I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 737 Forever Pure

The female ghost dragged Ron into the hedge, and soon Ron's shrill screams were heard from inside.

"There are trees and vines blocking the detector, so the detector cannot enter and can only hover outside the cave. We can no longer see Ron Weasley's condition." Ludo scratched his hair and said:

"But listening to his screams, he may have suffered great injuries."

In the stands, Mrs. Weasley said anxiously: "Arthur, will something happen to Ron?"

"It shouldn't be a big deal." Mr. Weasley coughed and said, "Magical creatures such as ghosts, hags, and nymphs all have a natural affinity for male wizards."

Ron's life is definitely not in danger, but he may have to sacrifice his appearance.

Standing in the maze, Harry felt that he vaguely heard Ron's scream. He hurried over and walked fifty steps to a fork in the road.

The road is divided into two, one diagonally to the left and the other diagonally to the right.

He hesitated for a moment and took the path to the right.

But after walking for more than ten meters, Harry felt a sound behind him again. He looked back two or three times, but saw nothing. The road was silent.

Slightly relieved, he moved on. After a while, he looked back again. Suddenly, he seemed to see something moving on the road he had just walked.

Harry looked around hard and saw a small raised bump, only half a meter high, oval in shape, dark green, and with many bumps, like moss.

Suddenly, the little bumpkin turned around, and it turned out to be a huge toad. It was hideous and ugly, with pimples all over its face. Its tongue was hanging out, and black mucus was constantly dripping down.

The eyes were shining with a penetrating light, and the pupils were reddish-brown.

"Harry Potter met the devil toad!" Ludo stared at the magic curtain and said quickly:

"The Devil Toad is a magical creature full of poison. Its tongue can reach several times its height, making it extremely dangerous."


The devil toad let out a low cry, opened its mouth wide, and a jet of dark green water exuding a fishy smell spurted out into the air.

"Armor protection!"

Harry shouted, and an invisible solid wall immediately formed, and the venom hit and flew everywhere. Behind the venom was a flat tongue that flicked over.

The sticky tongue seemed to be covered with barbs, but the front end was bifurcated. With a hiss, it turned into a sharp arrow and hit the shield again.

Harry was staggered back a few steps by the power of the tongue. He saw that the tongue, which had already stretched four meters, continued to grow, bypassing the Iron Armor Curse, raised up like a snake, and suddenly fell down again.

Harry was about to use magic to block it when the scar on his forehead suddenly felt painful. His tongue wrapped around his arm and pulled him to the ground.

Harry could no longer care about the devil toad. He felt as if his head would split in two and his vision would disappear.

He was floating next to a tombstone. In front of him, kneeling was a man in black robes.

"Barty Crouch Jr., tell me...you got rid of the traitor Karkaroff." Harry felt a sharp and cold voice coming out of his body.

"But the news I got is that he is still alive and lying peacefully in the hospital bed in Hogtswar!"

"Master, I thought the fire had burned him to death..." The man on the ground said hoarsely, the back of his head flickering in the candlelight, as if he was trembling.

"I...please forgive me..."

His short arm held the tip of a wand and pointed it at Barty Crouch Jr.

"Heart-breaking!" said the cold voice.

Crouch screamed in agony, as if every nerve in his body was on fire. The screams filled Harry's ears, and the scar on his forehead burned with pain as he cried out.

After a while, the man stopped torturing him and said coldly:

"You're lucky, Crouch, I'm going to be resurrected tonight, and on such a good day, I don't want to kill you yet."

"Master!" the man on the ground shouted, "Master, thank you... I'm very sorry..."

"Now, you go to Hogtswar immediately and kill Karkaroff. Remember, I can't tolerate you making any more mistakes..."


"Oh," the cold voice suddenly cheered, "our guests are here."

Harry raised his eyes and saw three familiar figures appearing in the distance.

The Dursleys!

Behind the magic curtain, all the students saw Harry being entangled in the devil's toad's tongue and being dragged towards it little by little.

But Harry didn't put up any resistance. He just covered his forehead and screamed loudly, looking like he was in pain.

"What happened to Harry Potter?" Ludo frowned and said, "The scar on his forehead seems to be very painful. Get up and resist quickly, or you will be eaten by that devil toad."

Many Hogwarts students stood up from their seats and exclaimed.

Just when Harry was only one meter away from the devil toad, a clicking sound came from the distance, and an Acromantula was seen climbing over the wall and moving quickly towards this side.

"Ah, here comes Rolf Scamander," Ludo said in surprise.

Sitting on the back of the Acromantula, Rolf frowned and looked at the screaming Harry. He had just been grabbing the Beauxbatons Warriors' Triwizard Cup when he heard the cry and rushed over to take a look. I didn't expect it to be Harry.

The young man waved his wand, and a sharp wind blade appeared and slashed towards the ground.

The wind blade fell to the ground and cut the devil toad's tongue in two, causing a large amount of blood to spurt out of its mouth.

The Acromantula spit out a thread as thick as a thumb and jumped out, entangled Harry, and pulled him out of the hell with a hard tug.

Rolf patted the Acromantula and asked him to play with the devil toad, then he fell back to the ground and walked to Harry.

Harry lay upright, covering the scar with his hands, breathing heavily, as if he had been running.

Rolf knew that every time Harry's scar hurt, it was related to Voldemort. He waved his wand and said: "Close your ears and listen!"

After blocking out the sound, Rove knelt down and asked, "Harry, what's wrong with you?"

Harry pressed his hands tightly to his face. Under his fingers, the lightning-shaped scar burned, as if someone had just pressed a white-hot wire against his skin.

"I just saw...Voldemort and my aunt's family..."

Luofu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he said urgently: "What else?"

"Voldemort wants Barty Crouch Jr. to come to Hogwarts...to kill Karkaroff..."

"Have you seen where they are?" Rolf asked: "Think carefully... about the surrounding environment!"

"They were in a cemetery..." Harry closed his eyes tightly, trying to remember the scene he just saw.

"I also saw a tombstone... it seemed to be engraved with... a shield with two five-pointed stars and a short sword - two dogs on both sides of the shield... and a line of letters at the bottom... but I didn't recognize it."

Luofu said solemnly: "That line of letters is French - 'Toujours Pur'."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked confused.

Luofu said slowly:

"Forever pure."

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