I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 603 Shirley, let's go camping tonight!

Bathing animals is not an easy job. This statement must have a strong resonance for those who have raised cats.

A small animal of the size of a cat is so difficult to serve, let alone a mud ichthyosaur that is a hundred times bigger than it.

Even though Rove drove the mud ichthyosaur into the beaver dam, he still encountered its strongest resistance.

But the more it resisted, the more excited Rove became. He even used methods such as binding, whipping, and whipping to make this guy submit.

In short, bathing the mud ichthyosaur is a process in which both parties suffer!

Of course, the beaver family who lived here suffered even more.

The family of four used to have no worries about food and clothing, and enjoyed themselves happily, but then the lake at the entrance turned into a stinky ditch, and the lake-view room was collapsed by muddy fish and dragons... What a miserable word!

Therefore, after cleaning the mud ichthyosaur, the boy did not leave in a hurry, but stayed to do the aftermath.

When Shirley came to the beaver dam, she saw Rove squatting on a pile of trees floating on the river, chatting with two little beavers.

After Shirley appeared, the older sister beaver was extremely vigilant and immediately jumped into the water with a plop.

Seeing that the younger brother was still clinging on the branch foolishly and not following, it bit his tail hard and dragged him into the water as well.

However, the two little guys didn't dive into the bottom of the water, but came up together and looked at Shirley secretly with their small eyes.

The girl with ponytail walked to the side of the boy and asked suspiciously, "Rove, what are you doing here?"

"The mud ichthyosaur washed away the beaver dam, and I'm repairing the dam." Rove pointed to the two little beavers and said with a smile, "They are supervisors."

The beaver dam is a kind of "special reservoir" formed by beavers stacking saplings, branches or tip materials interlacedly in the river course.

This kind of reservoir, like the dam built by humans, stores a large amount of river water. Once the dam is destroyed, it will cause floods and damage the downstream ecology.

Rove, as the instigator, of course cannot let the "flood release" go, and must take on the heavy responsibility of repairs.

"Have you got it?" Rove asked.

Shirley hummed lightly, took out a handful of white plants from her pocket and handed them to Rove, and said softly:

"I picked a lot of ghost grass. When I see Hermione and Furong later, I can give them some, so that they don't have to bother to come here."

Rove took the ghost grass, looked up at Shirley, and said, "We may not have time to find them today."

Xue Li glanced at the sky and asked doubtfully, "Isn't it still early?"

"It's still early." Rove picked up a branch, stuck it into the water vigorously, and explained:

"But I have to build the dam, and I have to help the beaver family fix their nests, and it will probably be evening when I finish these things."

"We still need to collect dragon crystals, and then find Hermione and Furong. We may be busy until late at night, why don't we go tomorrow morning, what do you think?"

Shirley was stunned and said, "You mean, the two of us are going to camp here tonight?"

"Yeah." Rove nodded.

The ponytail girl's eyes lit up, "Just the two of us?"

"That's right." Rove smiled, "But I basically didn't bring anything. I thought I could finish the game in the daytime, but I didn't expect to spend the night here. The box is at Margery's place..."

"It's okay!" Shirley widened her aura-filled eyes, grabbed Rove's sleeves, and said brightly:

"There are logs everywhere here, it doesn't matter if you don't bring a box, we can build a temporary shelter by ourselves."

"By the way, I still have toiletries and a clean change of clothes."

Shirley praised her purse made of deformed lizard skin, and said triumphantly, "Including your clothes."

"Why do you still have my clothes?" Rove was surprised.

"Have you forgotten?" Shirley smiled, stuck out her tongue and said:

"During the summer vacation, you went to live in a nunnery for a few days, and I washed the changed clothes for you, and they stayed with me all the time."

Rove remembered that there was such a thing, and he was still trying his best to oppose it at the time. After all, what is it like to ask a little girl to wash your underwear for you?

Seeing the boy staring straight at her, Xue Li blushed and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"I was wondering if you can wash it for me for nothing." Luo Fu smiled and said, "Well, I will wash the clothes you changed tonight for you, so that we can even out."

The ponytail girl winked. "Don't think about it!"

Seeing that Rove wanted to say something, the shy Xue Li hurriedly got up and said, "I'm going to build a shelter, so I won't talk to you anymore."

She took three or four steps, suddenly remembered something, turned around again, blinked and said:

"By the way, Rove, when I was passing through a depression just now, I saw a group of wild ducks..."

Luo Fu smiled knowingly, "When I finish repairing the dam, I'll catch the fattest wild duck and cook it for you tonight."

Shirley's eyes were smiling like crescent moons, and she ran towards the distance with cheerful and light steps, looking for a place to build a shelter tonight.

The beaver siblings climbed up to the tree trunk again, and jumped into the river with another plop. The corners of Rove's mouth curled up, and said:

"I won't eat you two, what are you afraid of?"

When Rove and Shirley were chatting, they would use magic to block their voices. The students in the Quidditch field could only see them talking and laughing, but they didn't know what they were talking about.

But as Shirley cleaned up the fallen leaves and collected dead branches and broken trees in the woods, Ludo gradually came back to his senses and said doubtfully:

"Swinton looks like she's going to build a shelter, are she and Scamander going to stay overnight?

But it's only three o'clock in the afternoon, so hurry up, they will definitely be able to collect the dragon crystal before evening, and be the first to complete the first project.

This will be much faster than other warriors, and the score will be much more. Isn't this more important than camping? How could they just give up such a great advantage? "

Ludo's tone was very anxious, like a gambling dog.

The students also talked to each other when they heard Ludo's words, like a swarm of bees buzzing.

Whether it is Rove or Shirley, there are a large number of admirers in Hogwarts.

Now I see that the two of them are going to camp together, in the wilderness, alone and widowed.

Thinking of this, this group of students scratched their heads with jealousy, wishing they could rush into the competition site and burn this heretic with an obvious sour smell to death.

Rove didn't know that a group of male students at Hogwarts were already considering assassinating him, so he still leisurely strengthened the dam and helped the Beaver family repair their lair.

At this time, the mud in the river had settled down, and the river became clear again. Rove also dived into the bottom of the river and caught two fat trout.

Rove went to catch wild ducks again, and picked berries and mushrooms on the way. When he returned to the lake, it was already evening.

As dusk deepened, darkness gradually penetrated into the openness of the forest.

Shirley, who had built the shelter, was sitting by a bonfire, quietly waiting for Rove, as if waiting for him to come home.




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