I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 549 Moody's Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson

Mad-Eye Moody has been working as an Auror for decades, and he has developed a comprehensible calm and prestige, coupled with his already fierce and bitter appearance, now he is even more ferocious, scaring many students All trembling.

Moody's tone slowed down slightly:

"I wrote to Albus about my thoughts, and I wanted him to hire you a better 'dancing' teacher, instead of an Auror like me who only knows how to teach killing techniques."

"But Albus wrote back to me again, wanting me to teach you according to Auror's standards, so that you can see what the real danger is and what black art looks like."

"He thinks it is necessary to do so, because the magic world is becoming more and more dangerous, and a new war may break out again."

The students were taken aback when Moody suddenly mentioned war. After all, the word was too far away.

"Isn't the magic world very safe now?" Hannah hesitated, and whispered: "Where is the war?"

"Safe?" Moody waved his wand, and a picture of a wizard was projected on the blackboard. The man looked goofy and bald.

Everyone recognized it as... Pettigrew Peter.

The photo changed again, and a huge skull composed of countless emerald green light spots appeared, blooming over the Quidditch World Cup.

The photo quickly turns into a chaotic stadium again:

A harpy was crucified on the wall, and Rove stood in front of her covered in blood, surrounded by terrified wizards.

This is the headline photo of the "Daily Prophet". The students have seen it in the summer vacation, and they will see it again. They all looked at Rove with fearful eyes.

"Mr. Scamander, I was not at the Quidditch World Cup that night, but I also heard about what you did." Moody turned his head and stared at Rove, saying:

"Even if I'm there, I can't do better than you. I thank you on behalf of the Aurors."

Rove nodded politely.

Moody stared at the crowd again. "The Death Eater Peter Pettigrew who escaped from prison last year, the Quidditch World Cup a few weeks ago, the Dark Mark reappeared... Now, who of you still think the wizarding world is safe?"

Hannah fell silent for a moment.

Moody said in a deep voice: "So, Dumbledore and I both think that we must tell you what black magic looks like, the sooner you understand what you are dealing with, the better.

How can you protect yourself from something you've never seen before? "

Moody paced the classroom, his prosthetics thumping.

"A wizard is going to cast an illegal spell on you, and he won't tell you what he's planning. He won't spell it to you frankly, fairly, and politely... You must be prepared and vigilant!"

Suddenly Moody roared loudly, startling everyone.

"So...does any of you know what kind of magic this is?" Moody waved his wand again, and another photo was projected on the blackboard:

The surging black flames, like a bouquet, bloomed in the night sky. It quickly formed a dragon-like monster, hovered in the sky, and finally spread its wings and crashed towards the ground.

Rove just glanced at it, then raised his hand, Moody pointed at him, and said, "Mr. Scamander."

"This is the Fiercefire Curse," Rove said, "an advanced black magic that produces a huge and fiery magical flame that destroys everything in its burning path regardless of friend or foe."

"Ah, yes," said Moody appreciatively, "you must have recognized where it was, too?"

"Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, France." Rove looked at the photo and said softly:

"Seventy years ago, Grindelwald led a group of Witches to give a speech here. He used the Fierce Fire Curse and almost destroyed the entire Paris."

The students gasped in fright.

In their world view, wizard battles are all magic at the level of "removing your weapon", "front tooth match stick" and "iron armor curse".

They never thought that there are wizards who can destroy a city with a single spell... Is this still human? It's almost like a god!

"And then?" Justin asked impatiently, "Did Paris be destroyed in the end?"

"If it's destroyed, how can it still exist now?" Moody said softly,

"Back then, with the efforts of Nicole Flamel, Newt Scamander, and dozens of Aurors, the Fiendfire Curse was stopped and Paris was saved."

There was a dead silence in the classroom, and then everyone chatted excitedly, like a swarm of bees buzzing.

Many people have never heard of Grindelwald, but why does this wizard sound much stronger than the mysterious man!

Moody waved his wand again, and another picture appeared on the blackboard:

A male wizard fell to the ground, his face was full of pain, his whole body was in convulsions, his nails dug out bloodstains on the skin, it looked horrible.

Neville, who usually only speaks proactively in herbal medicine class, raised his hand tremblingly. Moody's magical eyes rolled around and stared at him, saying:

"Speak, Mr. Longbottom."

"It's the Cruciatus Curse," Neville said softly but clearly.

"Yes." Moody looked at Neville very intently, and sighed softly in a sad tone:

"Son, your father is Frank Longbottom and your mother is Alice Longbottom, right?"

Neville nodded.

"Son, your parents and I were colleagues and fought side by side. They were heroic, brave and proud like lions, and I admire them very much." Moody said.

After an awkward silence, Neville managed to say something. "thank you."

Hannah once heard Neville mention his parents, she quietly grabbed his fingers and tugged on them comfortingly.

Moody's magic eye looked through the table, saw this, but said nothing, and waved his wand again.

This time the photo was even more horrifying. There was only a dazzling green light shining, which made people unable to open their eyes.

Rove squinted his eyes, staring at that Avada Kedavra, and couldn't help being shocked.

Because that Avada Kedavra unexpectedly changed directions several times, connecting the seven wizards together like a net, connecting each other, and finally seven people fell to the ground and died at the same time.

"It's Avada Kedavra." Moody looked at the disturbed student, his crooked mouth twitching in a trance.

"The mysterious man killed seven wizards instantly with a killing curse, we still don't know how he did it.

When we got to the scene, there were only seven bodies and this camera left. "

Everyone looked terrified, and the witch couldn't help shouting, her voice shrill and terrified.

"These magics, for you... Even if you know the spells, you can't use them.

So why am I showing this to you? Moody looked at the crowd and said:

"Because you have to understand and know how scary they are, so that you can be vigilant when you encounter them in the future!"

Moody roared: "After a while, I will take you to the Forbidden Forest to fight some really dangerous magical creatures and kill them!"

"I know many of you have never seen blood, and are even terrified of seeing blood."

"But I don't want you to see blood on the battlefield for the first time in the future. Remember...you can save people only if you kill people!"



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