovered a round object the size of a Blue Star human's little finger joint near the bridge controller.

This object was emitting a pale white light at this time, as if it contained some unknown energy.

"Working machinery?"

At this time, Luo Xiu, who was rushing to the battlefield on a Shangtang-class battleship, heard these five words and began to wonder if the robot in front had made some mistakes during detection.

Those ships were hit by the "neutron annihilation" of the civilized ship. It stands to reason that all the circuits and intelligent creatures in them have been destroyed. Even if there are machines, it is absolutely impossible to continue to use them.

"Return signal."

In order to figure out the problem, Luo Xiu no longer looked at the model in the bridge, but asked the battleship in front to directly send back specific pictures.

"Huh?" Luo Xiu suddenly felt a little confused after seeing the smooth ball that radiated milky white light.

"What is this?"

The Ascended's protective core has never appeared even in the roving fleet, and their existence can only be known by becoming a member of the Ascended.

And for so many years, even those mechanical ascenders have never used this thing.

For those who ascend mechanically, this protective core is mostly useless and has little practical value.

As a mechanical ascendant of Kasakuk, Dasara can be said to be the first ascendant member to use this protective core.

At this time, she was trapped in the protective core. Because the Luo Xiuna reconnaissance robot picked her up, the core also spontaneously sent out a signal.

‘Please immediately return the Ascended Protection Core to the Cruising Fleet Base Camp. ’

This signal was sent in the lingua franca of the cruising fleet, so Luo Xiu, who had been a member of the cruising fleet for some time, also understood its meaning.

"Ascended One protects the core?!" Hearing these words, Luo Xiu felt excited in his heart, "Ascended One!"

At this time, Luo Xiu realized that there was actually a mechanical ascendant in the fleet he faced.

When Luo Xiu was cruising the fleet, the ascended ones were like 'gods'.

Of course, this is the result of the cruising fleet's own propaganda. They molded the Ascended into something that all attached civilizations aspired to, and in the end, the Cruising Fleet succeeded.

Most members of affiliated civilizations are proud to be an Ascended, but over the years, only a few have become Ascended.

It is precisely for this reason that even the Blue Star Civilization Migration Sect, which is already ranked very high, has not produced even a single mechanical ascender in a hundred years.

Such an extremely noble being in the cruising fleet was actually captured by Luo Xiu at this time.

"Use shipboard jammers to block its signal transmission and immediately send it to the Kuiper Belt starport."

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