I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 632 Gabrielle, why are you wearing Shirley's clothes?

With Shirley successfully inviting Rove and announcing the dance partner market, the two biggest fish are gone.

Although there are still some students who are unwilling to give up and are ready to continue poaching, more people still turn to their spare tires.

After all, if you want to be Rove's partner, you have to compete with Shirley, and vice versa. Facing this kind of competitor, there is absolutely no need to humiliate yourself.

So in just one night, one-third of the students in Hogwarts had their own dance partners.

But no one cares about this topic, and everyone is still discussing Shirley's confession to Rove.

During most boys' adolescence, there will be a girl they have a crush on, and Shirley is undoubtedly such an existence.

Every Valentine's Day and Christmas, the love letters she receives can almost fill a basket.

Such a dazzling girl, but she likes others just the same, and even boldly confessed her love in front of the teachers and students of the whole school.

This simply broke the hearts of those boys who had a crush on Shirley for a long time, and they wished they could take out their wands and "Avada gnaw big melons" on Rove for ten minutes.

It was also a night of heartbreak for those girls, and Gabriel was one of them!

The students of Beauxbatons, who dined in the carriage last night, missed the shocking confession.

When she got the news the next day, Gabriel hurried to find Rove. She widened her eyes and said with a hurt look:

"Rove, liar...you big liar!"

Rove was in a wooden house at the moment, mixing potions. He increased the flame under the crucible without raising his head and said, "Where did I lie to you?"

"You clearly promised to dance with me, but now you have agreed to Shirley's invitation and become her dance partner." Gabriel said angrily.

"It's not a conflict," Rove said. "If you want to dance, we can dance now."

"Of course there is a conflict." Gabrielle looked heartbroken, "If you dance with me and feel my lightness and softness, you will definitely not agree to her invitation and will only choose me as your dance partner!"

Rove couldn't help laughing. He raised his head, and after seeing Gabriel's appearance clearly, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Gabriel was wearing a half-worn robe and a silver ponytail, but as a novice, the braid was a bit horrible.

Seeing Rove staring at her, Gabriel followed Shirley's example and gently shook her ponytail.

The boy tapped her head with his fingers and said, "Don't shake it, look at your braided hair...and the messy bangs...like a lunatic!

Sit down and I'll help you retie. "

Gabriel snorted softly, and sat obediently on the stool. Rove helped her loosen her hair, and neatly re-tied a ponytail.

Rove snapped his fingers, and a mirror floated over and flew in front of Gabriel. He smiled and said, "Isn't it much more beautiful?"

Gabriel looked at the mirror and said with a grin, "Oh, really, your ponytail is really good."

She suddenly remembered something, and asked suspiciously: "Rove, why are you so proficient?!"

"I've helped Shirley tie a ponytail many times, so of course I'm proficient." Rove said softly.


This straightforward answer made Gabriel feel another stab in her chest.

Luo didn't pay attention to Gabriel's expression, but looked at the Hogwarts uniform on her body.

He suddenly discovered that this seemed to be Shirley's robe from long ago.

She was very thin a few years ago, and the clothes were small, and the nine-year-old Gabriel was wearing them, and they fit unexpectedly.

Rove frowned slightly and said, "Gabriel, why are you wearing Shirley's clothes?"

"I asked her to borrow it yesterday." Gabriel tilted her head, deliberately imitating Shirley's tone, and said coquettishly:

"Rolf, do you like me like this?"

Rove rolled his eyes and said, "I don't like it."

"Why?!" Gabriel puffed up her cheeks and said angrily, "I'm obviously imitating Shirley."

"Gabrielle, I like Shirley in person, not her clothes or her hairstyle," Rove said.

"She wears plain clothes, extravagant clothes, whether she wears her hair loose or in a ponytail, it doesn't affect my liking for her."

"As for you..." Rove rubbed the little girl's head, and said softly like a child:

"It's very good-looking, and I like it very much. You really don't have to try to imitate Shirley, you know?"

"Okay." Gabriel murmured in a low voice, "Although you said so, you still agreed to Shirley's invitation, but rejected me."

"Wait until the next Triwizard Tournament, I will definitely agree to your invitation." Rove smiled and said, "Is that okay?"

"That's five years later, so far away, I want to be your dance partner now."

Gabriel muttered, suddenly remembered something, she widened her eyes and said:

"Rove, I remember you used a magic in the first event to create clones?"

Rove nodded, "I know this kind of magic."

Gabriel's eyes flickered and she said excitedly:

"Then you can go to the Christmas ball with me, and make another clone to be Shirley's dance partner... Oh, my sister doesn't have a dance partner either, so you have to make another clone to accompany her."

"..." Luo Fu is pork from the vegetable market, so you can divide it into as many sections as you want, right?

However, Rove really considered the feasibility of Gabriel's words, if he really separates out several clones and attends dances with different girls at the same time...

With his current fame, the headline of tomorrow's Daily Prophet is probably——

"Shock! At the Christmas ball, Scamander stepped on n boats and played with many underage female students—top scumbags! "

Thinking that Rita might write such an article, Rove's scalp tingled, and he immediately rejected Gabriel's proposal.

"Then what should I do?" Gabriel pouted, "They want to go to the dance too."

"Didn't you say that your sister has rejected other people's invitations, so she doesn't have a dance partner yet?" Rove thought for a while, then smiled and said, "You can invite Fu Rong to be her dance partner."

"I told my sister, but she, like you, dislikes me for being too young and short." Gabriel said sullenly.

"That's easy." Rove snapped his fingers again, and a small purple bottle flew over from the shelf behind him.

Gabriel took the small bottle from Rove. She looked at it carefully, read the label and said, "Growth potion?"

"Well, the growth potion - after drinking it, can make the creature come into an older form." Rove introduced:

"Such a bottle of potion can temporarily increase your age by five years, and your body will also grow taller. The effect of the potion can last for four hours, which is enough for you to go to the dance."

Gabriel took the growth potion and immediately jumped up and down excitedly towards the outside of the house.

Luo Fu breathed a sigh of relief, and finally sent this difficult little girl away.

But before he could breathe evenly, there was another patter of footsteps at the door.



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