I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 346 Pettigrew Peter is still alive?

Rove picked up Peter's head and put it together with his body, but the neck had been crushed by silver hands, no matter how it was put together, it looked extremely terrifying and weird.

Shirley came over carrying the black box and wanted to help Rove move the body in, but she obviously overestimated her ability to bear it.

Just glancing at the bloody corpse, Xue Li couldn't take it anymore, turned her head, her throat moved, and she squatted on the ground and retched.

Rove walked up to the girl with ponytails, squatted down and gently patted her on the back, while waving his magic wand to dissipate the bloody smell around him.

When Shirley got better, Rove handed over the tissue and asked with concern, "Have you recovered?"

Shirley, whose body was trembling, took the tissue, wiped her lips, and nodded subconsciously.

Rove joked: "I have dealt with so many corpses of magical animals in the past, I thought your tolerance has improved a lot."

Shirley said with a pale face, "Magic creatures and human corpses feel completely different...not to mention dying so horribly."

Rove stroked the soft back of the girl with ponytails, and said with a smile:

"When I saw a dead body for the first time, I was just as embarrassed as you, but it would be nice to kill a few more black wizards."


Shirley stood up slowly, staggered a bit, Rove hurriedly supported her arm, then he turned his head and said with a smile:

"Hermione, why didn't you come to see Peter's corpse? Don't you like watching horror movies the most? This is a realistic horror movie."

During the summer vacation, Hermione often arranged for Rove and Shirley to watch some R-rated movies with her.

Hermione, who was standing on the edge of the corridor, hurriedly shook her head and said, "I'm not going there!"

She tried her best not to vomit, but because the sky was too dark, she couldn't see the corpse, but the smell of blood was uncomfortable enough.

Rove seduced, "Hermione, you're not used to dead people now. Could it be that you'll get used to the battlefield when the Wizarding War breaks out in the future?"

Hermione seemed to think it made sense, she fought between man and nature for a while, and she really walked over by a ghost. She carefully walked around the shocking blood, and then walked to the corpse, and soon vomited.

Rove couldn't help laughing.

Shirley gave the boy a blank look, and quickly squatted down and patted Hermione's back.

If anyone approached the Shrieking Shack, smelling the smell of blood, and hearing bursts of eerie laughter, they would probably be terrified.

Rove waved his wand, a white cloth wrapped Peter's whole body, and then flew into the box.

After Hermione had almost vomited, the three of them followed the secret passage and returned to the edge of Hogwarts.

Standing not far from the Whooping Willow, breathing in the fresh air, Shirley and Hermione finally recovered.

Rove looked up at the stars in the sky and regretted, "I still haven't figured out who saved Peter."

Shirley asked softly, "What if we use the Time-Turner again?"

"No, absolutely not." Hermione said hastily:

"We go back to find Peter Pettigrew one more time, sure to be seen by the Screaming Shack self, which is strictly forbidden.

If discovered by the Ministry of Magic, the most severe laws and punishments will be imposed. "

"And Rove was fighting Peter, and he might attack us."

Hermione said in a deep voice: "There have been wizards who used four or five time-turners at the same time before, and finally killed themselves."

"If we go back to the past and kill our past selves, what will happen?" Shirley asked curiously.

"Maybe it will cause time confusion?" Hermione mused:

"Professor McGonagall told me that Heloise, the silent man of the Department of Mysteries, went back to 1402 for five days.

When she finally returned to the present, her body had aged five centuries and was irreparably damaged, and she died at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Wounds.

The Tuesday after her return to the modern day lasted two and a half days, and Thursday had only four hours left. "

Hermione said solemnly: "Professor McGonagall warned me that time is one of the most important laws in the magic world, and those who play with time at will will also be played by the power of time."

"It's really best not to use the time-turner anymore, even if you go back, it's hard to change anything." Luo Fu asked lowly: "Have you noticed the silver arm that strangled Peter?"

"That's Voldemort's magic!"

In the original time and space, when Voldemort was resurrected, he needed the flesh of his servant, so Peter cut off his arm.

Voldemort gave Peter a silver arm as a reward after his resurrection.

That arm has Voldemort's magic, as long as Peter has the slightest thought of betrayal, the arm will automatically strangle Peter...even if the arm is cut off.

"We asked Peter about the person who saved him. If Peter wanted to answer, that arm would strangle him." Rove shook his head and said: "

"With our ability, even if we go back to the past, it is difficult to ask anything."

Rove's eyes are gloomy, Peter has that arm, has Voldemort been resurrected?

While the young man was thinking, Shirley suddenly pointed at the castle and asked in surprise, "Why are the lights in the auditorium turned on?"

Rove looked up and saw the brightly lit castle in the distance, he couldn't help frowning.

Hermione glanced at the time on her watch, and said in surprise, "We've already caught Peter, and it's impossible for him to sneak into Gryffindor again. Why are the lights in the auditorium on?"

Rove said softly, "Let's go back first."

The teenager took Shirley and Hermione back to the castle on a broomstick.

The three walked up the steps and were about to open the door to enter when they saw a group of professors coming out of the hall.

Professor McGonagall was surprised first, then frowned and said:

"Mr. Scamander, why are you out and not sleeping in the Great Hall?"

"Perhaps hearing the news that Peter sneaked into the Gryffindor lounge, Mr. Scamander wanted to take his female companion to catch Peter." Snape sneered:

"Professor McGonagall, he has always been so arrogant."

Sirius stood aside, also speechless. Under such circumstances, he had no choice but to cover Rove.

He glanced at Rove strangely, then at Shirley and Hermione.

This guy is really good. He took Shirley and a girl out for a night out last time, and this time he took two of them together.

Sirius thought to himself that he was too handsome to do such a thing.

Rove narrowed his eyes and asked, "Professor McGonagall, Peter Pettigrew just sneaked into the Gryffindor lounge?"

"Not long ago, George Weasley and Fred Weasley saw him in the dormitory!" McGonagall pursed her lips and said angrily:

"Dumbledore just notified the news. Were the three of you not in the auditorium just now? Where did you go?!"

"No...it's impossible." Hermione shook her head in disbelief, "Peter Pettigrew...we've already killed him."


Shirley opened the black leather case, and Rove took out Peter's head. His face still maintained a fresh expression of pain, even in the eyes of several professors, it was shocking.

Seeing this scene, not only McGonagall, Sirius, but even Snape were shocked beyond measure.



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