I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 701 Good News and Bad News

Although Harry was very reluctant, he couldn't hold it in any longer, so he had to press his lips against the mermaid's lips and suck a small sip of oxygen from her mouth.

But it didn't matter if he didn't suck. He almost fainted when he aimed it at his mouth.

Of course, Harry was not drunk on oxygen, nor was he so excited that he fainted from kissing someone of the opposite sex. He was simply... intoxicated.

The mermaid seemed to have not brushed his teeth for half a month, and there was an inexplicable rancid smell in his mouth, which made Harry's head hurt and his stomach began to churn.

He almost spit it into the merman's mouth!

Considering that it was his "oxygen bottle", if he vomited in it, he would still be disgusted, so Harry held it back.

The Black Lake is not particularly deep, but for Harry, the distance from the bottom of the lake to the shore is as long and torturous as running a marathon.

When he emerged from the water, his eyes were blackened by the smoke, his limbs were weak, and his muscles were weak all over. The effect was simply more powerful than the venom of the Loba worm!

For a moment, Harry even saw his great-grandmother waving to him with a kind face, about to take him away.

Harry surfaced and breathed in the fresh air frantically. It took several minutes before he recovered. He was in pain and said:

"This is my first kiss!"

He wanted to leave it to Qiu Zhang! !

"No, Harry, this is not your first kiss." Ron reminded while retching:

"Have you forgotten? When we were in the first grade, we went to the restricted area on the fourth floor. You and Malfoy fell down and kissed each other."


The dead memories attacked Harry crazily, and he said numbly:

"Ron, thank you for the reminder. You have a really good memory."

"You're welcome." Ron continued to lean over and vomit.

When the students in the audience heard Ron and Harry's words, they all turned their heads and looked towards the seats in Slytherin House.

Their eyes fell on Draco Malfoy.

Pansy grabbed her collar and said with tears in her eyes: "Draco, was your first kiss really taken away by Harry Potter?

This despicable Bichi! "

Malfoy said nothing, but a blush spread across his pale cheeks.

Harry and Ron had forgotten that the audience could hear all their chats. The two were chatting freely about the game.

"Ron, are you sure you don't want to complete the second project?"

"I won't go." Ron shook his head with lingering fear: "I heard that those magical creatures you said are very difficult to deal with. I probably can't handle them."

It's just that it's difficult to deal with. The key is that Ron can't breathe underwater and must carry a "mermaid oxygen bottle" with him.

The distance he swam up from the bottom of the lake almost suffocated Ron to death. If he were to break through the checkpoint and get trapped in it... wouldn't he have to continue to breathe oxygen?

That would cost you your life!

Ron felt sorry for the five galleons he had borrowed again, and he said angrily: "Why can't we breathe underwater?"

"It goes without saying." Harry said coldly, "It must have been Snape's doing."

Harry must take revenge. If this revenge is not avenged, his surname will no longer be Potter, but Snape!

"Snape, this old dog, we will make him pay sooner or later!" Ron also cursed.

Next, he cursed Snape with many unpleasant words, which were clearly transmitted back to the scene through the magic curtain.

The students in the audience looked at Ron in shock, and then turned their attention to Snape.

Snape's face was gloomy, and he looked like he wanted to drown Ron.

At this time, there is not much time left, Harry and Ron must reach the shore as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, riding their mermaid "wife", the two of them quickly headed towards the shore as if they were in a small boat.

In the process, Harry and Ron continued to surpass other warriors, which also made them envious and wished they could get such a car.

Looking at those looks, Harry sighed.


Mating rights are exchanged!

Rove took Shirley, Hermione and Fleur to the kitchen for a snack. This time they did not encounter any emergencies. After finishing the meal successfully, they returned to the Black Lake.

At this time, most of the warriors had returned to the shore, including those students who had not completed their tasks and were brought back by the mermaids.

The five referees gathered together to discuss something fiercely. After a moment, Ludo Bagman's magically amplified voice rang in everyone's ears.

The audience in the stands immediately fell silent, and the warriors also looked at Ludo, anxiously waiting for the score.

"Ladies and gentlemen, after discussion with the referee team, we have made a score for the Warriors." Ludo said.

"The second project is still based on a 100-point system. The warrior who rescues the hostage within the specified time and returns to the shore will receive the basic 50 points."

"If the hostage is rescued but it takes more than two hours to arrive, you will only get 25 points."

"On top of that, each judge gets ten points, making a total of fifty points."

Hearing Ludo's words, most of the warriors looked disappointed. They all timed out, which meant that the gap was at least 25 points.

Harry looked ecstatic. He stuck to the last minute and completed the task within two hours... almost running out of time.

"Rolf Scamander was the first warrior to complete the project. He showed amazing skills when dealing with those magical creatures." Ludo said.

"So, we gave him a score of ninety-seven."

The Hufflepuff students in the crowd cheered loudly and the sound was deafening.

Ludo waited for everyone's cheers to subside before continuing:

"There is another thing we must take into account, that is, Scamander encountered an ambush by four dark wizards on his way back and captured them."

"Most referees," Ludo said, casting a very dissatisfied glance at Karkaroff, "feel that this must be compensated and rewarded.

So... after the judges voted, Scamander was given an additional ten points as a reward, and his total score was 107 points. "

There was louder applause and students jumping up and down on tiptoes, screaming for Rove.

"Shirley Swinton was the second warrior to complete the competition. She showed a super high level of transformation skills during the competition and left a deep impression on every judge." Ludo said loudly:

"After discussion, we finally gave it 93 points."

Next, Fleur scored eighty-nine points, while Hermione was slightly lower with eighty-six points.

The two arrived at almost the same time, and their performances were actually similar, but the reason why Fleur scored so high was because Madame Maxime was shameless and gave her full marks.

"Victor Krum used the transformation technique. Although it was incomplete, it was still effective. He was the fifth to return with hostages. We give him eighty points."

Karkaroff slapped his hands particularly vigorously, looking triumphant. He also gave his student full marks.

"Harry Potter used the potion of water breathing, which was of average effect, but he got help from the mermaid." Ludo continued, "We give him seventy-four points."

Soon it was Ron's turn, and the referees resumed their discussion.

Ron's situation was very special. He did not rescue the hostages, but reached the shore within the normal time.

Ron was full of expectations, hoping to give him a basic score of twenty-five points, but unfortunately, after discussion, the judges gave him four points... exactly the same as the score in the first round.

But Ron was not too sad because he was not the last one. Poliarco, who was defeated by him, only had three points.

Just as Ron was comforting himself, Ginny came over.

Ron immediately asked anxiously: "Ginny, did you place the bet for me on the five galleons?"

"It's a bet." Ginny said with a smile on her face: "I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"good news!"

"The good news is... I didn't listen to you and bet on you and Harry to win," Ginny said.

Ron raised his eyebrows and felt a glimmer of hope in his heart. Could it be that Ginny won over Rove?

Although you won't make much money that way, you can at least protect your capital.

He asked cautiously: "Where's the bad news?"

"The bad news is..." Ginny grinned:

"I bet on you to be in last place, and the odds are pretty good, but unfortunately, Durmstrang's Polyarko is one point lower than you."


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