I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 579 Comparing Gabriel

After being separated from the centaur, this defense against the dark arts practical class did not encounter any other accidents, and finally ended without any danger.

I don't know whether it's because of the difficult course, or because we walked too much mountain road, the students looked very tired.

The same was true for Gabrielle, the little girl was too tired to walk halfway, so Rove had to carry her on his back and walked towards Hogwarts.

The boy's back was soft, so comfortable that Gabriel fell asleep and dozed off. When she returned to the castle, she had already fallen into a deep sleep.

But at this time, Fu Rong was still in class, Rove thought about it, and carried Gabriel into the black box, and came to a wooden house.

There was a big bed in the room. Rove put Gabriel on the bed, gently took off her coat, shoes and socks, and covered her with a thin blanket.

After Rove finished his work, he was about to leave the room, but Gabriel woke up suddenly. She sat up leaning on the pillow, the blanket slid down to her waist, and murmured:

"Rolf, where is this?"

"You are in my box." Rove said, "Sleep well, and I will wake you up when it's time to eat."

Gabriel hummed lightly, and lay back on the soft bed, but instead of falling asleep, she murmured sleepily:

"Rove, can you chat with me for a while? I want to talk to you."

Rove nodded, sat down by the bed, and asked, "How is it? You didn't get scared when you went to the Forbidden Forest today?"

"No." Gabriel shook her head, and said honestly, "Well, I was still a little scared when I saw the horsemen, they are so fierce."

"Some centaurs are indeed hostile to wizards, but there are also centaurs who are friendly to us." Rove laughed.

"I know, just like in wizards, there are good people and bad people." Gabriel blinked her sleepy eyes and asked, "Then do you know Bain's ex-fiancee?"

"I know." Rove nodded. "Nymeria can divination. She has traded many magic items with me in this way."

Of course, he used to ignore Nymeria, but since he knew that the centaur tribe had a wooden coffin, he planned to increase his cooperation with Nymeria!

"So, you lied to Bane?" Gabriel asked.

"Yes." Rove nodded and admitted, "Gabriel, it's not good to lie, and I don't want to lie either.

But in the face of this kind of people who are hostile to us, sometimes we can't tell the truth completely, so that we can protect ourselves, right? "

"Yes, what you said makes sense!" The little girl rolled her eyes and said with a hint of cunning:

"I accidentally broke the flower pot last time. If I had lied to my hostile mother and said that it was my father who did it, I would definitely not have been disciplined... Rove, I will do what you say from now on .”


Rove scratched his hair. He seemed to have misled Gabriel. When he was about to explain, he saw the cute and sly look from the little girl, so he understood.

Gabriel understood everything, but deliberately twisted Rove's meaning to make herself anxious.

Rove stretched out his hand and gently scratched the bridge of her nose, and taught:

"Don't say something strange, let your sister hear it, and think that I have led you into trouble."

"No way, my sister likes you the most!" Gabriel giggled and asked curiously, "Where did Shirley go?"

"She's feeding malt whiskey to Madame Maxime's rune horse."

Gabriel asked in an envious tone, "Rove, can I come to your box to take care of those magical creatures like Shirley?"

"You're still young." Rove shook his head and said, "Let's talk about it when you grow up."

"I'm not young anymore, I'm not young at all!" Gabriel puffed up her flat chest and said solemnly:

"Shirley has been your assistant since she was eleven years old, and I am now nine years old, only two years away."

"But you don't understand anything." Rove said.

"Who said I don't understand!" Gabriel glanced out the window, made a cute gesture of leaning over, and whispered: "Rove, let me tell you a little secret."

Rove leaned over curiously, the little girl sat up, put her whole cheek against the boy's ear, and whispered:

"I've been secretly studying on my own with my sister's old Care of Magical Beasts textbook.

I have finished the third grade and started the fourth grade, and I will catch up with Shirley soon. "

Gabriel glanced out the window nervously, and after not seeing Shirley, she continued to exhort:

"Only the two of us know this little secret. You must not tell Shirley, otherwise she will definitely study hard, and I may not be able to catch up with her."

"I won't tell Shirley." Rove assured, then asked in doubt, "Is it important to keep up with her progress?"

"Of course it's important!" Gabriel pouted and snorted, "When I catch up with her, I'll be qualified to be your assistant. Shirley still needs a salary. I don't want it. You just need to take care of food and housing !"

Rove laughed dumbfounded, a little broken assistant, can this also be rolled up?

The little girl shook Rove's cuffs and said with a coquettish smile, "Can I do it?"

Rove thought for a while and said:

"Gabriel, the protection of magical animals class is a practical class that requires contact with magical animals. Just reading textbooks is at best a theory on paper, and it won't have much effect."

"Is that so?" Gabriel looked surprised, she thought that just reading a book would be enough.

"Yes." Rove nodded and said, "Also...Although Shirley is in the fourth grade, she is far beyond the fourth grade in the field of magical beasts."

"She knows all the magical creatures in my box, knows their preferences, living environment, food, and will treat them and deliver babies..."

Gabrielle opened her mouth slightly, too surprised to speak.

Seeing that the little girl was severely hit and looked very sad, Luo Fu comforted her:

"It's okay. Shirley doesn't know as much as you at your age. When you reach her age, you will definitely know more than her."

Gabriel sighed old-fashionedly, bit her lips and said, "But when I was fourteen, Shirley still studied five years more than me."

"Why do you have to compete with Shirley?" Rove laughed.

"Who told her to be your assistant? She looks so good-looking!" Gabriel muttered, "I want to take her place, and she must be better than her."

Rove smiled, stretched out his hand and rubbed Gabrielle's head, the little girl protested: "Don't touch your head, you won't be tall!"

Luo Fu laughed and said, "You are already much taller than your peers, how much taller do you want to grow?"

Gabriel stood on the bed, tapped Rove's head with her chin, and hummed:

"Anyway, you have to be taller than Shirley."



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