I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 624 Snape's Prom Invitation

After the Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall's words quickly spread throughout Hogwarts.

The students got an accurate answer, finally relaxed, and then entered an inexplicable excitement and agitation. If they had to describe this complex emotion, it would probably be:

Spring is here, everything is recovering, and it is the season for small animals to breed.

It may be an exaggeration to say this, but for the Christmas ball, the little wizards really began to compete and show their talents:

The boys began to pay attention to image management. Everyone put on decent robes, and their hair was cleaned and waxed.

Even Justin, who is not hygienic, changed the frequency of washing his feet from once every five days to once every two days.

The girls are also working hard to dress themselves up. When get out of class is over, they seldom wear old-fashioned school uniforms, but put on the most beautiful clothes to show off their beauty.

Eloise Midgen even slathered on her face with foundation to try and cover up her pimples.

The usual slapstick is gone, the rush to the auditorium at lunch time is gone, the pranks in the corridors are gone, and everyone seems to be a gentleman and a lady!

Little wizards are like peacocks with their tails open, trying to show their best side to attract the opposite sex.

Just showing off is not enough, you must take the initiative to attack, but it is not an easy task to stand up and invite others to be your dance partner.

Both boys and girls tacitly began to appear in groups, including classes and meals, almost inseparable.

So, everyone started to face a problem:

If you want to ask someone to be a partner, you have to be in front of a large group of people.

Everyone is happy to succeed, but if they are rejected on the spot, it will be a social death for the whole school... The pressure can be imagined.

But as Professor McGonagall said, invite a dance partner as early as possible, otherwise the outstanding boys and girls will be snatched up by others.

Every student has his or her favorite person. Everyone is afraid of being rejected, but even more so, they don't want to see the person they like being snatched away by others because of their momentary hesitation.

Therefore, after some hesitation and wait-and-see, many students began to take the initiative.

On the way to Potions class, the students of Rove and Hufflepuff were stopped by a group of girls.

Looking at the group of young girls, Justin brushed his hair and said with a smile, "Some of them must have come to invite me."

"Invite you to be a dance partner?" McMillan said with a smile, "What are you trying to figure out? You are ugly, or you are not washing your feet?"

"Your uncle." Justin said angrily, "Let's make a bet, just one Gallon... Let's see who invites more girls later?"

"Okay." McMillan agreed, and said, "Neville, are you going to participate?"

Neville originally didn't want to participate, not only because his grandma taught him not to gamble, but also because he saw Hermione betting with Rove, and he lost to him every time, and the losers were almost gone.

Neville didn't want to follow in Hermione's footsteps.

But after thinking about it, the bet is not big, and it's a guaranteed win. Neville hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes, but I'll bet on Rove."

Rove: "..."

At this time, a girl walked out of the crowd, she boldly came to Rove, her cheeks were flushed, she bit her lips and said:

"Scamander...I'm a Gryffindor student...my name is Misty Carr."

Rove looked at the girl and asked, "Hello, can I ask you anything?"

Misty clenched the corners of her clothes tightly with both hands, even though the young man had a pleasant face, she was obviously very nervous under his gaze.

The girl hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at her girlfriends, under their encouraging eyes, she mustered up her courage and said to Rove:

"I want to invite you to the Yule Ball with me."

The Hufflepuff students blew their whistles, and some people watched the excitement and shouted "promise her".

"Carl, I'm very lucky to be invited by you." Rove smiled and said, "But I can't promise you."

Misty looked disappointed, said "sorry", and returned to the crowd.

Rove thought it was over, but he didn't expect a second girl to come out and invite him to be a dance partner. After he refused, there were still some people who didn't give up and continued to invite him... They obviously agreed to take turns.

Everyone was stunned. They had seen a fight with wheels, but this was the first time they saw someone who was invited to be a dance partner, and they could still fight with wheels!

Many of these girls, and even more secret lovers, saw their crush inviting Rove, and they gritted their teeth in envy.

And as the girls were all rejected by Rove, many broke down and cried.

Seeing this situation, they didn't know whether to be happy that they still had a chance, or to be angry... Rove broke the heart of their crush.

Just as Rove was thinking about how to get out, Snape walked over from the crowd. He glanced at the crying female student in the corridor, then looked at the boy, and said with a sneer:

"Scamander, tell me how many people you have hurt! Hufflepuff will deduct thirty points!"


Luo Fu was speechless, this can also deduct points...Your uncle!

Although Snape deducted points, he also scared away the students who watched and confessed, and he helped Rove out of the siege in disguise.

Rove and a group of Hufflepuff students hurried towards the basement classroom. After arriving in the classroom, he found Shirley and sat down beside her.

Shirley was flipping through the potion textbook, and seeing Rove's unwavering expression, she asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Rove quickly talked about what happened in the corridor just now, and finally said full of resentment:

"Professor Snape deducted 30 points from me, and there must be a lot of female students who will invite me after that. If we continue to deduct points like this, even 10,000 points will not be enough for Hufflepuff to deduct."

The girl with ponytail covered her mouth and smiled and said, "I have a solution for you."

"any solution?"

Shirley smiled brightly, blinked and said, "I won't tell you, just wait."

Rove raised his eyebrows and looked at her suspiciously.

At this moment, Snape walked into the classroom, the two of them quickly shut up, and no one else was talking.

Snape dragged his robes and paced around a pile of cauldrons, staring at the shivering students with black eyes.

An owl flew in suddenly. It came to the sky above the classroom and dropped a smoking red letter at Rove's feet.

That was a howler letter!

It was the first time Rove received this thing, and he immediately thought that this letter might be from those rejected female students.

Just as he was about to destroy it, Snape's lazy voice sounded.

"Don't move, Scamander! Let's hear the letter, I think it's from some poor girl you've hurt."

The corners of Snape's mouth curled up, and he waved his wand impatiently. The letter was opened immediately, and the loud sound filled the classroom, shaking off the dust from the ceiling.

But then, Snape's smile froze on his face like sour milk.

"Dear...Professor Snape, I am a Gryffindor first-year student.

When I first took Potions class, I was attracted by your straight, sexy hooked nose, greasy short black hair and handsome face. Since then, I have been deeply infatuated with you and become your loyal admirer .

You are the little prince of potions in my heart - the Slytherin giant - I want to invite you to be my dance partner, and I hope you will not refuse... your faithful little lion. "

The Howler letter ignited and curled into ashes, and the class fell silent.



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