I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 781 Naili Shi’s Bet

Cornelius Fudge,

As the British Minister of Magic, he is the well-deserved leader in the magical world of the British Isles!

For such a leading wizard, Rolf actually said that he would be ousted within a few months... Slughorn was dumbfounded.

Luo Fu and Shirley said goodbye and left. He didn't even react and just stood there in a daze.

"Grandpa, everyone has gone far away." Nelisi reminded.

"Ah...oh." Slughorn finally came to his senses. He hesitated and whispered:

"Naris, do you think Rove... can really drive Minister Fudge out of office?"

Naili Shi glanced at the retreating figures of Luo Fu and Shirley, thought for a while and said, "Looking at how confident he is, he should be able to do it, right?"

"It should be possible, right?" Slughorn twitched his lips and said:

"That's the Minister of Magic. He's an official at the same level as your President of the Magical Congress of the United States of America. He's not just a cat or a dog!"

"Oh, I hear what you mean..." Nailishi turned to look at her great-grandfather and said, "Don't you believe that Luo Fu can do it?"

"Don't tell me...Normal people wouldn't believe it, right?!" Slughorn shook his head first, and then quickly added:

"Of course, if Dumbledore said he wanted to oust Fudge, I would still believe him."

"But even Dumbledore!" the old man emphasized: "It is absolutely impossible to remove a Minister of Magic within a few months!"

"Isn't Dumbledore the president of the International Federation of Wizards?" the short-haired girl asked doubtfully:

"With his current power, it shouldn't be difficult to remove Fudge, the British minister, right?"

The Muggle United Nations is a mascot, but the International Confederation of Wizards is not. This organization is a truly powerful department that can interfere with the magical governments of various countries to a certain extent.

The most typical one is the "International Confederation of Wizards' Statute of Secrecy", which all countries in the world must abide by.

There is no precedent for the International Federation of Wizards to remove the Minister of Magic.

For example, Damocles Rolle, the second British Minister of Magic.

He once proposed the slogan "Treat Muggles harshly". Such extreme remarks naturally caused an uproar, and he was subsequently removed from office by the International Federation of Wizards.

As the president of the International Federation of Wizards, Dumbledore can initiate a draft to remove Fudge for dereliction of duty.

Although it still requires approval by half of all representatives, with the influence of Dumbledore, the president, the goal can be easily achieved.

"If Dumbledore were not a British wizard, he could indeed make Fudge step down." Slughorn sighed:

"But he's a British wizard, so there's no way he can do this."


"Dumbledore was the British representative of the International Confederation of Wizards, and was then elected as the president in the federation's election." Slughorn explained:

"But if he is not a British representative, he is naturally not qualified to continue to serve as president, let alone hold a conference to remove Minister Fudge from his position."

"You mean... Fudge will first remove Dumbledore from his position as British representative?" Nellies asked.

"Yes." Slughorn said with a serious face: "Didn't you hear what Rolf said? Dumbledore and Fudge have already fallen out!

Now that it has reached this point, the next step is a life-and-death struggle, and no one will show mercy! ! "

"Of course, I still believe that with Dumbledore's influence in the UK, Minister Fudge can be brought down." Slughorn said.

"However, Dumbledore will definitely not be able to do it in a short time, and he will even be made extremely embarrassed by Fudge.

After all, Fudge is the Minister of Magic and the top leader in the British wizarding world.

After Dumbledore was beaten to the end, he was just the principal of the magic school. "

Nailishi thought for a moment and offered her advice:

"Didn't you say that Dumbledore was nominated as Minister of Magic three times, but he rejected it all?

That shows that many British wizards support Dumbledore. What if he announces his candidacy for minister now? "

"If Dumbledore is willing to run for office, he will of course become Minister with an overwhelming majority." Slughorn whispered:

"But ministerial elections are held every seven years. It has only been five years since Fudge took office in 1990. Even if Dumbledore wants to run, it will be two years later."

"Doesn't that mean... there is really no way to remove Fudge from power in the short term?" Nelisi frowned.

"Yeah, I don't see any way anyway." Slughorn shrugged.

"So, Rove said that Minister Fudge will be removed from office in a few months. He is really not afraid of dragons even if he is born with a sniffer!"

Nelisi was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed, with two dimples appearing on both sides of her cheeks.

"Grandpa, what if Rove really ousts Minister Fudge before Halloween at the end of October?"

"Don't talk about Halloween, as long as he can make Fudge step down before the end of this year, I will go to Hogwarts to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts..." Slughorn let out a loud sigh and said: "I will be a magician. Professor of Medicine!”

"This is what you said." Naili Shi smiled and said, "Don't deny it when the time comes."

"Do you really believe that kid?" Slughorn glared at his great-granddaughter.

"I just believe in Margaery's vision." Nelisi stuck out her tongue.

After Rolf and Shirley left Slughorn's cabin, they did not return to their rooms immediately, but walked along the deck.

Luo Fei took Shirley's hand and came to the railing, overlooking the sea.

The sea is covered with bright moonlight, like a Milky Way on earth. The night is quiet, the sea breeze is gentle, the scenery is pleasant, and you feel relaxed and happy.

The girl with the ponytail looked at the sea and asked: "Rolph, are you going to use Margaery's method to make Fudge step down?"

A few months ago, Rolf, Shirley, Margaery and Hermione had discussed how to oust Fudge.

At that time, Margery suggested that she could deliberately write reports to praise Fudge, exaggerate his political achievements, and then brag about his character to the point of being a flawless moral model.

Those who criticize Fudge are directly labeled as foreign forces, thus inducing neutral people to sincerely dislike Fudge and ruining his popularity among passers-by.

Then it’s even simpler, aren’t you a moral model?

Then let Rita Skeeter reveal all the dirty information about Fudge.

Fudge took bribes and had sex deals with his subordinate Umbridge; he used his power for personal gain and benefited the family a lot; he eavesdropped on the conversations of his competitors; he had an affair with an intern at the Ministry of Magic...

With Rita Skeeter's unique brand of inflammatory writing, Fudge was ruined and infamous overnight.

"Margery's method is indeed very good, but it is still too slow. It may not be able to oust Fudge from power." Luo Fe said confidently:

"I have a simpler and more direct method. As long as it is used, Fudge will step down immediately."

The young man leaned close to Shirley's ear and whispered something.

After hearing this, the girl with the ponytail was stunned at first, and then couldn't help laughing:

"You...you are too bad!"

"As long as Fudge admits that Voldemort is resurrected, he will not be brought down by this method." Rove said with a smile: "To put it bluntly, it is still his own problem."

At this time, the Mayflower suddenly rang a heavy bell.

Shirley asked confused: "What's wrong?"

"The Mayflower is going to sink under the water." Luof reached out and touched the girl's ponytail, then put his arm around her shoulders and said softly:

"It's late at night, let's go back to the room and sleep."

Shirley's pretty face immediately turned red.

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