I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 765 A single spark can start a prairie fire!

Dumbledore's words were like thunder, exploding in everyone's ears, and everyone stared at him in horror and disbelief.

For a moment, no one spoke, and the entire auditorium seemed to fall into a graveyard-like silence.

Rolf was sitting at the Hufflepuff table and was slightly surprised. He originally thought Dumbledore would be more tactful, but he didn't expect him to be so direct.

Dumbledore looked at each student with a serious expression and said in a low voice:

"The Ministry of Magic doesn't want me to tell you this, and the parents of some students may also be shocked by what I did.

They don't believe that Voldemort is really back; or they think that you are too young to know this. "

“But I insist that you need and need to be fully aware of the coming dangers and not be deceived.

It is always better to tell the truth than to lie, even though the truth is not always liked and often even unacceptable.

Therefore, I must tell you seriously - Voldemort is really back! "

Every face in the auditorium turned towards Dumbledore, with horror and fear written all over them.

Dumbledore looked around, taking in everyone's expressions.

"I see fear in your eyes. Yes, that is Voldemort - the Demon King who must not even be named - the most dangerous dark wizard in history.

Although you have not witnessed his cruelty with your own eyes, you must have heard it more or less from your elders. "

"So, is he really as scary as the legend says?" Dumbledore asked.

As the most feared existence of the mysterious man, many students thought that the principal would give a negative answer, but they did not expect him to lower his head and say:

"Yes, Voldemort is indeed scary!"

"When he was very young, he showed his cold-blooded cruelty and vengeance - he once disembowelled a rabbit and hung it from the rafter because the rabbit's owner had quarreled with him the day before.

He also repeatedly used magic to intimidate, punish and control many children as young as seven or eight years old. "

"Later, Voldemort entered Hogwarts and even attracted a group of helpers who were determined to help him." Dumbledore slowly told Voldemort's past.

"This group of people has formed a powerful dark force in Hogwarts. They have never been found to do bad things openly. Although there were many vicious incidents in the school during the seven years they were in school, they have not been conclusively linked to them. Get in touch.

The most serious case was of course the opening of the secret room, which resulted in the death of a girl. It was only many years later that I got conclusive evidence. "

The students didn't know that Dumbledore was talking about Myrtle, so they whispered about the deceased and couldn't help but sigh:

The mysterious man started killing people when he was a student. This is too scary!

"Most of these wizards are the predecessors of Death Eaters, and some actually became the first Death Eaters after leaving Hogwarts." Dumbledore said, his eyes lightly scanning the dining table of Slytherin House.

Many Slytherin students looked uncomfortable because these wizards were basically their grandfathers or grandmothers.

"In the years after graduation, Voldemort became more unscrupulous. He once captured Joey Bones and his son, who openly opposed him, and forced him to watch his son being cooked alive.

Voldemort also ordered the massacre of Muggle cities, the level of cruelty far exceeding the necessity of war..."

As Dumbledore described, the atmosphere in the hall became more solemn.

At the end of the dinner, desserts such as a salad with apples, ice cream and raisins were served. At any other time, these would be a delicacy, but at this moment, all the food was spiced with a seasoning called fear.

The students in the hall who were listening with bated breaths had all lost their appetites.

Hannah lay trembling on the table, Neville clenched his fists, and Susan started crying uncontrollably.

Because the Bones father and son Dumbledore mentioned were her grandfather and uncle, and more than that...her grandmother, aunt and cousins ​​all died at the hands of Death Eaters during the Wizarding War!

"Voldemort is so terrible." Dumbledore's voice was hoarse with the grief of the memory.

"His cruelty and tyranny are far beyond the imagination of normal people. He targets everyone who is unwilling to surrender to him, and even his slaves will suffer endless torture if they dissatisfy him."

Draco Malfoy couldn't help but shiver. He suddenly remembered that his mother wrote a letter yesterday, asking him not to go home during the summer vacation. Could something have happened? !

"So, I can't help but ask myself, can we defeat such a formidable enemy?" Dumbledore asked.

The auditorium was quiet, and no one answered this question, so Dumbledore asked and answered himself:

"My answer is - yes!

Voldemort's death is certain. For him, it is a certainty, just like the Chudley Cannons will be at the bottom of this year's league. "

"During the Wizarding War, there were many heroic wizards who stood up to fight Voldemort and even defeated him many times - such as the Potters and the Longbottoms.

Thirteen years ago, as a baby, Harry Potter defeated Voldemort and made him lose his body. "

"Four years ago, Rolf Scamander defeated Voldemort and Quirrell, took back the Philosopher's Stone from their hands, and prevented the Dark Lord's resurrection."

"Two years ago, Voldemort, with the help of Peter Pettigrew, tried to make a comeback, but was thwarted again by Rolf Scamander, who even forced him to self-destruct on the spot."

The students had heard about the previous deeds, but this was the first time they heard about it, and everyone couldn't help but look at Luo Fe.

"And on the night of the Triwizard Tournament finals, I think you are all curious about what happened in Black Cemetery." Dumbledore said in a deep voice.

Everyone quickly fell silent and held their breath unconsciously.

"At that time, those Death Eaters who escaped from prison gathered in the Black Cemetery. They captured some innocent Muggles and used their lives to finally succeed in resurrecting Voldemort."

"And Rolf Scamander sneaked into the Black Cemetery, fought with the Death Eaters, and also fought with Voldemort who had regained his strength." Dumbledore said.

"Not only did he rescue those innocent Muggles, he also single-handedly eliminated seven Death Eaters and seriously injured Voldemort!"

The entire auditorium was buzzing with discussion again, and Luofu could feel everyone's eyes focused on him.

Dumbledore turned to Rolf seriously and raised his goblet.

"Rolf Scamander could have ignored this matter and continued to participate in the Triwizard Tournament with peace of mind to compete for the Triwizard Cup championship. No one would accuse him of anything.

But he still resolutely gave up the game, went to rescue Muggles who had nothing to do with him, and fought against Voldemort!

He displayed a fearlessness in every aspect that few wizards could display when facing Voldemort - and for that, I salute him. "

Almost everyone in the auditorium did so, whispering Rove's name and toasting him, including every professor on the faculty.

After Dumbledore finished a glass of wine, he said in a deep voice:

"You see, Voldemort has failed so many times. Although he is terrible and his evil power is powerful, he has not conquered everything. At least you and me - have not been conquered yet!"

The old man's powerful words shocked everyone.

"Some people may say that they are very weak and are no match for Voldemort." Dumbledore said loudly:

"But look at the Hogwarts crest!"

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the coat of arms on the wall:

On the shield-shaped pattern, the representative animals and colors of different colleges are drawn. Clockwise from top right: Gryffindor lion, Slytherin snake, Ravenclaw eagle and Hufflepuff badger.

"This coat of arms represents - unity!" Dumbledore said, "Although you belong to different colleges, in the final analysis, you all belong to the same magic school."

"Everyone can quarrel and compete on weekdays, but at the most dangerous moment, we cannot kill each other. We must unite closely like a herald to protect each other, warm each other, and share strength!"

"Everyone, as long as we unite, a single spark can turn into a raging fire, and then start a prairie fire!"

The students from the four major colleges turned their heads and couldn't help but look at the table next door and looked at each other.

After a period of silence, Dumbledore looked at Beauxbatons and Durmstrang's students.

"The purpose of the Triwizard Tournament is to enhance and promote mutual understanding among the wizarding community. In light of what is happening now - in light of Voldemort's return from the dead - this connection is more important than ever."

"Every guest in this hall who is willing to come back and join us in the fight against Voldemort is welcome at any time.

Let me say it again to all of you - in view of Voldemort's resurrection, we will only be strong if we are united, and we will be vulnerable if we are divided! "

Dumbledore raised his glass again, stood up and said:

"To the unbreakable friendship...everyone, raise your glasses!"

All the students in the school stood up one after another, and there was a sound of benches moving in the auditorium. They raised their goblets and said in unison with deep and deep voices:

"For unbreakable friendship!"

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