I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 542 The Fourth Wooden Coffin

Dumbledore looked at the three-headed and six-armed mermaid statue through half-moon glasses. He looked at it carefully for a long time, and his blue eyes shone brightly.

"It is a statue of the three mermaid sisters Parcelope, Siren and Scylla."

When Rove and Shirley discussed in private, there was such a guess, but there was no evidence, so he asked in a low voice:

"How did you find out?"


Dumbledore waved his wand, and a huge stone flew out of a wooden box and landed on the desk.

Rove noticed a brightly colored mural carved on the stone:

On a large hall, there is a two-tailed mermaid holding a scepter, and the lower part of the painting depicts a group of marine magical creatures kneeling down to her.

Rove compared the twin-tailed mermaid mural with the golden statue, and after a while, pointed to one of the heads, saying:

"She looks like the mermaid in the mural."

"Yes, they are indeed similar, so I conclude that they are the same mermaid." Dumbledore said.

"Where did you get the mural?" Rove asked.

"Golden Mermaid Tribe." Dumbledore held the teacup, twirled the rim with his fingers, smelled the refreshing aroma, as if the aroma of tea could also intoxicate people, squinted and said:

"It's the family of the twin-tailed mermaid I asked you to help cure last year——Myrcella."

Rove said in surprise, "So, she is Parse Loper?"

"That's right, the eldest of the three sisters, Parse Loper." Dumbledore took a sip of his tea, nodded and said:

"She fell in love with Odysseus, the ancient Greek wizard, and left Avalon to pursue him."

"The Golden Mermaid family is the descendant of Parse Loper, so there are many murals of her. This is one of them."

"So," Rove pondered, "the other two heads are Siren and Scylla?"

"I suppose so, though I haven't seen them."

Dumbledore focused his gaze on the statue, then looked down, and saw the six hands of the mermaid, each holding:

Crosses, chests, sickles,

And... three torches.

The old man frowned slightly and said, "But I don't know what the cross, the box, the sickle and the three torches mean."

"Rove, I remember you said that Ravenclaw a thousand years ago left you a secret room. Since this statue was also left by her, maybe there is an answer in it."

Rove nodded and said, "I asked Helena, she knows the entrance to the secret room, and I will take the time to go there."

"That's good." Dumbledore smiled.

"But speaking of meaning, I do know the function of the torch." Rove said suddenly.

"Oh?" The old man made a demeanor of listening attentively.

"When Shirley and I found the statue, its torch was burning, and we reached out and touched the statue, and we entered a fog," Rove said.

"Fog?" Dumbledore narrowed his eyes.

"There was a lot of fog, and people could still be heard cursing, howling and crying in the fog." Rove recalled his experience in Ravenclaw's tomb, and said slowly:

"Shirley and I followed the sound and walked forward, the fog quickly disappeared, we actually appeared in Hogwarts, and met a wizard named Tertius.

And he obviously died not long ago. "

After listening to the boy's words, Dumbledore was deeply amazed in his voice.

"Rove, according to your description, I think this statue brought you and Shirley into Tertius's illusion... It's really surprising that it still has this ability."

Seeing the shocked look on the old man's face, Rove asked doubtfully, "Didn't you enter the illusion before?"

"I have been in it, but it was only my own illusion, not someone else's." Dumbledore shook his head.

"How did you get in?" Rove asked curiously.

"With the invisibility cloak."

"Invisibility cloak?" Rove raised his eyebrows.

"Thirteen years ago, I found an invisibility cloak from James Potter." Dumbledore sat on the chair and gently answered the boy's questioning gaze.

"The general invisibility cloak is a traveling cloak woven with the illusion spell or the hair of an invisible beast. It can be invisible at first, but after a long time, it will gradually reveal its reality."

"And James's invisibility cloak is very old, and it is permanently effective and keeps invisible."

Knowing the reason, Rove said softly, "Is it one of the invisibility cloaks in the Deathly Hallows?"

"That's right." Dumbledore nodded, "I asked James, and he told me that this invisibility cloak has been passed down in their family for many generations, and it first came from Iolance Peverell.

Aiolans was the only child of the Peverell family in that generation. She had no brothers, so she inherited the family's invisibility cloak.

Iolance later married Hadwin Potter, and the Cloak of Invisibility was transferred from Peverell to the Potter family and passed down from generation to generation. "

"And Iolance Peverell is the descendant of Ignotus Peverell, the third in the story of the three brothers.

So I was sure that the invisibility cloak was the Deathly Hallows! "

Dumbledore got up and paced slowly around the room.

"I don't really think much about the invisibility cloak, because I can be invisible very well, it doesn't work for me.

But according to legend, the wizard who possesses three Deathly Hallows at the same time is the true conqueror of death. So, I borrowed it back and researched it for a while, and then discovered it..."

Rove looked at Dumbledore and murmured, "Can you enter the Misty Illusion?"

"That's right, that invisibility cloak, like this mermaid statue, can enter the world of the dead." Dumbledore said with a serious expression:

"But that invisibility cloak can only enter your own twilight illusion, far inferior to this statue, which can travel to other people's twilight illusion. This ability is just like..."

Dumbledore paused and exclaimed, "Death!"

Rove didn't speak, but thought about where Ravenclaw got this treasure and why he put it in his tomb.

"Besides this statue, you are still in Ravenclaw's tomb, have you found anything else?" asked Dumbledore.

"A golden apple tree, like the elderberry in Grindelwald, comes from Avalon." Rove said softly:

"There is also a wooden coffin with the symbols of the Deathly Hallows engraved on the lid."

"I heard from my grandfather that he had seen a similar wooden coffin in the centaur tribe. Have you seen it, Professor Dumbledore?"

"I haven't seen it, but I have heard of it." Dumbledore said calmly: "In fact, it is rumored that Hogwarts also has such a wooden coffin."

Rove suddenly looked up at the old man.

"It has been passed down from generation to generation that there is a wooden coffin somewhere in the depths of Hogwarts Castle," said Dumbledore.

"This wooden coffin is providing Hogwarts with magic so that it can continue to operate on its own, so for thousands of years, this castle has never had external energy supply."

Rove was so shocked that he couldn't speak. If this legend is true...then this would be the fourth coffin.




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