I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 511 Bulk Britain

The Dangerous Animals Committee is, as the name suggests: a committee for dealing with magical animals that threaten the safety of the wizarding world.

Walton McNeil, the Commission's Chief Executioner, specialized in the execution of magical creatures deemed dangerous.

In fact, eight generations of McNeil's ancestors have done this kind of work.

Even before the Statute of Secrecy, wizards of the McNeil family were still executioners in Muggle society.

They have executed a large number of muggles with their own hands, including kings, such as:

Mary I, Queen of Scots, Charles I, King of England, and the famous King of France...Louis XVI.

In addition, more than half of the ghosts in the Headless Hunters were beheaded by wizards from the McNeil family.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a professional.

Nearly Headless Nick, the most memorable thing in his life is that he was executed that year and did not meet a McNeil executioner.

So much so that his head was not completely separated from his neck, and he could no longer enter the Headless Hunter team!

In short, execution is indeed McNeill's ancestral craft.

In the original time and space, Walton McNeil was the executioner for Hagrid's Hippogriff attack on Draco.

Thanks to Rove's help, Buckbeak was exonerated by transferring the case to the Department of Education of the Ministry of Magic, and McNeil was not given a chance to make a phone call, but the boy still had a deep memory of him.

Because...he also has a hidden identity, which is a Death Eater.

McNeill, like Lucius Malfoy, is a Death Eater who escaped prison!

When Rove saw such a wizard in a list of magical creatures, he would naturally focus his suspicion on him.

But doubts are just doubts. If they want to become facts, they need evidence, and before looking for evidence, they must first brew an antidote.

After Shirley, Margaery, and Hermione finished shopping, Rove took the three of them as strong men and pulled them in to help him brew potions.

The four of them hurried and practiced shooting occasionally, and finally brewed the potion on the day of the competition.

This also made Fudge's hanging heart completely drop.

With the approach of the opening game of the Quidditch World Cup, there are more and more wizards in the camp, and there are tens of thousands of wizards.

It is common to see long queues of several kilometers in order to fetch water and go to public toilets.

Looking at those crowded teams, there is even a sense of "how come there are so many wizards".

This can't be helped. As the Quidditch World Cup held every four years, it is undoubtedly an indispensable feast for wizards.

As long as there are free wizards in the world, even if they buy tickets from scalpers at a high price, they will come to watch the World Cup. There are also people who quit their jobs and sell their houses to pool money to watch the World Cup.

It can only be said that this is a kind of belief!

What the Vietnamese Ministry of Magic does is the most humane.

In order to let everyone have time to watch the game, I directly worked overtime for a month, did not have a holiday for four weekends, and finally gathered five days of vacation.

This kind of rest plan... is simply heart-warming, and it can be called the most beautiful Ministry of Magic!

As the number of people doubled, various problems appeared in the camp:

Some people came too late, and all the good places were taken. The tents were not too far from the arena and toilets, or the location was too bad. They were very dissatisfied.

There are also fans from various countries, direct offline real-life PK, and the fans of Scotland and England have fought several times.

Finally, after careful investigation, it was discovered that it was the Irish fans next door who secretly made a fuss.

It is worthy of being bulk Britain, a small Jiangsu in Europe.

The Korean and American Quidditch teams have reconciled, but the disputes between the fans of the Russian and Ukrainian teams have intensified. As long as they drink some vodka, they will fight each other.

Waiting until the night when the Russian Minister of Magic arrived at the stadium brought this conflict to its climax.

It turned out that the big tent where he lived was attacked by a small toy broomstick and almost set a flag on the top of the tent on fire.

Of course, the Minister of Magic of Ukraine immediately denied it, saying that this incident had nothing to do with him, and that the Russian fans did it themselves.

It can only be said that this wave does not hurt much, but it is extremely insulting.

Amidst the commotion, almost all the British Ministry of Magic moved to the arena and went to work directly on the spot.

Most of the Aurors have also gathered here, and the security level has been raised to the highest in history. Even last year's pursuit of Pettigrew Peter did not have such a battle.

Some old Aurors who have retired are temporarily recalled to participate in the maintenance of camp order, but overtime pay will definitely not be paid. After all, they have already retired and are not part of a labor relationship, let alone protected by labor laws in the magic world.

In addition to being cheap, this kind of retired Auror is also a good backer. As long as someone violently enforces the law, he can be fired as a temporary worker.

Anyway, no matter what, Fudge does not allow any country, region or dark wizard to destroy this World Cup.

He just focused on selling wave tickets, taking care of the World Cup advertising fees, gambling taxes and fees... He's going to hit it hard.

As night fell, in the Quidditch World Cup stadium, the patchwork lights lit up one by one, and it became more and more lively.

All the wizards took their tickets and walked towards the Quidditch field.

Tina, who arrived in time, looked at the crowd and said with a smile, "I haven't seen so many wizards for a long time."

"Yeah." Newt nodded lightly. Surrounded by so many people, he was on the verge of autism.

Compared with Quidditch games, the old man still prefers to be with those magical creatures, even squatting on the ground to watch the ants move is more interesting than this.

But it's also fun to take my wife, grandson and granddaughter to watch the game.

Newt looked at Rove, then glanced at Margaery, Shirley, and Hermione beside him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart... just that there are too many granddaughters.

When they went to the box on the top floor, they walked through the high-level passage, and there were very few wizards here, so they came to the entrance without queuing.

Rove took out a bunch of tickets, and the witch of the Ministry of Magic at the entrance checked them again, then glanced at the boy again, and was stunned for a while.

"Miss, what's the matter, is there a problem with the ticket?" Rove asked.

The witch came back to her senses and hurriedly shook her head and said, "No, Mr. Rove Scamander... six first-class tickets... please go to the box on the top floor... the nameplate of the room is Uranus!"

"Thank you." Rove put away the ticket and walked up the stairs.

After walking up the stairs, Hermione asked in confusion, "Do you know that witch just now?"

"I don't know." Rove shook his head: "I've never seen it before."

"Then how does she know your name?"

"Are there any wizards in England who don't know my name?" Rove said calmly.




(Thanks to "A Red Apricot Comes Out of the Wall", "Human Emperor" and "Riddler Get Out" for their rewards.)

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