I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 509 Rove: Shirley, I will teach you how to shoot a gun

Margaery really had to leave Rove behind and take Shirley and Hermione to the hot springs.

The hot spring pool is on the fourth floor. It is a very small pool. It is said that Newt used magic to get it from the tropical rainforest in Brazil to bathe with Tina.

So, don't look at Newt being autistic, in fact he was sullen when he was young.

In this regard, Rove really needs to learn more from his grandfather, and he also wants to build a natural hot spring in his box where men and women can bathe together.

Of course, he could go to the mixed bath with Margaery now, but considering that Shirley and Hermione might hold his head and drown at the bottom of the hot spring pool... He just thought about it and didn't dare to really go.

If Margaery knew about it, she would probably have to curse again: "Bah, you have a wicked heart but no guts!"

Rove didn't go to the hot spring, and quickly returned to his box to brew the potion.

The opening ceremony of the World Cup is coming, and the mascot will also perform. He must seize the time to brew an antidote.

Speaking of the opening ceremony, the host England national team will play against Transylvania.

This matchup was not random.

The world ranking of the Transylvania team is the lowest among the 16 participating teams, far inferior to the fifth-ranked England team.

When it comes to the total salary of the players, the gap is even bigger. In the words of Art Lee, a famous commentator on Quidditch on the ground:

Transylvania is at the level of the lower reaches of the five major leagues, and they are all leftovers. If Transylvania can win England, he will eat shit on his head.

It can only be said that there is indeed a big gap between the strengths of the two teams on the bright side, otherwise they would not let them play against the host.

But the Quaffle is round after all, and the game can't just be about worth.

And... Anyone who often watches the British and Irish Quidditch League Cups knows that the salaries of British players are very high.

Because of the British club's team, there must be 4 local players among the 7 players, with the blessing of household registration, and their worth is inflated.

Rove soon came to a snow field and found a nest made of ice under a cedar tree.

A group of gray and furry flying insects were flying in and out, flying around without stopping for a moment.

These are heartworms, which feed on plucked nettles, which yield a sweet syrup resembling honey.

Rove went under the ice nest, took out a dagger, smashed the bottom of the ice nest, and took out a large piece of spleen.

At this time, the heartbreaker was startled, and a group of bugs rushed out and attacked Rove, but their thorns couldn't penetrate the young man's skin at all, and could only surround him in impotent rage.

Rove unhurriedly took out the potion, sprayed it around, and drove away the heartworms that followed him, and then returned to the wooden house with the spleen.

Rove sat in front of a crucible, erected the honeycomb vertically, dipped a sharp honey knife in hot water from bottom to top, and slowly cut the sweet pulp into the crucible in a saw-like manner.

At this moment, footsteps came from the door, the boy looked up and saw Shirley walking in.

She had just taken a shower, wearing an emerald green nightdress, with a faint and elegant fragrance on her body, her hair was half dry, thinly draped over her shoulders.

Luo Fu stared at Shirley, wondering: "Have you soaked in the hot spring so soon?"

The girl hummed lightly, but her expression was a little strange.

Seeing this, Rove smiled and said, "It can't be that Margaery is in the hot spring pool, making a move on you and Hermione, right?

That's why you hurried out of there. "

This is indeed something Margaery can do. She used to break into the bathroom suddenly while Rove was taking a bath, and do some hooligan behaviors to him.

"No hands or feet." Xue Li blushed: "It's just a topic of chatting with us...not serious."

Rove suddenly became interested, and asked curiously, "Why are you being unprincipled?"

Shirley was thin-skinned and embarrassed to say it out loud. Seeing Rove's repeated urging, she blushed and said shyly:

"It's just talking about the figure... Margery said...the place that should be convex should be convex, and the place that should be puffy should be puffed up...she also wants to teach Hermione and me...what to do with breasts."

"What the fuck is Feng?"

Shirley gave the young man a slight look, and hummed in a soft voice, "You don't know? Margaery said, you taught her."

Rove almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, and said: "This really wronged me! I taught her radio gymnastics and eye exercises.

I have also taught you these two sets of exercises, they are all serious stuff, don't listen to her spreading rumors! "

"Margaery said that you will definitely not admit it." Shirley said with a half-smile:

"She also said that you are duplicity. You obviously like it very much in your heart, but you refuse to admit it."


Rove sighed. The glorious image he had built up with great difficulty was about to be completely destroyed by Margaery.

The boy was still thinking about how to "revenge" Margaery, when he saw Shirley take it out of her pocket...

a gun!

The young man was stunned, why did he start to draw a gun at a disagreement?

Xue Li held the gun and asked in a low voice, "This is a gift from Margaery, how do you think it should be handled?"

Rove breathed a sigh of relief, pondered for a moment and said, "Since it was sent by Margaery, keep it safe."

"There are a lot of guns in Laomei. Little wizards are very dangerous outside the school, and they can't use magic. Basically, everyone has a pistol for self-defense."

"You can think of it as an American wand, anyway, this thing is much easier to use than a magic wand."

"But I don't know how to use it," Shirley said.

"It's okay, I'm a famous sharpshooter." Rove patted his legs, grinned and said:

"Shirley, sit here and I'll teach you how to shoot."

Shirley tilted her head, stared at the boy's smiling face, and said suspiciously:

"Are you sure you trained your gun like this?"

"Of course." Rove nonsense seriously:

"You haven't played with guns before, so you don't understand... Guns are different from wands. They have recoil. A powerful gun can break your arm.

You sit on my lap, and I can help you stabilize your body and reduce the recoil, making it easier to press the gun. "

Shirley was dubious, but of course she was more suspicious. She always felt that Rove's teaching was not serious about shooting.

But Rove had already stretched out his hand, hugged the girl, and pressed it on his leg. She struggled symbolically, and sat limply on the boy's lap.

Rove put his hand on Shirley's, took her hand holding the gun, and said softly, "The safety catch must be opened first."

Following the position of his fingers, Shirley gently pulled the safety catch.

"Sight, ruler, target. Three points and one line." The boy patiently pointed to each position and introduced.

Shirley aimed at a tree outside the door, and tried to pull the trigger according to what he said. The gunshot rang suddenly, and the bullets poured out, hitting the tree with a muffled "bang bang".

The gunshots startled a flock of birds perched in the trees, which quacked and fluttered into the air.

Rove hugged Shirley's slender waist, and breathed out by her earlobe, "Yes, it's so accurate the first time, very talented...continue."

Shirley felt the dishonest movements of the young man behind her, especially the warm touch around her waist, which made her feel like she was getting an electric shock.

She shyly patted Rove's hands off his waist, raised her head slightly, stared at the young man, and asked, "Aren't you going to practice guns?"

"Yes." Rove looked at Shirley's wine-red eyes, nodded, and said seriously:

"So I'm simulating the real environment, intentionally artificially disturbing your concentration, you see... aren't you being disturbed by me?

Practice your gun with your heart, don't pay attention to my movements. "

The girl didn't speak, but just blinked. She grabbed the boy's arm with a flushed face and put it back on her waist.

Shirley fired again, only this time the arm was so slanted that none of the bullets hit the tree.

After a round of magazines was emptied, the girl was already limp in Woluofu's arms. When she let go, the gun fell to the ground with a clang.

Shirley turned around suddenly, wrapped her arms around Rove's neck tremblingly, closed her eyes, panted lightly and said, "I'm tired...let's practice again later."

"Okay...it seems that your concentration is still insufficient, you need to practice more in the future."

As Rove said, he lowered his head and kissed Shirley's lips deeply.



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