I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 329 Hybridization Experiment in Herbal Medicine Class

Trelawney made a death prophecy about herself... The news quickly spread throughout Hogwarts after class was over.

She used to decide the life and death of others, but this time it was her turn. I have to say that she is indeed very fair.

But her fans and black fans were silent.

Fans certainly believe that Professor Trelawney has powerful prophetic abilities, but doesn't that mean that she is going to die?

Black fans... especially the students whose death was predicted by her, would like Trelawney to die, but if the prediction comes true, won't it prove that she is not a liar?

For a while, the two major forces were entangled, wondering whether they should expect the fulfillment of the prophecy.

However, compared to Trelawney's illusory death prophecy, Gryffindor and Slytherin almost died in the protection of magical animals class.

On the way to herbalism class, the little badgers heard the Gryffindor students coming back from the paddock saying... Malfoy was injured.

After careful inquiring, it turned out that there was a problem in Hagrid's class, and a hippogriff gave Malfoy a slap in the face.

The Gryffindor students described it vividly one by one. It seemed that Malfoy was about to die, and now they were ready to eat.

Standing at the door of the greenhouse, Hermione explained softly: "It's not that serious, Malfoy just injured his hand, and he was sent to the school hospital immediately."

The girl described what happened in detail, and finally said:

"It's Malfoy's own fault anyway. Hagrid said that if you insult a hippogriff, it will attack. But Malfoy didn't listen, and insulted them to their faces."

"Malfoy's father will definitely not care about this..." Neville said with a worried face: "Do you think the school will expel Hagrid?"

"That won't happen." Rove shook his head and said, "Malfoy is no longer the school director, and he has no right to interfere with the school's teachers. With Dumbledore around, Hagrid will not be expelled.

Besides, it was just a teaching accident, not expulsion. "

If there is a teaching accident and students are injured, they will be expelled...the first one to be expelled is Snape.

In his class, students were often injured by burning cauldrons. He also used cold violence in various ways, but he did a good job.

Mrs. Hooch has to be fired too. In what year did she not hurt a few students in her flying class?

"But although Hagrid won't be fired..." Rove reminded, "but that Hippogriff is in danger."

In the original time and space, Malfoy brought this matter to the Ministry of Magic, and finally sentenced the Hippogriff to death.

Just then, Professor Sprout came striding across the lawn, carrying a large bunch of keys, and shouted:

"Okay, come here, children...it's still the third greenhouse today!"

Rove, Hermione, and Neville finished their conversation and followed Sprout towards the greenhouse.

They followed the road, passed through a row of tall fungi, and finally arrived at an unfamiliar area.

There are a lot of peas planted here, they are patchwork, there are tall plants, short plants, and medium-high plants.

The peas also have flowers that look like butterfly wings, and the colors of those flowers are also divided into red, purple and pink.

Those peas look beautiful, they just haven't set their pods yet.

"Does anyone know what this is?" asked Professor Sprout.

Hermione also wanted to talk about the Protection of Fantastic Beasts class, so she couldn't take care of this meeting, so she quickly raised her hand and said, "Bubble Peas."

"That's right, Miss Granger...two points for Gryffindor." Sprout pointed to the group of peas and introduced:

"This is Bubble Pea, a very magical magical plant... Their beans will bloom directly after touching a solid object. That kind of flower can be used to treat coughs."

"Now, who can tell me... among these three types of peas, which one has the best medicinal effect?"

Hermione raised her hand again, "Pink peas have the best medicinal effect. According to the research of the famous botanist Mr. Karoke, the same dosage is 1.5 times that of safflower and twice that of purple peas." times."

"Exactly, five more points for Gryffindor." Professor Sprout asked: "Miss Granger, do you know why the same pea has three different colors of flowers?"

This question was not in the book, and Hermione was at a loss for words for a while.

Professor Sprout looked around, but no one raised their hands to answer. Even Neville, who was the best in herbal medicine, looked at a loss.

Hermione glanced at Rove beside her, and asked in a low voice, "Did you know?"

Rove nodded, Hermione narrowed her eyes, raised her elbow suddenly, and supported the boy's arm.

"Mr Scamander?"

Rove rolled his eyes and pursed his lips with a smirk on Hermione, he replied:

"The safflower of the pea is a visible trait, and the purple flower is an invisible trait. After they are crossed, the offspring will have pink peas...

This phenomenon of showing different traits in hybrid offspring is called trait segregation. "

"Very good." Professor Sprout was a little surprised. She asked curiously, "Mr. Scamander, have you read the Muggle Mendel's paper "Plant Hybridization Experiments"?"

"No, professor, but I have read related books." Rove explained.

He hadn't read Mendel's papers, but he had attended high school biology and was familiar with such things.

"Fifteen points for Hufflepuff." Professor Sprout said in admiration, "I have to say, it's amazing that you can read this amount at your age."

Professor Sprout held a small blackboard and explained Mendel's pea hybridization experiment, but the little wizards looked very confused.

Many students looked at Rove again. They didn't expect him to know such remote knowledge, which is too exaggerated.

There are also students who regret not choosing Muggle studies.

But it's obviously impossible for Muggle studies to have this kind of knowledge. What they lack is... nine years of compulsory education.

Hermione was taking notes while listening to Professor Sprout's explanation. She had no biological foundation, and she was a little confused when she came into contact with some proper nouns suddenly.

"Rove, what does this part mean?"

After Rove explained to Hermione, he asked, "Do you understand?"

"Almost." Hermione nodded.

"Then I will give a simple advanced question to help you further understand."

Rove picked up the quill and hurriedly wrote on the parchment:

"Pea yellow round pea and green wrinkled pea are crossed to produce F1, F1 is self-crossed to get F2, and all the green round peas in F2 are self-crossed to get F3. Find the stable inheritance ratio among the green round pea in F3."


"Think slowly." Rove smiled and said, "Think about it, I still have questions about fruit flies, male and female red-blue blindness, and albinism genetics."




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