I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 627 Rove: If you cause trouble in the future, don't tell about Master!

The week before Christmas, the students had their last chance to go to Hogsmeade this term.

In addition to Hogwarts students from the third grade and above, wizards from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang also came out in full force.

Everyone is so active because they want to go to Hogsmeade to buy some necessities, such as dresses and headgears, in preparation for the upcoming Yule Ball.

Therefore, even though the cold wind was biting and snowflakes were still falling in the sky, it couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the little wizard, so that a long queue formed in front of the castle early.

Filch saw that there were too many students, and the snow in the sky was getting bigger and bigger, so he planned to divide the team into two rows, so as to speed up the speed of passing people.

And the students who are selected will undoubtedly greatly reduce the queuing time and suffer less cold.

Now it's time to show your popularity. After all, it's up to Filch to decide who to start with.

Therefore, Rove, who was in the middle, was selected by Filch, and the students after him started a new line.

Seeing Rove move to the first row, Harry and Ron who were standing in front of him were speechless.

Filchi would die if he chose two more people, but now, they who were still in the middle suddenly became the last two.

Although the time spent has not changed, but my heart is very unbalanced.

Rove came to the first row, handed over the consent form, and said with a smile: "Mr. Filch, Mrs. Norris seems to be in good condition recently."

"Yeah," Filch said with a smile on his wrinkled face, "I weighed her last time, and she's gained seven pounds."

"That's good." Rove glanced at Mrs. Norris, who was sitting in the snow and licking her hair, and said:

"The coat color is still a bit gray, it's best to add some seaweed powder to her. You can come to the Hufflepuff table for dinner."

"Mr. Scamander, I really don't know how to thank you." Filch bowed without looking at Rove's signature form:

"Go to the carriage quickly, it's too cold here."

"Well, see you later."

Many students were stunned when they saw this scene. The Filch they met on weekdays was grumpy and vicious.

But at this moment when he was chatting with Scamander, Filch spoke in such a soft voice, even with obvious respect in his tone... How did he do it?

The next scene made a group of boys go crazy with jealousy:

Rove chose a carriage, and after getting in, the four girls Shirley, Hermione, Fleur and Gabriel followed closely behind.

The carriage drove away, and many students subconsciously yelled, and slandered: "Are you so handsome?!"

Gabriel's cheeks were flushed by the cold wind, and mist was sprayed from her nostrils. She wrapped the thick cloak around her body tightly, and said:

"I thought it would be warmer in the car, but it's still so cold. Rove, aren't you cold?"

Rove was far from cold, he was only wearing a very light robe. The little girl put her hand on his cheek, felt the temperature of his body, and said in amazement:

"It's so hot, do you have a fever?!"

Everyone looked at Rove, he shook his head and said, "No, it's just a kind of magic."

As Rove said, he took out a small thing from his pocket, put it in his mouth, and chewed it.

After a while, the boy's whole body turned red like fire, shining like a red star, and a few wisps of smoke hissed out from his nostrils.

The four girls could clearly feel a wave of heat rising from Rove's body, as if they were facing a hot fireplace.

The temperature in the compartment also rose rapidly, and soon they were so hot that they were sweating profusely, and had to take off their clothes.

Gabriel even took off her clothes until only one set of underwear was left. She stared at the shining eyes and asked:

"Rolf, how did you do it?"

"Turn it into lava." With a black stone standing on his fingertips, Rove said with a smile, "Then release the heat from the body."

Hermione recognized the thing at a glance, and asked doubtfully, "Dragonglass?"

"Yes." Rove smiled and said, "After the lava dragon devours the dragon crystal, it can turn the dragon crystal into lava. I learned this magic from the lava dragon."

Shirley and Hermione knew that Rove had this ability a long time ago, so they were very calm.

But Fu Rong, who heard this statement once, was so shocked that she couldn't speak. She stared at the young man in a daze, and after a while, she was dumbfounded and said:

"Learning magic with the lava dragon... How is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible. Many wizards are born with very strange powers, such as Legilimency, Parseltongue, Transformation Magus, Celestial Eye..." Rove said quickly:

"Our Scamander family, or myself, also have special powers. We can communicate with magical animals and learn their special magic."

A wizard noticed Rove's anomaly a long time ago, and the explanation he gave was magical talent, otherwise how could he say...system?

"It's amazing." Gabriel said enviously, "I'm most afraid of the cold, if only I could know your magic."

"The fireplace in our carriage always feels that the temperature can't go up, and we have to cover it with a thick quilt when we sleep at night." Gabriel rolled her eyes, and she said with a radiant look:

"Rove, it would be great if you could come to sleep with me and my sister at night, and help us warm the bed."

Shirley raised her eyebrows lightly. Hermione was writing on the notebook with a pen. She drew a long line on the paper because of the jolt of the carriage.

Fu Rong almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, her face was flushed, and she tipped a chestnut angrily, "Gabriel, stop talking nonsense!"

The little girl covered her head and looked at her sister aggrievedly.

"Gabriel, didn't I give you a salamander?" Rove changed the subject and asked, "That can also be used to warm the bed."

"But the salamanders can't leave the flames for a long time, and they have to return to the flames after a while." Gabriel said sadly:

"Perhaps... in the future, salamanders can be mated with other magical creatures to cultivate a magical creature that can live outside the flames for a long time and can also warm the bed."

Rove coughed and reminded:

"Gabriel, this kind of behavior violates the "Prohibition of Animal Breeding Experiments" Act. If the Ministry of Magic finds out, you may be put in prison, so don't think about it."

The little girl puffed up her cheeks and said doubtfully, "But didn't you say that if you don't get caught, you'll be fine? It's like your box."


"I still have a lot of other ideas." Gabriel continued: "The Muggle genetic engineering you mentioned last time, what kind of cloning technology, genetic modification, I still want to use it for wizards and magical creatures..."

Rove felt dizzy for a while, why did this little girl have so many dangerous thoughts, he sighed softly, and said:

"Gabriel, when you grow up and cause trouble, don't tell others that I am your teacher of magical animals."

"Why?" Gabriel tilted her head and asked, "Are you afraid that I will hurt you?"

"No." Rove shook his head and said, "I'm afraid that others won't dare to catch you."




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