I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 572: There is Only One Truth!

Seeing "Tom" as a bad street name, some people will think of Jerry, some will think of Tom Cruise, and some will think of the owner of the Leaky Cauldron...

And the first thing Karkaroff thought of was that man!

Even though it was rumored that the Dark Lord had died for thirteen years, Karkaroff still showed a strong sense of horror when he saw the name on the sheepskin.

"Conspiracy, this is definitely a conspiracy!" Karkaroff clenched his fists, his voice full of anger and fear.

This conspiracy was planned against those Death Eaters who escaped from Azkaban Prison, including himself naturally!

"It is indeed a conspiracy, Principal Karkaroff." Rove, who had been quiet all this time, suddenly opened his mouth and said with a serious expression:

"This conspiracy is aimed at us innocent people by the Death Eaters!"


Karkaroff looked at Rove in surprise.

Everyone also turned their heads to look at the young man, only to see him walking slowly to the center of the room, and said in a deep voice:

"The names that just appeared in the Goblet of Fire were all accused of being Death Eaters back then, but after being tried by the Ministry of Magic, they were finally found innocent."

"Whether they are innocent or not, in the eyes of those real Death Eaters, they are all traitors of the Dark Lord!" Rove said loudly:

"Everyone probably knows that the disaster in the Quidditch World Cup not long ago was done by Death Eaters. There is no doubt about it!"

"Not only because of the Dark Mark, but also because I caught a Death Eater - Walton McNeil - who was trying to smear Lucius Malfoy as an accomplice when he was caught .”

"Fortunately, Malfoy has an alibi, which also shows how much real Death Eaters hate him, hate these wizards who have escaped from prison and have a stable life."

"And the few of us." Rove pointed to Shirley, Hermione, and himself, sighing:

"It just so happened that the Death Eaters' plot was stopped that night, and they hate us too!"

Rove looked at Harry and said, "The Boy Who Lived, not to mention, Death Eaters hate him!"

"So...there is only one truth!" On the young man's handsome face, deep worry appeared.

"This is a real conspiracy, the persecution of us innocents by the surviving Death Eaters.

They made all these lists because they want us to participate in the Triwizard Tournament and die for it! "

After Rove finished speaking, the room fell silent again.

Karkaroff was stunned for a moment. He originally suspected that Dumbledore wanted to wipe out all of them in his territory.

But there seems to be some truth to what Scamander said - the extreme follower of the Dark Lord - can indeed do this kind of thing.

Ludo looked very anxious, his body was moving up and down uneasily, and he muttered: "The analysis makes sense!"

Maxim also pondered, so it seems that it is not the Hogwarts she imagined playing tricks and wanting the warriors of their school to win, but something really wrong.

Snape squinted his eyes and glanced at Rove. He was sure that Rove did it, but he didn't know if Dumbledore was involved.

No... the headmaster must have done it too!

Harry and Ron looked at each other, and they would have almost believed it if they hadn't been from Rove.

But people like Malfoy, could it be that the Death Eaters really got them in? After all, if Rove could do it, they must be able to do it too, right?

"Since it is so dangerous, we must immediately cancel the holding of the Triwizard Tournament!" Fu Rong suddenly said loudly:

"Aurors have to be sent to protect Rove...their safety."

Dumbledore sighed softly, shook his head and said:

"Miss Delacour, I'm afraid this won't work. We must abide by the statute. The statute clearly stipulates that anyone whose name comes out of the Goblet of Fire must participate in the Triwizard Tournament."

"It's okay, Fleur." Rove comforted, "As long as I'm in Hogwarts, they can't do anything to me!"

"But you still have to be careful..." Furong said worriedly.

Shirley glanced at Fu Rong, then looked at Luo Fu, and gave him a slight white look with reproachful eyes.

Rove could only smile sarcastically.

"I agree with what Scamander said, this is a conspiracy of the Death Eaters..."

A growling sound came suddenly from the door, and Moody limped into the room, making a loud thud every time his right foot landed.

"The Goblet of Fire is a powerful magical object, and to fool it into forgetting that there were only three schools participating in the Tournament would require a particularly powerful Confusion Charm...students can't do that, only strong Death Eaters. "

Moody's eyes first glanced at Snape, then quickly at Karkaroff.

"And I just happen to know that there's a real Death Eater here."

Karkaroff was furious. He growled, "Are you doubting me?"

"Alastor!" Dumbledore warned, "I fully believe that all the teachers here will not do such a thing."

Moody fell silent, but still stared at Karkaroff—Karkaroff's face was as red as it was on fire.

"How this situation came about, we don't know," said Dumbledore to everyone assembled in the room.

"But in my opinion, we have no choice but to accept it."

"But what about those wizards who have graduated?" Ludo asked.

"Since the names come out of the Goblet of Fire, they must take part in the Triwizard Tournament," said Dumbledore.

"We will arrange competitions for them, but in order to ensure their safety, the difficulty will of course be controlled within the 'safe' range... Minerva!"

Professor McGonagall came over, and the principal ordered:

"Immediately write to Malfoy and the others, inviting them to Hogwarts to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, saying that we are here to protect them from Death Eaters!"

"Remember, tell them that the Goblet of Fire is bound by a contract. They don't have to come, but if they don't come... they will be at their own risk!"

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore!" Professor McGonagall left immediately.

"Excluding these graduated wizards, Hogwarts also has five warriors." Dumbledore looked at Maxim and Karkaroff again.

"According to the logic, we have to rearrange the Goblet of Fire and keep adding names to it until each school produces five warriors. This is fair."

How could Maxim want her students to participate in the competition now? She quickly waved her hand and refused:

"Actually, Beauxbatons is a good student to participate in, and the Goblet of Fire has just been extinguished, and it will not be rekindled until the next competition..."

"It's okay, your school can choose four more warriors without passing the Goblet of Fire." Dumbledore smiled and said:

"Madam Maxim, no matter whether it's appointing warriors, taking exams or other methods, in short, you can make up your own mind.

Again, we at Hogwarts guarantee fairness! "




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