I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 564 The Dinner Party at Hogwarts

Fleur and Gabriel followed Rove to the Hufflepuff dining table, and the group of Beauxbaton's students followed excitedly.

Durmstrang sits at the Slytherin table, but no one really cares about them now, not even the famous star Krum in the team.

Most of the boys turned their gazes to the Hufflepuff dining table, looking at Fleur sitting beside Rove.

"That girl is so beautiful! I feel like she can stand up to Ravenclaw's Shirley Swinton!"

Ron stared straight at Fu Rong, with his mouth slightly open, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Harry, why don't we have such a beautiful witch in Gryffindor College!"

This wave of AOE undoubtedly annoyed the girls of Gryffindor College, and they stared angrily at Ron who looked like a pig.

After being hit by Shirley for a long time, they have developed a strong ability to resist blows, and now there is another female student from Beauxbaton with an amazing appearance. They are actually okay, and they can completely accept this kind of thing in their hearts.

But accepting it does not mean that they are willing to be spoken out in person and pointed at condescendingly.

Parvati Patil gave him a sarcasm, and said, "Ron, you have freckles yourself, and you have the nerve to say us?"

"That's right." Angelina said angrily, "It's really rude to comment and compare other people's appearance at will!"

Even Ginny didn't stand on her brother's side, she said meanly:

"Ron, you have to learn how to respect others. I won't say that you are ugly or not as good-looking as Rove...Although this is true."


Ron was besieged by a group of girls, and he looked at Harry for help, but Harry didn't want to lose his conjugal rights at Hogwarts for the next four years.

So, pretending he didn't hear, he chatted with George and Fred about the Triwizard Tournament.

When Ron saw Seamus looking at him, he thought that the other party was going to help him fight the Confucianists, and he was a little moved for a while.

Unexpectedly, Seamus smiled triumphantly at him and said:

"Ron, let me just say she is a top-notch beauty, right? I won, and I'm willing to take the bet. You owe me a Galleon!"


Apart from discussing the astonishing beauty of the silver-haired sisters, their relationship with Rove also became the focus of discussion.

At the Ravenclaw table, many people turned their attention to Shirley.

In addition to comparing the looks of the two of them and who is better, I just want to inquire about this matter.

After all, Shirley and Rove are almost inseparable and have an extremely close relationship. She must know why.

Lisa Dupin asked curiously: "Shirley, Rove and that girl look very familiar, have they known each other before?"

The girl with ponytail nodded and explained: "Rove and Furong met on the Mayflower last year, and they have been communicating frequently this year."

"Fleur...what a weird name!" Lisa said, "but she's really pretty."

Xue Li turned her head to look at Fu Rong, nodded slightly, and said with a calm smile, "It's really pretty."

This is the truth.

Not bragging against my will.

But that's all.

At this time, the professors entered the auditorium, with Professor Dumbledore, Professor Karkaroff and Mrs. Maxim walking in the front, followed by the four deans.

When Beauxbaton's students saw Madam Maxim appearing, they all stood up immediately, including Fleur.

She looked solemn and dignified, more like she was attending someone's mourning service.

Beauxbaton's strange behavior made many Hogwarts students couldn't help laughing.

Gabriel approached Rove's ear and explained:

"It's Beauxbaton's habit. The students can only sit down after the headmaster sits down, to show respect for them... Don't you have one at Hogwarts?"

"No, we firmly believe that respect is in the heart, not just in the form." Rove said with a smile: "But our school also has strange rituals."

"What ceremony?" Gabriel asked curiously.

"When the school starts, the principal will ask everyone to sing the school song according to the melody they like."

Gabriel wowed and exclaimed, "I love this ceremony!"

The little girl snapped her fingers again, counting how many songs she knew and wanted to sing for Rove. He smiled and patted her head.

After the professors sat down, everyone found that there were actually four empty seats on the faculty seats.

Except for Mad-Eye Moody and Hagrid, no one could think of anyone missing.

As Dumbledore stood up, the auditorium gradually fell silent, and his deep voice resounded in every corner of the room.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts, and - especially - distinguished guests!"

Dumbledore looked at the foreign students with a smile, "It is with great joy that I welcome you to Hogwarts. I hope and believe that you will have a comfortable and pleasant stay here."

"The Triwizard Tournament will officially begin at the end of the banquet," said Dumbledore. "Let us share food and wine now, as a symbol of eternal friendship!"

After the principal's words fell, the plates on the dining table were instantly filled with sumptuous dishes:

Roasted venison with leeks, peppered wild boar, roast goose, kebabs of chicken and pigeon, large lamb chops stewed in almond milk with raisins and onions, crab lobster soup, foie gras in red wine...

There are also many foreign cuisines such as France, Germany, and Scandinavia, as well as dark cuisine:

Looking up at the starry sky is a classic British dish, which is naturally indispensable; Garlic peppers, spicy fried leech, salt-baked four-legged snake, cockroach alcohol pot... are also impressive.

It can only be said that the house elves seem to have tried their best to take care of not only British wizards, but also foreign wizards, as well as curious players with tricky tastes.

On each table, jugs of spiced mulled wine and chilled autumn ale were passed around the table.

Gabriel picked up a piece of roasted crispy pork, dipped it in plum sauce, brought it to her mouth, and ate it happily.

Furong took a spoon, filled a bowl of soup, took a sip, and commented:

"This bouillabaisse tastes very authentic, no worse than what I ate in Paris."

Fleur was about to serve a bowl for Rove and Gabriel, and the group of Hufflepuff students were already rushing to fill a bowl for themselves.

So, a French bouillabaisse was gone.

Fu Rong was stunned.

"It's okay, you can refill the cup indefinitely." Rove blinked, and saw him pick up the spoon and tap the basin, and said, "Please have another one."

Soon, the basin was filled with bouillabaisse again.

The house elves also played enthusiastically and gracefully, but the music of the harp, violin and trumpet was quickly drowned out by laughter and toasting.

At this moment, at the end of the hall, the door suddenly opened, a gust of cold wind blew in instantly, and the torch suddenly lit up.

Filch ushered in the two new guests.



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