I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 760 Voldemort: Malfoy, give me your wife!

Standing on a raised black rock, Voldemort looked into the distance.

As far as the eye can see, apart from the deep night sky dotted with stars, there is only the boundless, rippling gray-green ocean.

This place is not the Black family cemetery, but a coast not far from the Wu orphanage where he lived as a boy.

After the collapse of Westminster Abbey, Voldemort used magic to block the falling boulders. He held on until the anti-Apparition spell was destroyed, and quickly fled here with the surviving Death Eaters.

As for why he came here, it might be because there was a Horcrux made from Slytherin's locket hidden in a cave beneath his feet.

Voldemort subconsciously felt that this was the safest place!

The rustling of cloaks suddenly sounded in the air, and on a rock not far away, three wizards apparated.

They all wore hoods and walked over cautiously. When they saw the man on the beach, they seemed like they couldn't believe their eyes.

Although the man was small, short, ugly, and a small part of his body was missing, they knew with just one glance that he was without a doubt...the Dark Lord.

Lucius Malfoy plopped down to his knees, inching forward on his knees.

The rocks were covered with mud, staining Malfoy's high-end robes ordered at the Toffan Clothing Store, but he didn't care. He humbly crawled to Voldemort and kissed the hem of his black robes.

"Master...Master..." he called in a low voice.

Voldemort raised his right foot, gently lifted his black hood with his toes, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Is it Lucius?"

"It's me, Master."

"My dear friend." Voldemort said in a very light voice:

"The years have passed by so quickly. Thirteen years have passed in a blink of an eye. I am so happy to see you again... Are you still as loyal to me as you were then?"

"Of course, Master!"

Malfoy humbly raised his head and kissed Voldemort's bare, muddy feet.

The Dark Lord only wore a robe with nothing underneath, so he went into battle in a vacuum. Malfoy saw something along his thighs that he shouldn't have seen.

No wonder her sister-in-law, Bellatrix, loved Voldemort desperately. It was not without reason.

This thought flashed through Malfoy's mind, and he continued:

"Master, I have always been loyal to you!

I sensed your call at Hogwarts, even though I was participating in the Triwizard Tournament, even under Dumbledore's nose, I still ran away and set out to find you..."

"Really?" Voldemort sneered and said:

“But in the past thirteen years, you have never looked for me.

Lucius - you are clearly in good health and have escaped the Ministry of Magic's trial - but you have never gone to find the person you swore to be loyal to forever all these years. Is this the way you pay allegiance? "

Malfoy fell silent.

Voldemort took his foot out of Malfoy's mouth, raised it high, stepped on Lucius's light blond hair, and wiped the saliva on the floor from his foot.

That was the hair that Malfoy was most proud of. It was so ruined by Voldemort. Instead of showing any reluctance or dislike, he was actually afraid that he would hit the Dark Lord's feet with too much glue today.

"Of course, Lucius, you still satisfied me with your actions in helping Bella in the Quidditch World Cup last summer, so I hope you can serve me more loyally in the future."

Malfoy was ecstatic.

Last summer, Bellatrix suddenly appeared at Malfoy Manor, found him and Narcissa, and asked them to help her make some "little moves" in the Quidditch World Cup.

At that time, when he saw Bellatrix, Malfoy was simply frightened, fearing that she would be implicated and imprisoned in Azkaban.

But he soon discovered that the Ministry of Magic had no response to such a big thing as Bellatrix's escape from Azkaban.

After discussing with his wife, he concluded that there must be a powerful wizard behind Bellatrix helping her, maybe even the Dark Lord.

Malfoy gritted his teeth and agreed to Bellatrix, helping her contact other Death Eaters and doing a series of things at the Quidditch World Cup.

At this moment, Malfoy finally confirmed that his guess was correct and he won the bet!

Malfoy was ecstatic and said: "Of course, Master, of course... you are so generous, thank you..."

Voldemort walked forward, walked up to Malfoy's two followers, and said:

"Crabbe...you'll behave better this time, won't you, Crabbe? And you, Goyle?"

The two kowtowed awkwardly and muttered foolishly.

"Yes, Master..."

"Yes, Master..."

The three stood up. Malfoy glanced back from the corner of his eye and saw the Lestranges and August Rookwood.

Apart from the three of them, there were no other Death Eaters here.

Malfoy also saw Scamander's battle at Black Cemetery through the magic curtain tonight.

Out of so many Death Eaters, only three of them survived?

Malfoy was secretly frightened and raised Scamander's danger level to the same level as Dumbledore!

They just stood at the beach and waited. Another twenty minutes passed and no one came again.

Voldemort seemed to no longer expect anyone to come. He said calmly:

"Welcome, Death Eaters, thirteen years... thirteen years since our last gathering.

Last time, I think there were twenty-seven Death Eaters in attendance, and now there are only six of you left. "

Voldemort's words were a bit bleak, and Malfoy couldn't help complaining aggrievedly:

"Master, it's not that they don't want to come, but most of them are... dead."

"Last summer, we ambush Harry Potter at the Quidditch World Cup, but Scamander showed up riding a fire dragon, burned Dirk Anthony and Ole Terry to death, and captured McNeil..."

Bella on the side also felt sad when she heard this. She was there that night. If Malfoy hadn't taken her away by force, she would have been burned to death.

"And Amycus Carrow, Alecto Carrow, Sean Nott, little Ada Avery..." Malfoy continued:

"We were all selected for the Triwizard Tournament. There were nine people at the beginning, one-third died in the first project, and three more died in the second project.

The three of us originally thought that we would die tonight, but the person guarding us suddenly left, and we ran away in a hurry..."

Voldemort said nothing, but his expression was extremely ugly.

To be honest, Malfoy's group of young men will die as soon as they die. They are like leeks, after one batch is cut, a second crop can grow at any time.

But Bella's group of Death Eaters are different. They have been imprisoned in Azkaban for more than ten years and have not surrendered. They have proven their loyalty with practical actions.

This kind of steadfast believer cannot be cultivated casually!

They did not die in the Wizarding War or at the hands of Azkaban or the Dementors. Instead, they died among that boy during their own resurrection...

He only rescued this group of Death Eaters from Azkaban a few months ago. After the battle tonight, almost all of them were wiped out!

Even if he is cold-hearted and ruthless like Voldemort, he still feels a little heartbroken.

"I will definitely capture Rolf Scamander, peel off all his skin from his heels to his head, and burn him with fierce fire!" Voldemort swore to God.

He looked at the Death Eaters again and said hoarsely:

"You all who are alive and appear before me will receive unimaginable rewards."

"Especially the Lestranges and August Rookwood."

Bellatrix looked ecstatic. She had been imprisoned in Azkaban for so many years and was so eager for Voldemort's reward.

Just like a fish in a drought lacks water!

"But traitors must also be punished. I know there are still three Death Eaters who have not arrived." Voldemort said coldly:

"One of them probably didn't have the guts to come back... He will pay the price. The other one, I think, left me forever... Of course he will be executed.

In fact, I've sent another loyal servant to Hogwarts to kill him. "

Malfoy murmured in his mind that the Dark Lord probably meant Snape and Karkaroff.

It's a pity, especially for Snape. When they met, Malfoy was already the prefect of Slytherin House, and Snape was still a first-year student.

The two have maintained a good friendship over the years.

Just when Malfoy was thinking wildly, Voldemort changed the subject and said:

"There are too few Death Eaters. Our top priority now is to expand our strength. I hope you can all bring in your relatives, such as... Narcissa Malfoy."

Lucius couldn't help shivering in the cold sea breeze.

"What, Lucius?" Voldemort looked at Malfoy, he narrowed his eyes and asked:

"Aren't you willing to dedicate your wife Narcissa to me?"


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