I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 744 The Resurrected Voldemort

Rolf, who was considered dead just now, came back to life in an instant and nailed Dolokhov to the tombstone with an ice spear.

Such an overwhelming turn of events shocked the audience at the Quidditch field and the Death Eaters in the cemetery.

Dolohov was even more horrified. He was sure that his killing curse had hit Scamander, but why was he still unharmed?

Dolokhov leaned against the tombstone, grabbing the ice spear that pierced his chest with both hands, trying to pull it out.

But when he was dragged, his flesh and blood and internal organs were involved. He was so painful that he was covered in cold sweat and his body couldn't help but tremble.

He had no choice but to give up, panting hard, and asked angrily:

"You...you were obviously hit by my killing curse, why didn't you die? Why did you not die?!"

Luofu smiled, he was indeed hit by the killing curse, but it was just a magical clone from the civet, and of course he couldn't die.

However, he did not explain to Dolohov. He raised his head and glanced at the monitor in mid-air, and said loudly:

"This man's name is Anthony Dolohov. He was one of Voldemort's first Death Eaters. He participated in the Wizarding War and tortured and killed a large number of innocent Muggles and wizards who did not support Voldemort.

After the Wizarding War, Dolohov was sentenced to life in Azkaban, but escaped a few months ago during Easter..."

Like a judge, Rove recounted the various crimes in Dolokhov's life.

The students on the Quidditch field were all confused, wondering why he said this.

The Death Eaters were already aware of what was about to happen. They raised their wands and fired spells to stop the boy.

But unfortunately, Rolf and Dolohov were in a straight line and too close to him. The Death Eaters were afraid of affecting Dolohov and did not dare to use highly lethal magic. However, attacks with average power fell. Once they hit him, they would all bounce away.

The boy strode like this and came to Dolohov. He leaned over and stared at him. His fierce voice echoed in the catacombs and Quidditch field.

"In the presence of Merlin and everyone else, I - Rolf Scamander - sentence the Death Eater Antony Dolohov to death for the crime of massacring innocent people and escaping from prison, and I will execute it myself!"

After speaking, a giant ice sword condensed in Rolf's hand. When he raised the sword above his head, a wave of despair enveloped Dolohov.

The giant sword was swung down, heavy and precise, a fatal blow!

The blade of the sword was not sharp, so it took Rov three consecutive cuts to separate Dolokhov's head from his body.

The bloody head fell to the ground, and blood spurted out from the broken neck like a red spring, splattering on the tombstone.

A Death Eater whose hands were stained with the blood of countless innocent people was executed by Rove like this... Everyone in the Quidditch field was so frightened by this horrific scene that their mouths opened wide.

The Death Eaters were also horrified for a moment.

They were used to seeing death and had long been accustomed to such bloody scenes, but for some reason, they were still shocked by the scene of the young man first interrogating and then cutting off Dolokhov's head with a sword.

Vaes Dothrak stared at Dolohov's body with dull eyes. They often acted together and concocted many murders, so their relationship was unusual.

Seeing the death of his friend at this time, Dothraki showed a ferocious look on his face. He raised his wand and shouted:

"You kid...die! Avada Kedavra!"

Green light shot out from his wand, and at the same time, the wand in Rolf's hand was gently raised, and Dolohov's head flew up out of the air, just in time to block Avada Kedavra.

The head instantly exploded in mid-air, and a faint golden light shot out from the head, running towards Dothraki at extremely fast speeds.

It was a small pocket sword, extremely difficult to detect in the dim catacombs.

Dothraki didn't notice it until the sword flew in front of him. His expression changed drastically and he subconsciously turned his head.

He touched his cheek, and there was a bloody groove cut deep into the bone. If he hadn't turned his head quickly enough, he might have been stabbed through the head with a sword.

Under Rolf's control, the small sword made another arc and flew towards Dothraki again. He rolled sideways, and the flying sword tore through his robe, and a string of blood beads spattered from his back.

Fortunately, the other Death Eaters reacted in time and immediately waved their wands to block the small sword.

August Rookwood drove away the small sword, looked at Dothraki lying on the ground, kicked his body with his toes, and urged: "Hey, get up quickly..."

But Dothraki didn't move. He lay motionless on the ground. Rookwood realized something was wrong, squatted down and turned him over, and was suddenly stunned.

The other Death Eaters came over and were silent for a moment.

The Dothraki are... dead.

On the Quidditch field, seeing Dothraki die, Ludo shouted excitedly:

"Another Death Eater was killed. The small sword clearly did not hit Dothraki's vitals. How did it kill him?"

Not only Ludo, but the students in the audience were also curious about this, wondering if it was some kind of terrible magic?

Standing in front of Dolokhov's headless body, Rolf stretched out a finger with an indifferent expression, and the small sword slowly flew back to him, lingering on his finger and flowing slowly.

The reason for Dothraki's death is simple. Rolf tempered the poison of the Basilisk and Acromantula on his sword. As long as it breaks the skin, it can kill someone in just a few seconds.

From a certain perspective, Rolf's fighting style is indeed very "non-wizard", but just like American wizards who like to use guns... it just works.

In the blink of an eye, two companions died, and the remaining Death Eaters looked at Rove with murderous intent.

In this suffocating confrontation, the corners of Luofu's mouth turned up and he laughed inappropriately. Then he lowered his head and patted the dust on his body, with more and more smiles on his face.

Finally, when he looked up.

Revealing a young face with a ferocious smile.

Rolf was obviously smiling, but what he said made all the Death Eaters present feel trembling with fear.

"Since Tom Riddle doesn't dare to come out, I have to kill you all... force him to come out."

far away,

Penny had stopped screaming and was lying on the ground dying. She was already emaciated, but now it was as if she had been sucked dry. Her appearance was haggard, and her skin was loosely covering her bones.

A figure stood up and said in a cold, sharp voice:

"Get me dressed."

"Yes, Master." Bella knelt on the ground respectfully and enthusiastically, grabbed a black robe, and put it on the man.

Voldemort closed his eyes, feeling his body and the blood flowing in his bones. He couldn't help laughing.

"Thirteen years later, I was finally...resurrected."

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