I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 503 The Sick Veela

Taking the Portkey, Rove, Shirley and Hermione soon left London and appeared in an open space.

Rove has long been accustomed to traveling with the Portkey, and his feet landed on the ground very firmly.

Shirley and Hermione were a little dizzy, and they staggered for a moment, and the boy held his arm, so they didn't fall down.

After stabilizing her figure, Hermione raised her head and looked around. She who was excited at first suddenly showed disappointment.

The imaginary scene of loud gongs and drums, firecrackers blaring, red flags waving, and crowds of people did not appear, but only a misty... wilderness and mountains.

"This is the venue for the Quidditch World Cup?" Hermione said in disbelief, "Why is it so desolate?"

"It's not the arena." Rove shook his head and said, "It's still a few miles away from the arena and camp."

"So far?" Shirley asked a little puzzled, "Why doesn't the Portkey send us directly to the camp?"

"In order to make it easier for wizards from all over the world to arrive at the Quidditch field, the Ministry of Magic has made many portal keys and placed them in different locations." Rove patiently explained:

"Although they are all inconspicuous small objects, they may be picked up by Muggles, and they will be brought here accidentally."

"If the portkeys were set near the camp, they would come into contact with the wizard and possibly hide in tents, which would be a hassle to find.

But in the wilderness, the staff of the Ministry of Magic can easily find Muggles...and deal with them. "

Both Shirley and Hermione suddenly realized that there were such small details in it.

When Rove talked about Muggles taking the Portkey by mistake, he suddenly remembered an interesting incident, and said with a smile:

"When I was a child, I went to see Celestina Warbeck's concert with Margery, and some Muggles used the Portkey to suddenly teleport to the scene."

"And then?" Shirley asked with interest.

"Cetina Warbeck took that Muggle and sang "A Pot of Fiery Love" with her." Rove tutted:

"After the concert, officials from the Magical Congress of America erased the person's memory with an amnesiac, but she still remembered the melody after she returned to the Muggle world.

She later re-wrote the lyrics and wrote a song with the same melody, which became the North American single sales champion that year. "

Hermione was a little shocked: "What's the name of that Muggle singer?"



While the three of them were chatting, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in the distance. "You three, hurry up and register!"

Rove turned around and saw a familiar figure walking out of the thin mist. He smiled and said:

"Tonks, why are you here?"

"Ah, Rove!" Tonks also recognized the boy, and said pleasantly, "When did you come back from Berlin?"

"It's been almost a week since I came back." Rove looked at her and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Registration for you spectators watching the game." Tonks raised the thick roll of parchment and quill in his hand.

"You were finally fired from the Auror office because you couldn't become a regular?" Rove joked, "Why, you were sent to the Portkey office again?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm an official Auror now!"

Tonks took out an ID from her pocket, which had photos of her activities on it. She raised her eyebrows and said with a triumphant smile:

"How about it, if you continue to arrange me indiscriminately, I will arrest you in my tent on the grounds of obstructing official duties... and torture.

Aurors have many criminal laws that you can't imagine! "

"Oh, it's not the time to beg me to help you solve the case on the Orient Express." Rove sighed:

"Now that you have become a regular, you will turn your face and deny anyone."

"My Auror has a third of your credit." Tonks said with a smile: "Is this the head office?"

"Congratulations on becoming an official Auror, Tonks." Shirley congratulated.

"Congratulations." Tonks winked at the girl with ponytails and said, "I'll invite you to eat later."

"That's about the same." Rove said strangely again: "No, you are an Auror, why do you do the registration work here?"

"There's not enough manpower, let me help." Tonks's eyes flickered, seeing the young man staring at her with disbelief, she could only sigh, and said honestly:

"Okay... I made a small mistake when I was working, so I was sent over by Minister Fudge."

"What's wrong?"

Tonks hesitated for a long time before saying embarrassedly:

"When dividing the tent positions for the national Quidditch teams, I arranged the Ukrainian and Russian teams next door, and the Israeli and Palestine teams at the opposite door.

Then, those players fought. "


Rove was a little speechless, he really wanted to know if Tonks was careless, not on purpose?

"By the way, Minister Fudge said that when you arrive at the camp, you will be asked to find him in his tent." Tonks reminded again:

"His tent is in the middle of the first camp, a four-story purple tent."

"I see." Rove nodded and said, "I'll help you say a few nice words in front of Minister Fudge later."


The three of them bid farewell to Tonks, walked through the uninhabited swamp for about twenty minutes, and gradually a camp appeared in front of them.

Tens of thousands of grotesque tents climbed the gentle slope of a vast field that stretched out to a dark wood on the horizon.

Rove took Shirley and Hermione through a group of tents, and soon came to a tent with a very ordinary appearance. He stopped and said:

"It's here, you two go in, my sister Margaery is inside."

"Aren't you going in?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

Rove shook his head quickly and said, "I'll go to Minister Fudge first."

The young man looked in along the curtain, but he didn't see Margaret's figure. He breathed a sigh of relief, and whispered again:

"My sister's brain is not working well, you two must be careful...I'm going first."

Rove hurriedly carried the suitcase, stayed away from this place of right and wrong, and walked towards the first camp according to the address given by Tonks.

In the center of the camp, there was a tent that was particularly conspicuous. It was built in the shape of a four-story building, with several turrets beside it, and several Aurors were guarding the door.

Rove walked to the door, nodded to one of the tall, dark-skinned wizards, and said:

"Kingsley, I'm here at Minister Fudge's invitation."

"Rove, Minister Fudge is in the room, you just go in." Kingsley said.

Carrying the suitcase, Rove walked in and saw an extra-large office with a soft carpet on the floor, a long black oak table, and dark walnut sofas around it.

Minister Fudge was sitting at his desk, writing something. After hearing the sound of footsteps, he raised his head and said in surprise:

"Rove, you're finally here."

Rove exchanged pleasantries with the minister for a while, and asked, "How are those magical creatures?"

"It's terrible." Fudge sighed, "Especially those veela..."

Hearing the word Veela, Rove licked his lips and said excitedly:

"Then what are you waiting for... let's go, I'm going to treat Veela right now!"



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