I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 756 Towards a Breakup

Lying on the hospital bed, Rove recounted what happened in the cemetery from beginning to end, including the process of Voldemort's resurrection.

After listening, everyone had different expressions for a while.

A look of sadness appeared on Newt's wrinkled face.

When he was young, he experienced the ravages of Grindelwald and the Wiccan Party, and in his middle age he encountered the rise of Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

Newt participated in both wizarding wars. He originally thought that he could create a peaceful era for children of Rolf's generation, but with the resurrection of Voldemort, this hope naturally became a dream.

Tina feels the same way. She knows the cruelty of war. Once it breaks out again, she doesn't know how many innocent people will be involved.

She sighed softly and subconsciously held Newt's hand, just like before.

Lupine did not feel sad about the coming of the war, but instead a sense of excitement filled his chest.

Those Death Eaters who escaped from Azkaban had killed his relatives and friends, and now most of them died at the hands of Rolf, which can be regarded as a great revenge!

Lupine couldn't hold back his excitement and couldn't wait to go to James and Lily's graves with Sirius to share the good news with them.

Snape's face was still so ugly, and his right hand clenched his left arm tightly, as if there was great pain there.

As for Dumbledore... when he heard that Voldemort had used Petunia's body to resurrect him, for a brief moment, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

But that joy was fleeting, and he soon became old and tired again.

Minister Fudge was the only person in the room who kept pacing in the room, and his face was full of uneasiness and impatience.

The "resurrected" Death Eaters had already made his scalp numb, and now he was bringing up the "resurrected" mysterious man... He really even wanted to die.

Luo Fu paused for a moment and waited until everyone had digested it before continuing:

"In the end, I destroyed the stone pillars supporting the catacombs, and then used the portkey to escape. Voldemort and the Death Eaters were both trapped underground, and their lives and deaths were unknown."

After hearing this, everyone's expressions became even more exciting.

Rolf faced Voldemort alone and not only escaped unharmed, but also killed many Death Eaters.

The most outrageous thing is that the collapse of Westminster Abbey he caused may have wiped out Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

If this kind of thing really happens, let alone awarding an Order of Merlin, even if "Merlin" is removed and changed to "Order of Rove" from now on, it won't be an exaggeration!

"Port key?" Fudge suddenly asked: "Rolf, where did you get the port key?"

"It's an illegal door key." Luo Fe said with an apologetic smile:

"Mr. Minister, it was an extremely dangerous situation at that time. It was impossible for me to apply to the Ministry of Magic. I had to temporarily make an illegal door key myself."

"Of course, Rolf, no one will blame you for an illegal door key." Fudge comforted the young man magnanimously, but he quickly changed the subject and asked:

"Are you...sure that that person is the mysterious man? Rove, this kind of thing is no joke."

"Do you think I'm joking with you?" Rove asked.

"Rolf, I'm worried that you were deceived by the Death Eaters." Fudge whispered, "The mysterious man is dead. He died thirteen years ago. How could he appear again!"

"Cornelly, on that night thirteen years ago, none of us saw with our own eyes whether Voldemort was really dead or not," Dumbledore said.

"But, Albus...if he didn't die, why didn't he show up all these years?" Fudge asked:

"In the past thirteen years, we have captured his servants in Azkaban one by one. If he is still alive, how could he remain without a trace, as if he has disappeared from the world?"

"Voldemort is not without a trace, nor has he disappeared from the world." Dumbledore retorted:

"If you pay attention to things in other countries, you will know... not long after Voldemort disappeared, strange things happened in the forests of Albania, and a large number of creatures began to die mysteriously."

"Maybe this is just a coincidence." Fudge shrugged, "Who can be sure that it was the mysterious person who did it?"

"I'm sure!" Newt, who had been silent, suddenly said:

"The Albanian Ministry of Magic once invited me to investigate, and I found traces of Voldemort in that forest.

He lost most of his strength and lingered in the bodies of animals. His possession shortened their lifespans, causing a large number of deaths. "

Fudge looked at Newt, speechless for a moment.

"Four years ago, a young wizard named Quirrell, following the legend of the Dark Lord, went to the Albanian forest and wanted to kill him." Dumbledore continued:

"A few months later, he suddenly left the forest and came to Hogwarts as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, taking the opportunity to steal the Philosopher's Stone.

It is worth mentioning that after he left the Albanian forest, the mysterious deaths of animals stopped.

We are certain that Voldemort is within him. "

"Two years ago, Peter Pettigrew escaped and stole the time turner. It was also Voldemort's fault."

Dumbledore looked directly at Fudge and said:

"So much evidence is in front of you, as clear as a black dot on a white paper. Connelly, how can you turn a blind eye and say that Voldemort has evaporated from the world?"

Fudge shut up completely.

"Voldemort is back, Cornelius." Dumbledore said again:

“If you accept this fact immediately, we can still potentially save the situation.

I advised you months ago to free Azkaban from the control of the Dementors, and I still do. "

"The second step you must take - and you must do it immediately," Dumbledore further said, "is to send someone to deliver a message to the giant immediately."

"Send someone to deliver a message to the giant..." Fudge exclaimed, "What kind of crazy talk is this?"

"Reach them a hand of friendship before it's too late," Dumbledore said.

"Otherwise Voldemort will draw them over. He has done this before. Among all wizards, he is the only one who can provide rights and freedom to giants!"

"You...you must be kidding!" Fudge gasped in surprise, shaking his head and retreating back from Dumbledore.

"If the wizarding world found out that I associate with giants - and giants are hated with all their might, Dumbledore - I would be thrown out of office -"

"Connelly, you are too obsessed with your official position, which makes you lose your due judgment." Dumbledore's voice gradually increased.

Everyone could feel a powerful force brewing from the principal. His eyes were shining brightly as he stared at Fudge and said in a deep voice:

"Connelly, as long as you follow my advice and take some measures, the Ministry of Magic and the entire wizarding world will always remember you and regard you as the bravest and greatest Minister of Magic in history.

If you fail to take action, history will remember that you stood by and allowed Voldemort a second chance to destroy the world we have worked so hard to rebuild! "

"Ridiculous," Fudge whispered, continuing to back away. "Crazy... I wouldn't do it."

"Is this your final answer?" Dumbledore looked at the hopeless Fudge and said in a cold tone:

"Since you are stubborn and insist on your own way, we can only part ways - Minister Cornelius Fudge!"

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