I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 717 Escaped Karkaroff

Under the night, Durmstrang's ship turned into a fire ship, with plumes of black smoke billowing into the gray sky.

Such a terrifying scene made Hagrid gasp, and he said with a pale face: "

"Running Gorgon! How could that ship catch fire?!"

"Black flames..." Luofu narrowed his eyes and said softly: "It seems that a dark wizard used a fire spell to deliberately set fire to the ship."

"Dark wizard?!" Hagrid cursed fiercely and said anxiously: "The fire is getting bigger and bigger, we have to put out the fire quickly."

"Hagrid, once the devil's flame spreads, it's impossible to extinguish it with just a few of us."

Luofu looked at the black flames that had gained momentum, shook his head and said, "It's useless to rush over now."

"What should we do?" Hagrid asked in a panic, "You can't just do nothing, right?"

"Rather than putting out fires, it is more effective to directly save people." Rolf faced Hagrid and asked unusually calmly:

“Where is the boat that the first-year students use to cross the lake?”

Hagrid was stunned, then pointed to the west and said, "It's parked at the ferry over there."

"Hagrid, bring those small boats to the magic ship immediately." Rolf ordered in a heavy tone:

"Hermione, Fleur, you two go help together. If any students jump into the lake, rescue them."

After hearing the boy's words, the two girls who were frightened by the fire ship finally came back to life slightly, but they were still a little confused and looked at him in a daze.

Seeing this, Luofu stretched out his hand to hold the two people's heads. He used his healing hands to stroke them gently, and at the same time warned:

"Remember, don't get too close to the magic ship. If you encounter students who are being burned by fire, don't save them... In short, the safety of you two comes first!"

After being touched by Rolf on the head, Hermione and Fleur were startled and finally came to their senses. They nodded vigorously and followed Hagrid towards the ferry in the distance.

Rolf opened the black suitcase and whispered: "Shirley, report to Dumbledore immediately and ask him to come over."

The girl with the ponytail hummed, raised her wand and said, "Call the gods to protect you!"

A dazzling silver unicorn emerged from the end of the wand, and it landed next to Shirley. She whispered a few words, and the unicorn stepped on its hooves and galloped away.

Rolf took out the Firebolt from the box and sat on it with Shirley, but instead of taking off in a hurry, he turned around and whispered:

"Shirley, the arsonist may still be in school. You don't have to worry about anything else. Your only task is to look at the Hogwarts map and look for suspicious names."

The girl with the ponytail stared into Luo Fu's eyes and nodded seriously: "I understand!"

Luofu turned around, grabbed Shirley's hand, put it on his waist and said, "Sit tight!"

He kicked off his feet, and the Firebolt rose into the air, turned into a rainbow, and swept towards the Black Lake.

The thunderous siren woke Klum up from his sleep. He climbed out of bed, heard the crowds of people outside the door, and hurriedly opened the door and looked out.

I saw that the corridor was crowded with students, all rushing towards the exit.

Krum casually grabbed a student's arm and asked with a gloomy face: "Cass, what happened?"

"It's on fire!" Cass broke free from Krum's pull and stumbled towards the exit, shouting: "Victor, run quickly, don't just stand there!"

When Krum heard this, his thick eyebrows frowned tightly.

This is a magic ship that can sink directly to the bottom of the lake. What fire can't be extinguished? Why should we be so panicked? !

He dubiously returned to the room, came to the window, opened the curtains suddenly, and then stood there dumbfounded.

He saw flames blazing into the sky on the deck, black flames spreading in all directions, engulfing the hull at an incredible speed.

Krum recognized it as a fierce fire at a glance. This kind of evil flame was almost impossible to extinguish. Even a little spark could burn a ship.

At this moment, a piece of burning wood flew and hit the glass.

The thick magic glass could block the water pressure in the deep sea, but at this moment it burned like wax oil and made a hissing sound.

Krum was so frightened that he took a quick step back. He didn't even have time to change his pajamas before turning and rushing towards the corridor to join the escaping team.

Karkaroff, standing in his room, also looked at the devil's flames raging on the deck through the window.

This fire curse must have been cast by Death Eaters!

Thinking of this, Karkaroff's face turned extremely pale, and his whole body was trembling with fear.

He firmly pressed the Dark Mark on his left arm until his arm hurt, then he slowly released it and said with a trembling voice:

"They're coming... they must be coming... the Death Eaters are coming to kill me!"

Karkaroff fell into an inexplicable fear. He hurriedly ran to a wardrobe and knocked on the cabinet with his wand tremblingly.

He opened the cabinet door, and a narrow secret passage appeared inside.

That secret passage leads directly to the bottom of the ship, so you can escape quietly.

Karkaroff abandoned the boat full of students and got in without hesitation.

On the deck, the fierce fire that had swallowed up countless objects had begun to transform and turned into a large group of magical creatures composed of fire: fire snakes, chimaeras and fire dragons...

They ran around, rising and falling, and soon a sea of ​​fire appeared.

The Durmstrang students who had escaped from the cabin were in a mess, crying and screaming one after another.

A flame clung to the rigging, ignited it, climbed over the rope, climbed onto the canvas, and grew into a black flame. The mast also collapsed in the flames, crashing towards the deck.

A female student happened to be standing directly below, but she didn't notice it at all.

Klum, who came to the exit, saw this scene from a distance and shouted:

"Leonie, get out of the way, the mast is smashed down, get out of the way!"

When Leonie heard the shouting, she couldn't help but look up and saw a thick mast coming towards her.

She was stagnant in place, losing her ability to think, and her mind went blank.

Krum wanted to rush over to save people, but a barrel flew high over everyone's heads and hit the ground hard. The flames immediately spread, and he had to retreat.

Leonie collapsed to the ground with fear and let out a desperate scream.

At the critical moment, a long whip flew over, thunder and lightning lingered. It slashed and cut violently on the mast, passing through the wood like a knife cutting tofu, tearing it into pieces.

A ball of orange flame shot out, and before the cracked wood could hit the ground, it turned into flying ashes and disappeared into the air as soon as the wind blew.

The next second, a figure fell heavily on the deck like a flying stone from the sky. The strong wind blew in the face, and the surrounding black flames shook back.

Leonie raised her head and looked at the handsome young man who fell from the sky in front of her.

Luofu stretched out his hand toward her and said softly:

"Hey, are you okay?"

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