I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 356 Ronan's Warning

As Rove, who had two and a half years of wandering experience in the Forbidden Forest, he took Shirley away from Hogwarts very easily.

The two also met Professor McGonagall who was on patrol halfway. Rove almost broke out in a cold sweat. After all, she said that if she took Shirley and Hermione on a night trip, she would break his leg.

This time it was even more extreme, instead of going on a night excursion, he went to the Forbidden Forest. Professor McGonagall would "catch him in bed", and it might break not just one leg, but three cruel legs.

After leaving the castle, Rove and Shirley rode a broomstick, passed Hagrid's cabin, flew into the deep forbidden forest, and finally landed by a lake.

Shirley raised her head and looked around, seeing a scene she had never seen before:

The gray dark forest is shrouded in warm mist and floating moonlight.

The lake was still steaming under the trees, and the misty steam enveloped the trees like the breath and whisper of the forest.

Xue Li squatted by the lake, reached out and scooped up a handful of water in the palm of her hand, shaking it gently, she asked in a low voice, "The water is hot, is this a hot spring?"

"It's not a hot spring. There are magical creatures active underwater, heating up the lake," Rove explained.

He bent down to pick up a flat stone, and threw it sideways. After making a dozen ripples on the water, the stone hit the mound rock on the opposite bank.

The water float seemed to wake up from something, there was a rattling sound from the water, and there was still light shining, flickering on and off, like thousands of fireflies wrapped in silver flames.

Xue Li looked at the bottom of the water and asked in surprise, "Is it a red flame crab?"

"That's right!" Rove stretched his right hand into the water, bent his middle finger, and trembled repeatedly. Soon a crab took the bait and pinched his finger.

It was a black crab with two bright white stripes on its back, a blue belly and pink eyes.

Rove once received a task from the system about the Red Flame Crab. As long as the domestication is completed, it can breathe fire...but it's just the butt that breathes fire.

If this skill is used after eating Wallace, the picture is really unimaginable... So, he refused without thinking.

Luo Fu and Shirley caught a lot of Red Flame Crabs with their nets. The steamed crabs are extremely delicious...you must try them!

After crabbing, the two came to a winding path paved with cracked rocks covered in moss and half buried in brown dirt and fallen leaves.

Thick brown roots came up from under the rocks, and people could trip over them if they were not careful.

Shirley was holding an ancient yellowed map with undulating mountains, and patterns of magical creatures were drawn in some areas as territory marks.

This map has been handed down by the Scamander family for many centuries.

Every Scamander working in the field of magical beasts will go into the Forbidden Forest to explore, and then draw what they find on the map.

Rove has gone deep into the Forbidden Forest in recent years and has also made many revisions to it.

He pointed to the names of the places and mountains, explained and introduced them to Shirley one by one, and finally reminded:

"We are at this location now. To the south is the centaur tribe, to the east is the habitat of the acromantula, and to the north is a group of giant monsters."

Shirley nodded slightly, and suddenly asked in a low voice:

"Rove, if I make a new discovery in the Forbidden Forest, can I also mark it on this map?"

"Of course." Luo Fu pointed to the map and said, "Look here, it's written by my grandma, isn't it ugly?"

Xue Li looked at the handwriting written by the octopus, held back her smile and said, "It's so pretty."

Luo Fu reached out to hold her ponytail, tugged it lightly, and said with a smile, "Okay, it's just the two of us here, and I won't sue you secretly."

The ponytail girl smiled brightly, raised her head slightly, stared at Rove's side face and said, "I really do!"

Luo Fu gave Shirley a thumbs up, and praised, "With your sweet mouth, my grandma will definitely like you very much when she sees you."

Shirley pursed her lips and said with a smile, "I will keep it up!"

Rove narrowed his eyes suddenly. He took out a short knife, held the blade between his thumb and forefinger, raised it over his shoulder, flicked his wrist, and skillfully shot the knife towards a big tree.

The short knife hit the tree trunk, shaking with the remaining strength.

Soon, a centaur emerged from behind the tree. He had red hair and a beard, and a long red tail was dragging behind him.

"Good evening, Ronan." Rove greeted happily, "Long time no see."

Ronan glanced at the obsidian dagger, and said with a sad expression, "Rofe, you almost stabbed me in the head just now, is this your greeting gift?"

"Don't worry, I'm sensible." Rove smiled and said, "You're late."

"Our tribe is under martial law. It's very troublesome to come out at night." Ronan complained: "The Forbidden Forest is very dangerous recently. You shouldn't be here, and you shouldn't ask me out."

"Professor Dumbledore said that he can come to the Forbidden Forest. I believe his judgment even more."

Rove introduced: "Xue Li, this is Ronan, I told you... the horse man who misses Bain's fiancée..."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, kid!" Ronan jumped up and said, "Since when have I thought about Bain's fiancée?"

"Well, Nymeria was not released with your help?"

"Shh, don't dare to say that nonsense!" Ronan glanced around vigilantly, then lowered his voice and said:

"I have nothing to do with Nymeria, but you... You provided her weapons and potions for half a year, and I said you two are having an affair."


Shirley smiled. She had heard Rove mention the horsewoman named Nymeria, and she had always been curious about her, wanting to see what she looked like.

Ronan looked at Shirley, who was dressed like a witch hunter, and frowned, "You still bring the pony to the forest?"

"Shirley is my assistant." Rove explained, "I brought her to the Forbidden Forest to find her way."

"You even have an assistant?"

Ronan came over. After seeing Shirley's appearance clearly, he marveled that this human witch was a bit prettier than Nymeria. He clicked his tongue meaningfully:

"Rove, are you sure you don't have ulterior motives?"

"Get lost!" Rove said bluntly, "How's the Forbidden Forest going?"

"It's very dangerous." Ronan whispered: "We centaurs usually don't come out at night, and the acromantia has no manager. They kill each other and many of them died."

"It's okay, I'll bring Aragog back this time to re-handle the Acrysander." Rove said softly.

"Ronan, do you know what happened in the Forbidden Forest a few months ago?"

On Halloween night, there was a blinding white light in the Forbidden Forest, when Dumbledore also left the headmaster's office to go to the Forbidden Forest.

Ronan sighed. He raised his head and stared at the sky.

"Mars is very bright tonight." Rove said, "I know...to be serious."


Ronan hesitated, but he still didn't answer. Finally, he sighed softly and said, "There are many secrets hidden in the forest."

"Xue Li, you see, this is the centaur." Rove said softly, "They are all riddlers, they know a lot of things... but they don't want to reveal it to the outside world."

"Rofe, I really can't tell you what happened." Ronan shook his head and said, "You don't want to see me being hunted down by the tribe like Nymeria?"

"Forget it, I won't force you anymore." Rove said seriously:

"Ronan, you take us directly to the scene of the crime, isn't that a problem? If you don't take us there, I'll go find Nymeria. Anyway, she and I are now in a cooperative relationship."

Ronan stared upwards without blinking. After a while, he sighed and said:

"All right."



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