I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 654 Shirley's Secret

Rove and Shirley walked by the lake for a long time before returning to the cabin.

Probably because the dinner was not full and the dance consumed a lot of energy, both of them were a little hungry.

Therefore, the fish caught during the day just came in handy.

The two set up a barbecue grill at the door of the wooden house, and grilled the fish on the bonfire.

Rove also had the luxury of opening a bottle of Hufflepuff wine.

Although he is not a wine drinker, he also wants to taste the taste of wine that has been preserved for a thousand years.

This is not wine, but the precipitation of years and history!

Sitting by the campfire, Rove looked at the girl beside him. He shook the wine bottle and asked, "Shirley, would you like some?"

Xueli was holding a lemon and sprinkled the squeezed juice on the fish. She raised her head and said softly, "Okay."

Rove picked up another glass and poured some wine into it, but not much.

Last Christmas, he, Shirley, Hermione and Dumbledore had dinner at the Pig's Head Pub in Aberforth.

At that time Shirley was drunk after drinking a few glasses of mead.

Since then, she has almost never drank alcohol, occasionally drinking some alcohol, which is also an ultra-low-alcohol drink such as butter beer, to ensure that she will not get drunk.

Therefore, Rove didn't pour too much wine for Shirley, who can't drink too much, but the girl took the initiative tonight: "Pour some more."

Luo Fu chuckled and said, "This wine has a high alcohol content, so it's easy to get drunk."

"It's okay." Shirley blinked and said with a sweet smile, "I'll sleep when I'm drunk, and it will be fine if you carry me back to the room."

Rove also laughed. Shirley was indeed not like Hermione, who would go crazy when she was drunk.

He lifted the bottle, and this time he managed to fill it up for her.

The two touched the cups lightly, and then Xue Li smiled so that her bright eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and holding the cup with both hands, she took a small sip of the amber liquid that was more expensive than gold.

The girl suddenly felt that the wine was like a ball of cold fire, flowing through her throat, warming her spleen and stomach, and her cheeks turned red all of a sudden.

Shirley relished the taste on the tip of her tongue, which was a very special feeling. She seemed to taste the taste of nuts, oak, fruit and midsummer.

She took another sip and couldn't help admiring: "It's really delicious."

"It's really delicious." Rove was also savoring the taste. Compared with this bottle of wine, the wine he drank in the past all tasted like crude horse urine.

Rove felt inexplicably melancholy.

The good news is that this wine is really delicious. The bad news is that this wine is a non-renewable resource, and one bottle is less.

And he is only a mere thousand bottles!

I feel so sad! !

Xue Li's cheeks became more and more red, she took another sip, and asked curiously: "Rove, does this wine have a name?"

Rove raised his mouth and said, "Shirley."

When Shirley heard the boy call her name, she tilted her head and asked with a puzzled expression, "What's wrong?"

Luo Fu couldn't help stretching out his hand, tapped her nose with his fingertips, and said with a gentle smile:

"I'm talking about the name of the wine...it's called Shirley just like you."

The girl suddenly widened her eyes, staring blankly at the wine in her hand.

This bottle of wine with a thousand-year history has the same name as her own, and she drank it... At this moment, Shirley felt extremely strange.

She took another sip of sherry and asked suddenly:

"Rove, you said we drank the wine that Professor Hufflepuff collected, will she come to trouble us?"

"Professor Hufflepuff has been dead for a thousand years." Rove laughed dumbly and said, "Unless she cheats on the corpse, how can she bother us."

"But don't forget." Shirley blinked, "Hermione's time-turner is in the hands of Professor Hufflepuff."

"You can come back from a thousand years ago, and she can also use the time converter to come to this era."

Luo Fu was stunned and said: "It makes sense."

He had wondered why Hufflepuff hid so much wine, but didn't drink it himself... This kind of behavior is as stupid as saving a lot of money and not spending it before dying, but burying it in the ground.

But if she's going to use the time-turner, go to the future and drink the wine, it would make sense.

Thinking of this, Rove suddenly changed his face and said, "Oops."

"What's wrong?" Shirley asked hurriedly.

"When I went to the Kingdom of Nadia to buy goblin jewelry, I borrowed money from Professor Hufflepuff," Rove said.

"In order for her to lend me money, I paid high interest and issued an IOU."


Rove was speechless. At that time, he felt that he was going back to the future anyway. Even if he owed the IOU, Hufflepuff would not be able to pay... He didn't expect that she would leave the Time-Turner behind!

A thousand years of compound interest, now Rove can't figure out how much he owes Hufflepuff.

When she came, she found out that she had hidden the wine for a thousand years, and was slapped by Luo Fu... I can't imagine the scene!

"So what do we do?" Shirley asked.

Rove took a sip of wine to suppress his shock, he thought for a while and said:

"It's okay, when Hufflepuff really comes, we will ask her to prove that she is Hufflepuff... I also said, 'I am Merlin, and I want to pay money', who would believe it!"


At this time, the fish on the campfire was already a little burnt brown, and the tender white fish meat was exposed to the air, exuding a tempting aroma.

Rove divided the grilled fish into half and handed half to Shirley. While eating the fish, the two of them continued to chat about how to be a bad guy and get rid of the money owed to Hufflepuff.

The girl took a small bite of the fish, and suddenly asked:

"Rove, can you tell me about Ravenclaw?"

"Why are you suddenly interested in her?" Rove asked.

Shirley said softly: "Do you still remember the letter Ravenclaw left you?"

Rove nodded.

In her secret room, Ravenclaw left him a letter spanning thousands of years, which explained many things.

"At the end of that letter, say 'Take care of Helena and the girl who can enter my cemetery'." Shirley looked up at Rove, and said softly:

"I can enter her cemetery, isn't that talking about me?"

"What do you think?" Rob asked.

"The orphanage I live in is near the Ravenclaw cemetery, and I can still enter her cemetery." Shirley was silent for a moment, then said:

"I...will I be a descendant of Ravenclaw, because I have her blood, I can enter the cemetery?"

"Impossible." Rove shook his head with certainty, and said:

"Rowena Ravenclaw has only one daughter, Helena. After Helena died, the bloodline of the Ravenclaw family was completely cut off. You cannot be her descendant."

"Is that so?" Shirley was a little confused, she whispered, "Rove, I actually have a secret I've been wanting to tell you."

"Secret?" Rove was stunned.

"I can change my appearance."

"I know." Rove said, "Didn't you master the body transformation very early?"

"No." Shirley shook her head, her long red hair suddenly turned golden, she looked at the boy, and said seriously:

"Actually... I am Transfiguration Magus."



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