I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 779 Luo Fu’s connections

Although Professor Trelawney is nominally the Divination professor at Hogwarts, the predictions she makes are basically nonsense.

Otherwise, at her rate of predicting the death of one student every year, Hogwarts would have been trampled to the ground by angry parents before Voldemort and the Death Eaters took action.

Only when she enters that mysterious and mysterious realm can the words she speaks be a real prophecy. However, that kind of special situation is rare, and it may even take more than ten years to refresh a CD.

Therefore, Rolf would not believe Trelawny's words about "being caught in a storm on a boat and falling into the sea", let alone care about it.

Of course, if this prophecy was made by Cassandra, then Rolf would definitely believe it. It can only be said that in his heart, Sybil is not even comparable to half a hair of her great-great-grandmother...

Since Luo Fu didn't believe it, he naturally wouldn't change to other means of transportation.

In the afternoon, the Mayflower crossed the English Channel and arrived at the French port of Rouen, where the ship would stay for several hours waiting for passengers from the European continent to board.

Seeing that he had plenty of time, Rove took Shirley off the boat and started playing in Rouen.

Rouen is the capital of the Upper Normandy region in France. Like Paris, the Seine River runs through the city. The scenery is very pleasant. There are many ancient Gothic buildings in the city, and it is known as the "Museum City".

They saw the original work of Monet in the Rouen Cathedral, and also saw the heart of the King of England, Richard the Lion-Hearted, in the Cathedral of Rouen.

Rolf and Shirley went to the Church of Joan of Arc and visited the place where Joan of Arc was executed.

Speaking of Joan of Arc, she is a rare being who occupies a place in both the history of Muggles and the history of wizards and magic.

In Muggle history, Joan of Arc is a French national hero and an important figure in the Hundred Years' War between England and France.

As a rural girl, she claimed to have received "revelation from God" when she was sixteen years old, requiring her to lead troops to regain the lost land occupied by England.

Then, it really took her just over a year to reverse the 70-year decline of the French army in one fell swoop, constantly defeating the British army and regaining lost ground.

This kind of miraculous behavior is certainly considered witchcraft in the eyes of Muggles.

As a result, Joan of Arc was later identified as a heretic and a witch by the Inquisition under the control of the English authorities, and she was eventually sentenced to be burned at the stake.

But there's nothing wrong with that. Joan of Arc is indeed a witch. She was originally a student at Beauxbatons, but she dropped out of school at the age of sixteen and participated in the Hundred Years' War between England and France.

Therefore, she was also the most famous persecutor in the medieval witch-hunting movement, occupying a large space in the history of magic. Her death indirectly promoted the promulgation of the "International Federation of Wizards Secrecy Law".

After Joan of Arc died and became a ghost, she even came to Hogwarts to attend the 500th anniversary party held by Nick, who was almost headless.

Luofu had met Joan of Arc. She was not the blond girl with big breasts imagined in Fate, but a fierce woman with a height of over 2.5 meters.

Rolf seriously doubted that Joan of Arc, like Madame Maxime, had the blood of a giant.

Rouen is also an important cider producer, and the local apple brandy is called Calvados.

Rolf and Shirley bought a lot of cider and sent it to Newt, Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and others.

In the evening, the two of them returned to the Mayflower on time, and after a short rest, they went to Slughorn's cabin.

Arriving at the door, Rolf knocked on the door, and a house elf immediately appeared and welcomed them both in.

Slughorn's room is much larger than the average cabin, and the decoration is much more gorgeous:

The walls are hung with emerald green, crimson and gold curtains, and a chandelier hangs from the ceiling. There are hundreds of small and exquisite prism glasses on it, which reflect the light of dozens of candles on the chandelier like diamonds, flames and The room was illuminated with the same light as the sapphire.

A band of dwarves was holding saxophones and playing the tearful "Wall Street Blues"; several house elves walked back and forth, holding heavy silver trays with cocktails, whiskey, and various other items on them. Grow food.

There were already many guests in the room, chatting eagerly. When they heard Luo Fu's arrival, everyone became quiet.

Horace, who was standing in the crowd, immediately came over and shouted in a loud voice:

"Oh, Rolf, Shirley...my dear children, you two are finally here!

Come quickly, there are so many people for you to meet! You two are the stars of the night! ! "

Horace strode up to Rolf and Shirley, faced the group of guests again, and introduced solemnly like a host introducing a big star:

"Needless to say, you must have all heard of it - the recipient of two Orders of Merlin, First Class - Rolf Scamander -"

"This is Shirley Swinton - this year Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will restart the Triwizard Tournament - she is the champion!"

The voices in the room appeared again, and many wizards looked at Rolf and Shirley, and then started whispering quietly.

Most of the girls didn't know each other, but no one didn't know the popular Rolf Scamander.

"Rolf, let me introduce you to Mr. Charles Bird, the French representative of the International Federation of Wizards."

A middle-aged wizard with a brown square beard came over. He smiled, stretched out his hand and said enthusiastically:

"Mr. Scamander, we meet again."

"Hello, Mr. Bird." Rolf shook hands with him and raised his eyebrows: "I remember that you are not the director of the International Magical Law Office of the French Ministry of Magic?"

"I was just transferred in May." Bird smiled.

Horace was a little surprised and said: "Do you know each other?"

"We met at Beauxbatons last year." Bird explained:

"At that time, the floating dragon ship was attacked by the Saints and almost crashed in France. Thanks to Mr. Scamander, he turned the tide."

I met Mr. Scamander when I accompanied Minister Abel to Beauxbatons. "

Bird looked at Rolf and smiled:

"Mr. Scamander, Minister Henry Abell knows that you are going to attend the International Federation of Wizards Conference this year, and he asked me to say hello to you and asked me to bring you some gifts.

The gift is in my room. After dinner, I will ask the house elf to deliver it to you. "

"Minister Abel is so polite." Rove smiled, and then introduced Shirley to Bird.

"Rolf, do you remember me?" A witch in her forties with straight yellow hair came over and asked.

"Mrs. Martha Hyde, of course I remember you." Rolf hugged the witch and introduced with a smile:

"Shirley, this is Minister Claire's assistant. When I was at the German Ministry of Magic last year, I was taken care of by Mrs. Domonhead."

Slughorn just looked at Rolf and greeted the wizards.

Some of the guests were brought by friends, whom even Slughorn was not familiar with, but Rolf seemed very familiar with them.

This made the old man, who was originally interested in showing off his connections, stay in place for a while, not knowing what to say.

Nelisi came out of nowhere. She looked at Luo Fu who was being admired by the stars, stuck out her tongue, two dimples appeared on her face, and said with a smile:

"Grandpa, it seems to me that Rolf knows more people than you do. Are you sure you don't want him to introduce you to you so that you can expand your network?"


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