I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 783 North Sea Giant Demon

In the center of the antique bedroom, there is a four-poster bed with rose-colored bedding and lavender-colored bed curtains.

Luo Fu sat cross-legged on the bed and spread out an old sheepskin chart full of faded lines on his side.

One corner had become warped due to long-term rolling. He picked up a wooden comb that Shirley had placed on the bedside table and gently pressed the chart down.

After a while, the door opened slightly, and a girl in a light-colored nightgown gently opened the door and walked into the bedroom.

She came to the bed, glanced at the bedside table, let out a light sigh, and asked, "Rolph, have you seen my comb?"

Luofu raised his head and looked at Shirley. She had obviously just taken a shower, and her body was still radiating heat. Her long, moist burgundy hair was spread over her shoulders. Her cheeks were as white as snow, with a hint of blush, and she was as beautiful as a peach blossom.

So beautiful.

Luofu admired sincerely in his heart, then pointed to the comb holding down the parchment and said, "Here it is."

Shirley reached out and picked up the wooden comb, and the corner of the parchment tilted up again. She was about to press the comb back when Rolf took it and said with a smile:

"It's okay. Sit down quickly and I'll help you comb it."

Shirley hummed obediently and sat down on the edge of the bed.

Luo Fei sat behind her and ran his fingers through the wet hair. The mist suddenly rose, and the water-soaked long hair dried instantly.

The young man's slender fingers twisted another strand of smooth hair. He sniffed the fragrance of the hair affectionately, then held the comb in his hand and carefully combed the long burgundy hair.

Shirley had nothing to do, so she picked up the parchment chart on the bed and read it intently.

This chart, from the ghost ship encountered in the Atlantic two years ago, shows the location of Avalon.

However, Shirley's eyes were not on the legendary island, but on the animal drawings scattered around the island.

They were a group of ferocious-looking sea monsters. They were painted so lifelike that they seemed to be roaring out of the parchment.

Next to the drawings, there are small notes with their names:

Kraken, Leviathan, Charybdis, Rikas, vortex monster, sea unicorn...

Some of these names were unfamiliar to Shirley, but some were very familiar, such as...Leviathan.

When she was very young, when she was studying the Bible with the nuns in the convent, she saw this name in the Book of Job.

According to the description in the Bible, God created a two-headed monster, a female and a male, on the sixth day of creation. The female was the Leviathan that occupied the sea, and the male was the powerful Behemoth (Behemoth) on the land. behemoth).

At that time, Shirley was only five or six years old. She naively believed that Leviathan really existed, so she was particularly afraid of water.

Later, as she grew older, she learned that Leviathan was a fictional monster that did not exist in reality.

When she was eleven years old, after learning about the existence of magic and magical creatures, she believed that Leviathan was a magical creature that really existed in the world.

But when she entered Hogwarts, she discovered that Leviathan did not exist in books about magical creatures.

Now, looking at this chart, Leviathan seems to exist again... It is true that as life experience continues to enrich, the understanding of one thing is also constantly reversed!

Rolf seemed to know what Shirley was thinking. He held the comb in his hand, passed it through her silky hair, and whispered:

"These magical creatures, like the divine kingfisher, are just legends. No wizard has ever taken photos or captured them."

"Let's call it a legend. There are countless sighting records from ancient times to the present.

Among them, the Kraken has the most records, and the descriptions of all eyewitnesses are similar, saying that it is an animal that looks like an octopus, with a body size of more than 100 meters, and is larger than any existing magical creature. "

Shirley turned her head slightly and said in a doubtful tone to Luo Fu behind her:

"The North Sea is so shallow. Is it really possible to survive a kraken over a hundred meters high? Even without the wizard finding a hiding place."

This is the key point!

The North Sea is a sea on the northeastern edge of the Atlantic Ocean, located between the Island of Great Britain, Scandinavia, Jutland and the Dutch Lowlands.

The total sea area is not small, close to 600,000 square kilometers, but except for the area near the southwestern tip of Scandinavia, where the water depth ranges from 200 to 800 meters, the water depth in most sea areas does not exceed 100 meters.

A 100-meter-high Kraken lives in the North Sea, just like a great white shark living in a swimming pool several meters deep!

And according to the description on the sea map, there are more than a dozen magical creatures that can rival the Kraken in size, living in this sea area.

Not to mention that a shallow pool like the North Sea cannot support so many sea monsters. Even if it could, it would not be possible to hide them so secretly.

But in fact, the International Federation of Wizards has conducted searches in the North Sea many times, but has never found the Kraken or other legendary magical creatures.

Newt also lived in the North Sea for two and a half years. Apart from seeing a magical animal that was suspected to be a divine kingfisher, he also learned nothing.

However, Luofu also had his own guess about this. He said softly:

"Although these magical creatures live in the North Sea, they may not be at the same spatial latitude as the North Sea where we are."

Shirley pondered for a moment, then her eyes lit up and she said, "You mean... the location of Avalon and these magical creatures is like a trance?"

"That's right." Luo Fu nodded with admiration, "So, even if Myrcella took this chart and searched all over the North Sea, she still couldn't find Avalon."

He put down the comb, hugged Shirley from behind, then gently rested his chin on her slender shoulder, looking at the chart in her hand.

But Luo Fu's eyes first saw the girl's delicate collarbone and exposed white skin.

Looking down, the most important peak view was blocked by the collar of the light-colored nightgown.

But from the bulging and graceful arc shape, it can be seen that although it is not spectacular, it is already quite large.

Looking down again, he saw that under the hem of Shirley's light-colored skirt, two attractive legs as smooth as gelatin and as tender as thin lotus roots were exposed. They were tightly together and stretched straight forward.

Luofu accidentally captured this beautiful picture from top to bottom, and was fascinated by it for a while.

Although Shirley's back was to Luo Fu, her body was extremely sensitive and she could feel the young man staring blankly at her.

She was a little shy for a moment and asked softly: "Rolph... what are you looking at?"

Only then did Luo Fu come to his senses, put his eyes on the parchment with difficulty, and whispered: "I'm... looking at the map."

Shirley didn't expose the boy. She just blinked her moist eyes, turned her head and smiled at him and said, "I... am a little sleepy."

"Then go to sleep." Luof let go of Shirley and said with a smile, "We have to get up early tomorrow to watch the sunrise."

Shirley asked in a soft voice: "But there is only one bedroom in this house. Didn't you prepare a bedroom for me?"

"Ah, no?" Luo Fu said in surprise, as if he just knew it.

"I clearly wrote to Captain Carlos that there were two of us and we needed two bedrooms. Did he forget?"

Shirley bit her thin lips and smiled: "It's okay, there is a room in the box, I can just go back there and sleep."

"I'm afraid not." Luo Fu looked confused.


"While you're taking a shower, I'll go back to the box to get the map." Luo Fe sighed:

"A Niffler took the opportunity to escape, locked the box, and stole the key. I haven't caught that Niffler yet... You definitely won't be able to get into the box tonight."

Luofu's face became serious, and he quickly raised a smile and said softly:

"Let's do this, Shirley...you can sleep here tonight. Anyway, this bed is quite big and it's not crowded at all."

The girl turned around, curved her slender and charming eyebrows, and looked at Luo Fu with a soft smile, showing his fox tail.

Before Shirley could say anything, Luof had already gathered her in his arms and carried her onto the bed. With a slight kick of his right foot, he pulled up the rose-colored quilt and covered the two of them.

The parchment map floated in the wind, rolled up in mid-air, and finally fell lightly to the ground.

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