I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 535 Rove, I want to see you big dragon!

September 1,

Hogwarts finally ushered in the start of school.

Compared with the past, there were many black-clothed men outside platform 9 this time. They were tall and stern, and even wearing sunglasses, they could feel the murderous look in their eyes.

Even the Muggle guards who are used to being arrogant on weekdays dare not approach.

"They're all Aurors!" Tonks, who was standing outside the platform and checking his luggage, said in a low voice:

"In order to prevent the Death Eaters from attacking again, Minister Fudge specially sent them to protect the students... Is it okay to pretend?"

"It's really okay to pretend." Rove glanced at the menacing men in black, and said with a smile:

"If you don't tell me, I thought they were the mafia, they came to the train station to rob."

"What is the Mafia?" Tonks asked with great interest, "That word sounds pretty cool!"

Rove thought for a while, and described it in easy-to-understand words: "You can be understood as a Muggle Death Eater."

After realizing that mafia is not a good word, Tonks rolled his eyes slightly at the boy, raised his fist, waved and said:

"Are you talking nonsense again? Be careful, I'll catch you!"

"Then hurry up and catch it." Rove pointed to the group of reporters holding cameras not far away, and said with a chuckle:

"If you catch it here, it's time to go to the Daily Prophet—shocking! The female Auror violently enforced the law and arrested innocent students!"

"No way." Tonks said with a confident smile:

"Those reporters were invited by Minister Fudge. They are not Rita Skeeter, and they dare not touch such topics that cannot be discussed."

Shirley, who was standing beside Rove, asked curiously, "What are you here for?"

"Taking pictures... writing news." Tonks blinked and said:

"Read the newspaper tomorrow. There must be reports about the most beautiful Aurors, the most beautiful scenery, or praises for the Ministry of Magic escorting the little wizard to start school."

"..." Fudge knows how to put on a show.

But this is also normal. After the catastrophic accident in the Quidditch World Cup, Fudge's current approval rating has dropped to the lowest level in history.

And in the black market, the odds of Fudge continuing to serve as minister next year are also soaring... If you don't give yourself some favorability, you will really pack up and leave next year.

Seeing that Tonks wanted to open his suitcase to see if he was carrying any prohibited items, Rove joked:

"First of all, as a recipient of the Merlin Medal, I will definitely not bring prohibited items... Just because of our relationship, do I still need to check my luggage?"

"No, your box is the key target of the Auror Office!" Tonks said, but turned his eyes around, glanced around, and said in a low voice:

"But if you promise me one thing, you won't check."

"whats the matter?"

"I went to the Weasleys' house the other day and heard Ginny bring up the night of the Quidditch World Cup final. She said you had a dragon...a big, fierce dragon."

Tonks pulled Rove's arm with great interest, and said expectantly:

"Let me take a look, let me sit on it, and try how it feels. I haven't ridden a dragon yet!"


Tonks didn't see Rove's big dragon in the end, not because he didn't want to, but because there were so many people here that it wasn't suitable for him to come out.

Saying goodbye to Tonks, Rove and Shirley walked through the wall and came to platform 9.

A bright red Hogwarts Express train was parked on the platform and was emitting billowing smoke. Many students and parents stood by the train and said their final farewell.

The appearance of Rove seemed to press the silent button, and the platform, which was extremely noisy just now, fell silent in an instant.

Everyone stared at him undisguisedly, as if looking at a rare animal.

No way, Rove made so much noise this summer that everyone couldn't help but focus on him when they saw his wizard.

Many people wanted to run over to get Rove's signature, but because of the Aurors, no one dared to rush around for a while.

They were afraid that they would get too excited and be regarded by the Aurors as the Death Eaters who attacked the famous Scamander...and then killed him.

Then find someone to reason with!

Shirley and Rove walked side by side, and she secretly looked at the boy out of the corner of her eye, and her heart was still full of unknown pride.

Ha, why is my eyesight so good?

The girl with ponytails smiled and squinted her eyes, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and then quickly lowered, it disappeared in a flash, and it was difficult to detect.

When they were approaching the train gate, they bumped into the Weasley couple who came to see them off. They greeted each other, and Mr. Weasley suddenly said:

"Rolf, I have something to tell you."

"Well, Shirley, you go up first." Rove said, "See which compartment Hermione and the others are in."

The girl with ponytail hummed lightly, took the box from Rove, and said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley politely, before walking towards the train.

Looking at Shirley, Mrs. Weasley couldn't help feeling that she wished she had such a gentle, quiet and well-behaved daughter.

Mr. Weasley led Rove to the corner of the platform. After a moment of silence, he sighed and said:

"Lucius Malfoy was acquitted yesterday by the Ministry of Magic."

It was the first time for Rove to hear the news, but he had already expected it, and he didn't have too many emotional fluctuations.

Yes, McNeill did identify Malfoy as the mastermind behind the attack on the Quidditch World Cup, but Malfoy had an alibi.

On the night of the incident, Malfoy was with Fudge the whole time, and there were even a dozen Aurors to prove it to him.

Therefore, McNeil's identification cannot convict Malfoy.

"Malfoy was released that day, and he went to my office specifically." Mr. Weasley said with an ugly face:

"It was just the two of us, and Malfoy admitted that he was involved in the attack that night, but he didn't kill me, which is a pity.

He also threatened me to stop working for Dumbledore, or I would die sooner or later! "

"Does Malfoy really have to say that?" Rove raised his eyebrows, this old boy is so arrogant now?

"Yes, that's what Malfoy said, he looks very confident." Mr. Weasley said seriously:

"Rove, Hogwarts will hold the Triwizard Tournament this semester, and there will be other schools participating. There will be a mixed bag of fish and dragons. You must be careful, and it is best not to participate in the Triwizard Tournament."

Rove didn't agree or refuse, but just said softly:

"I see, Mr. Weasley, thank you for your reminder, I will be careful."

"Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley urged loudly: "Arthur, the train is about to start, let Rove get on the train quickly!"

"Okay, Molly!" said Mr. Weasley, and turning to Rove again, he whispered even more urgently, "Be careful."

Rove nodded and walked towards the train.

A loud whistle blew, and the crew walked along the train, shutting all the doors.

The Hogwarts Express made a dirty sound and headed into the distance.



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